I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1035 Proclaiming the Emperor

"Lin Heng is usurping the power and the throne, and the people will definitely respond. At that time, everyone will rise up, and the troubled times will come..."

"Mozong, how can the Mozong be so easy to eradicate? The rebellion has not yet been eradicated, and the Mozong is activated again, which is tantamount to breaking the chaos in the martial arts world. I don't know what will happen..."

"Hey, so what if I talk too much, in fact, the strangest thing is that Lin Heng is not in the imperial capital, and he didn't call himself emperor..."

It stands to reason that after taking Yue Taichu, regardless of whether the latter is dead or not, Lin Heng, who is in control of the emperor, can basically be called emperor. He should be called emperor first and occupy the righteous name, and some people want to obey him.

But he left the imperial capital instead, and went to Cangdong to lead the battle?


To lead someone to destroy the Demon Sect?


Where did he go? It seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

"Could it be that the emperor is still alive, and he went to chase the emperor?"

This doubt. . .

It's been well-known in the world, anyway, I never thought about it at all.

Lin Heng didn't care about Yue Taichu at all.

So where did he go?

Before the people in the imperial capital waited for Lin Heng to come back, they first heard about the armed uprisings in various places.

It's over.


As soon as Shangwen Yazhi heard the news, she got another news from the grand master's wife who sneaked into the Grand Master's mansion.

There are uprisings everywhere, those who are more powerful.



"Well, the extermination of the family is basically done by the local government and some dead men from the prime minister's house, and basically none of them will be left behind."

There is another news.

Yue Taichu lived to the east of the zodiac.

The grand master's wife was silent for a while, and looked at Shangwen Yazhi's expression, "Is Madam ready? It's good that Lin Heng is not here now. If he returns, the overall situation is basically settled."

Shangwen Yazhi passed this news to her own father, who thought for a long time, but said: "If Yue Taichu can't go back, the East Huangdao will have to react, because everyone knows that Lin Heng will not let go of the foundation of the Yue family, so This news is of little significance, the question is only - where is Lin Heng and what did he do?

In the imperial capital, some ministers whose inner hidden attribute is the royal family could not help calling in their hearts - the emperor is still alive, God bless my Yue Dynasty!

Then there was no time to be happy.

Lin Heng returned to the imperial capital.

He is about to proclaim himself emperor.


The news spread to Shangwen Grand Master's Mansion.

Most of the members of Shangwen's family are officials, and some are engaged in other industries. At this time, they are all standing in the hall, looking at Shangwen's reputation.

The court clothes are right in front of you, flat and neat.

If you surrender, you will enter the palace to worship the new king tomorrow.

If you don't accept it, you will die.

What is the decision of Shangwenren?

The next day, that is, the day when Lin Heng proclaimed himself emperor, he wiped out all the imprisoned royalist families and even some bureaucrats.

Clean and tidy, he doesn't care about any official historian's records, he doesn't care about public grievances, and he doesn't care about the name of a tyrant. He made this order as naturally and casually as drinking water and eating.

People from the Xiangfu lineage and the Zhongli lineage were a little trembling, because they found that among the officials who were exterminated there were also people from their lineage.

Lin Heng is ruthless and ruthless, if he dares to betray, he'd better make sure he has the ability to muddle through, if not.

wait to die.

And among the civil and military officials who survived the day of proclaiming the emperor, many people are deliberating on one thing-in other words, it seems that the old fox of the grand master has not been seen in the court.

Such a day has never come, and Shangwen Yimai will have two endings.

1, has been hung up.

2. On the way to hang up.

Shang Wenxuan did not go to the court, he did not go, many people were surprised, and secretly thought that this old fox has a lot of backbone.

However, Shangwen Yazhi is skeptical.

Does my dear father really have the heart to disregard the hundreds of people in Shangwen's family?

Even if the pot is broken, there is no need to offend Lin Heng on this matter, unless it is. . .

"You won't let Shangwen old fox go?"

Qin Yu asked Lin Heng this sentence.

When she asked this sentence, first of all, she was not in the palace, but in the prime minister's mansion.

Secondly, Lin Heng was not in the palace either, he returned to Xiangfu wearing a dragon robe.

Third, when he came, Qin Yu heard the bell.

Bloodbathed Miyagi, the supreme under heaven, he came, but very quietly, without majesty, nor accompanied by hundreds of officials.

He came quietly, only the sound of bells.

Very crisp and elegant bell sound, like a small bell pendant, hanging on the belt, making a crisp sound with people's steps.

It's a pity that Qin Yu couldn't see its appearance, only heard the sound.

From a distance, Qin Yu knew that the other party was coming, and as the voice changed, she was sure that he had come to her.

Then I asked this sentence.

Calculating the time, it was the second day after they returned to the imperial capital. Lin Heng proclaimed himself emperor directly, and returned the same day he proclaimed himself emperor.

When we met for the first time, she didn't ask him how he became emperor, nor did she ask how she was going to be in the future, but she talked about other people's affairs as if they were chatting.

Lin Heng walked over with his hands behind his back, and talked to her in the Xiangfu garden.

"Why, do you still have ears if you are blind?"

It sounded like calling her Zhu Bajie.

Qin Yu sat on the side of the beauty, very idle, and replied: "If an inch is short, there must be a foot long. God will never seal all the windows."

She played the length casually, and didn't care about how beautiful her lazy and feminine appearance was among the flowers.

There's always something casual about it.

Although it is unintentional, it is intentional.

Lin Heng: "Even if it is sealed, you will dig a tunnel."

Qin Yu: "I find that you never praise me, this is not a good habit."

Lin Heng: "Us? Do you often list me with others?"

Qin Yu felt a little cold.

Oh, she almost forgot.

The other party has proclaimed himself emperor.

Unique and supreme in the world.

How can I bear to be like other ordinary people.

"Hey, then if you praise me alone, won't you be different next time when you're with me?"

She didn't have the consciousness of being trapped in a prison under the fence of others, and she was very comfortable and casual.

The first person to praise her?

Lin Heng was silent for a moment, Qin Yu didn't expect this man to praise anything, but he didn't want to hear it when he was holding a petal with his fingertips to play with.

"You are the most brazen woman I have ever seen."

Is it okay to attack personally when you become an emperor? You are not interested.

Qin Yu leaned against the railing, closed his eyes, and didn't bother to say anything.

But he heard the bell ringing, and the other party got very close.

"But also the smartest, no matter men or women, they are not as good as you."

Eh? This word. . .

Qin Yu turned his face away, only to find that his lips had just brushed against the other's finger, did he reach out just now?

Lin Heng actually wanted to pick up a petal that flew down her hair, but before the petal was picked up, her lips came over.

When they met, neither of them said anything.

One head didn't move, and the other withdrew its hand.

Qin Yu: "So you are sure that what I just said is correct, you did deliberately prevent Shang Wen from going to court."

Lin Heng: "You can guess the reason again."

Qin Yu: "He went, nothing more than to give those civil servants a leading role in submission. Naturally, it is a good thing for the new emperor who usurped the throne, but not for you. You disdain the submission of those people, because anyone who refuses to submit will be killed." That is. Since you can go or not, and you don’t let people go, it means that there are benefits in not going—for example, to give some hope to some courtiers who still have rebellious intentions towards you, so that they will respond and disobey you. In this way, you have another reason to massacre and eradicate dissidents."

Lin Heng: "I kill people without a reason."

Qin Yu: "That means you're not in the right mood, woo... Is Shangwen's family special to you?"

Lin Heng: "Shouldn't I ask you this?"

So you are special to Shang Wen's family because I am special to them, are you taking revenge?

Is this conversation okay?

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