I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1032 Worried


In the imperial capital, Shangwen Yazhi touched her smooth and delicate cheeks, and sighed: "I knew I would never go back to the empire, but look at the one who has made me haggard recently, and my skin has become bad."

The expressions of her sisters-in-law are indescribable.

This little sister-in-law is really annoying!

What was even more irritating was that the old man was famous in the world. He also touched his beard and sighed: "The empire has changed so much, the court has been bloodbathed like this, and being a subject is like a trapped animal. I also feel that I have aged a lot recently."

The sons who are not as healthy as Lao Tzu and feel that Lao Tzu can crush boulders in their chests every day: "..."

This father and younger sister are so simple!

Disappear, disappear you!

Compared with these two, Shangwen Lingyun is obviously the most likable. At this time, she is standing between the tulle with her hands folded around her chest. The tulle flutters with the wind. Exquisite silhouette.

She was so quiet, so quiet that she looked like a fairy in the dust.

Most of the Shangwen family's children are thinking that if their Shangwen family really suffers, the women's family members will be very miserable. Who makes the Shangwen family's descendants look very good-looking, especially the women, one from each of the upper and lower generations Stunning beauty is also enough to make men feel distressed-but the thought of their aunts, sisters and sisters being sent to the official family to teach and spin as official prostitutes makes their hearts ache to death.

Shangwen Yazhi naturally knew what these brothers were thinking, seeing their distressed looks, she rolled her eyes, got up and walked to Shangwen Lingyun.

"Why don't you go to bed? Let these old men worry about these things. You and my daughter should go to bed early to take care of themselves."

Shangwen Yazhi felt sorry for her niece, and wanted to take Shangwen Lingyun back to rest, after all, she stayed up all night.

"It's almost dawn, and I really went to bed early."

You told me to go to bed early at six o'clock in the morning?

Shangwen Lingyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, hooked her little aunt's arm, and gently rested her head against the latter's neck. After staying up all night, she was naturally sleepy, but she knew she would definitely not be able to fall asleep.

When the night passes, someone will die.

But she doesn't want someone to die.

This worry cannot be said.

"Okay, it doesn't matter for us old men to endure it, you girls, go back to sleep, and save yourself from yelling for pearl powder and rouge cream and yelling that you will be old for several years." The faces of my sons and grandchildren who are late mothers are scattered with a wave of my hand.

The children and grandchildren are unwilling, saying that they cannot let the father/grandpa bear all the pressure alone.

"Bear the fart! I'm sleepy! I've been sleepy for a long time, but you insisted on dragging me!" Shang Wenyou was full of anger, and felt that this was wrong, so he looked very weak and supported him. On the coffee table desk, sighed weakly: "I'm getting old and I can't bear it anymore, you all should retire."

Well, the children and grandchildren are still filial, so they can only retreat wearily.

It's just that the boss of Shangwen's family gave his younger sister a look - younger sister, please take good care of our father, don't let him think about self-harm.

Shangwen Yazhi returned a look - what are you thinking, he is still self-inflicted, and at that point, he will definitely want us to commit suicide, and then face the traitor Lin alone, and be tough to the end!

This is the decisiveness of the three generations of veterans.

Her eldest brother still doesn't know her own father very well, but it's okay if he doesn't.

After everyone else had retreated, the youngest daughter and granddaughter who loved him the most were still there, and Wenyou sat down on the table, sighing, "You two will live in my yard, I have to watch."

He felt the most distressed about these two little ones, and he didn't worry about putting them under his nose, even though the entire mansion was already under their supervision.

"Grandpa is tired, go to bed. The situation has become settled, and it won't be too bad." Shangwen Lingyun took the boiled hot water and didn't make tea. alright.

Shang Wenyou took the cup and warmed his palm.

"It's lucky to have you this time. At present, our Shangwen family should be able to keep it, but we don't know that Lin Heng is uncertain, and what kind of moth will happen at that time. You must not deal with him alone."

Shangwen Lingyun nodded, and suddenly heard Shangwen Yazhi say: "Actually, Lin Heng is scary, but left and right are dead. I really want to choose. I would rather face Lin Heng than face those real villains." .”

Shangwen Lingyun was startled, and when she still wanted to ask, Shangwen Xianyou answered.

"This person... seems to really dislike men bullying women. I have already obtained some news from the palace."

There is no absolute blockade of top-secret news, and it seems that Lin Heng never thought of completely blocking the information in the palace, so now probably all the banned bureaucrats and aristocratic families in the imperial capital know what happened in the palace.

Men were castrated and women were poisoned.

But there was no adultery, which is rare in the succession of kingship in all dynasties.

Unless Lin Heng himself hated this kind of thing very much and issued a strict order, none of his subordinates dared to offend.

Shangwen's two women are not afraid of death, but they are unwilling to face this kind of filth, so this is also the reason for Shangwen Yazhi's words just now - she has long seen that Lin Heng has no intentions about the irresistible lust of men in the world .

It even counts as disgust.

Knowing this, Shangwen Lingyun relaxed, she thought, at least if that person was caught, he probably wouldn't suffer such humiliation.

"Hey, don't mention them, eat well and sleep well, don't worry about anything."

Shangwen You got up, flipped off his sleeves, and said calmly: "If I can survive this encounter, I will definitely resign and return to the farm, and I don't care about right and wrong in this world."

Shangwen Yazhi: "You said this when I was young and the emperor's imperial power was tossed very dangerously by the empress dowager!"

It's been heard far and wide: "This time it's true, I swear!"

"Okay, I have money anyway, so I bought a small island for my family." Shangwen Yazhi said richly.

Then Shangwen Lingyun saw her grandfather talking to her little aunt about making a living on the island, as if their family had escaped difficulties.

Well, in terms of mentality, these two are truly at the forefront of the empire.

But what Shangwen Lingyun didn't know was that in terms of mentality, the two of her family might not be as good as the butlers of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

At this time, the housekeeper saw his master carrying a woman down the mountain, and went straight to a place.

He was surprised, and soon relieved.

"Master Xiang, are we going back to Xiangfu now?"

"Go to Lingchuan."

The butler was shocked.

Lingchuan, that place. . . Did Master Xiang take her there?


The two-day return journey was in Lingchuan.

Along the way, Qin Yu never woke up, because he introduced the poison of ice scorpion into his body and shattered his meridians, which would be almost certain death for any Tianzong.

Yu Qinyu was different.

She calculated her physical endurance, and also calculated the basic preservation ability of the hexaman sealed in her dantian.

The six-pointed ability is banned, but it still takes root in Dantian, and exists with her in this dungeon world, which itself is a kind of basic protection.

It is also a resource hidden by the system, it depends on whether the chosen one will notice it.

Obviously, Qin Yu noticed it and used it.

It's a fight.

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