I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1050 Prey? (Third update, push


Qin Yu's words were specious, and he seemed to have some deep fear. Hua Baijing naturally thought of some people, and his brows were also furrowed.

"I'm afraid our route will also be detected by them, and they will find this place sooner or later. It depends on whether there is a way out of all the ghosts and snakes."

In fact, Hua Baijing is very pessimistic. In her opinion, Qin Yu, who is extremely clever and tricky, can't do anything about it, and the others are also terrified. The main reason is that the icy water is a hard environment. If you can't get down, you can't let it float by itself. come up.

Do you pray to God?

And such a secret environment, in fact, there is no way to change any modern dungeon that Qin Yu went to before, because most machines can't deal with such severe cold-what is the concept of Tianzong, which is roughly equal to the peak of military power in modern times, The kind that can dominate in science fiction films.

So the current situation is basically doomed - no one can get the secret treasure.

But Qin Yu, the Chosen Ones and the Evil Chosen ones basically came here for it, which means that the Golden House believes that it can be obtained, and the means must be within the capabilities of this martial arts dungeon.

What is the solution?

Qin Yu thought about it seriously, but also knew that she couldn't stay here for too long, at least not at this distance, because she opened an ice cave, and the cold air from below would only make the temperature here lower and lower, unless the hole condensed again.

"Let's set up camp a hundred meters away."

The difficulty of traveling in the glacier lies not only in the severe cold environment, but also in the fact that the camping equipment has to be carried with you. However, with a group of snow wolves sledding, Yu Qinyu and the others are much lighter. There are tents in the packages carried by the three of them. These are easy to put together.

Qin Yu decided to stay here for a few more days, so he drove a pack of wolves in a sled to some distant tribes to buy some daily necessities with the locals. It took a day to go back and forth, but Qin Yu didn't go, it was Hua Baijing and Xiao Tiantian who ran away way.

"Okay, that's all, let's go!"

After purchasing some supplies, the two got on the sled and left.

Some locals watched them leave with dumbstruck eyes, keeping a respectful distance from those ferocious snow wolves, but two of these people looked at each other and quickly left to report the news.

Not long after, a wave of people followed.

The speed of the opponent is too fast, they can't keep up, but this kind of sled also has a disadvantage-the scratches on the ground are too obvious, and it can be used for tracking.

Follow up first, determine the whereabouts of the other party, and then actually deploy personnel to do it.

"How long do you think it took for the people from Yunyan Pavilion to find us?"

"There will always be seven or eight days. After all, their people can't all be masters, and the colder they get inside, the average person can't bear it. It will take a while to mobilize people."

Now that Hua Baijing understood Qin Yu's intentions, it didn't matter how many people came.

It's just that Xiao Tiantian is a little tangled.

"By the way, if your sister and your brother both come and fight, what will you do? Who will you help?"

"Of course it's the best-looking person."


Who is the prettiest? Xiao Tiantian had heard that the empress dowager was the most beautiful in the world and fascinated the late emperor, so she abolished the Yuan empress and indifferent to the harem.

"Your sister..."

"What's so good about that old woman, you haven't seen her look old."

Hua Baijing pursed her lips, appearing to be indifferent and displeased with Yue Zhuo.

Xiao Tiantian thought for a while, "I have always had a question, I don't know if I should say it..."

Hua Baijing: "No, shut up."

However, Xiao Tiantian did not vomit: "I heard from Qin Yu that Yue Cang and your sister both practiced Yin-picking and nourishing magic skills. In fact, they are both very old. Your sister is okay, and your brother Na Yue Cang is also that old. If so... then your age..."

He didn't hear Hua Baijing's answer because he was knocked out by her palm.

After the guy was knocked unconscious and lay on the sled, Hua Baijing sat on his back and said lightly: "It's been said that the guy was adopted, and he was much older than me when he was adopted. Arranged by age, only in order of priority."

But her age is much older than most people think.

But will she tell anyone?



There is actually a city in the glacier, named Fengxue City, this city is actually the headquarters of Yunyan Pavilion, but few outsiders know about it.

Fengxue City is independent from the empire and is a place outside the law, which means that the owner of Yunyan Pavilion, Yue Cang, is the overlord here.

Naturally, it would not be difficult for him to track Qin Yu and the others who were moving in the glacier land. In fact, he had received information about their tracks seven or eight times.

Yue Cang was reading these information, one by one carefully.

After looking at it for a long time, he frowned and said, "Things that come too easily may not be valuable."

Talk to yourself? No, there is someone behind him.

There was a soft and lazy sound of tiredness behind him.

It came from that limp upload.

"A woman who was cruelly killed by Lin Heng but survived said that she didn't know that Lin Heng was going to kill her. I absolutely don't believe it."

"Since she knew about it but still went, this person's behavior is very tricky. If she didn't notice that your people were following you, it's impossible. Even if she was aware of it, she still didn't cover it up. If she didn't give a false trail, she would just wait for the prey to come to her door."

Yue Cang's pale face was somewhat chilled.

"She took me as prey?"

Yue Zhuo was lying on his side, seemingly sleeping but not sleeping, and said casually: "He took us all as prey."

Yue Cang got up, took off a heavy blanket from the cabinet, walked over, knelt down in front of the couch, gently covered Yue Zhuo with it, and said slowly: "I will take whatever my sister wants for you."

Yue Zhuo looked at him, her phoenix eyes were outlined with peach blossoms, very intoxicating, she stretched out her hand, and gently slid her fingers on his cheek.

"I've always believed in you."

Yue Cang's pale face turned red, and she couldn't help leaning down, wanting to get closer to her. . .

The cold and stern air rushed towards his face, Yue Cang was startled, and saw Yue Zhuo's icy eyes.

"Get out."

Yue Cang was silent for a while, got up and retreated.

Yue Zhuo watched him leave with cold eyes, stroked the high-quality blanket on his body, and without a doubt, he threw it on the ground at will.

She got up, stepped on the blanket barefoot in a thin gauze, and paced in this spacious bedroom. Soon, she walked to the wall, activated the mechanism, and entered the secret room.

A pool of blood under the chamber of secrets.

She walked, talking to herself.

"You are so young and extremely talented, it's really enviable."

"Not to mention that Lin Heng..."

"If the war is coming, I also need to make some preparations."

Fresh blood surged in the pool of blood, she took off her gauze, walked over slowly, and submerged her whole body in the pool.

When the moon burns into the pool of blood.

Glacier also welcomed other outsiders.

Even, some of them have already entered Snow Wind City, and at this time they are bringing news to the outside of Snow Wind City. . .

Miss Ah Wo went to Japan together last year. Like everyone else, she is very nice. I ate with them several times, and they were all too strong. I never made me pay successfully. Now I think about it. Fuck, have you seen the joke about paying the bill after eating in the TV series? I'll come, come, come, I'm the one who keeps calling me to come, but I really want to pay the bill! It seems that after eating three or four meals, they agreed in advance that I would pay, and they agreed, but they refused to pay after eating. I was tired.

But it’s very fun to play with them, maybe because I didn’t have a sister on both sides of my relatives since I was a child, so I’m very grateful to them, and I’m still together in Japan this year, so I’m happy~~I’ll also add popularity to her new book~Please everyone~

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