I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1063 Not responsible? (Second update, woo, a dungeon is coming to an end, please encourage m

Linghuan was stunned, then tremblingly let go of the sword, rushed over to hug Ye Sheng, and desperately injected her internal strength.

"No, Xiao Sheng, no."

"Brother is wrong."

"Why...why didn't you kill me."

"Obviously you can."

Linghuan's words were confused in his panic. He knew that he was as talented as hers. In a real fight, she might not be able to kill him, so he kept waiting.

Wait for her to do it.

But no, she sent her heart to his sword.

Ye Sheng who was lying in his arms blushed, and could only speak one last word.

"Since I was a child, my brother has never made a mistake, but I, when I made a mistake, my brother took the initiative to take the punishment for me... Now it's my turn to take my place..."

She smiled slightly.

Qin Yu, who was fighting with Lin Heng, saw this scene when he turned sideways, and was stunned for a while. It was also the ups and downs of his thoughts that made Lin Heng's sword suddenly come.

boom! Qin Yu was forced to take several steps back, each step crushing a thick block of ice, after he paused, rub it!

A large block of ice four to five meters long, suspended.

Ice water spilled out.

Everyone finally saw what the water underneath looked like.

Clear blue, extremely cold.

The fresh blood that had just flowed out was solidified and turned into a beautiful color.

Beautiful everywhere.

Only the two of them stood on the suspended ice.

Lin Heng looked at Qin Yu, and said lightly: "You are too easy to soften your heart, you are sad."

Qin Yu didn't refute him, just looked at him, "Is he your man? Linghuan."

Lin Heng was silent for a while, then raised the Bailin sword, "If I say yes, you will kill me cruelly?"

Qin Yu: "You want me to kill you?"

Lin Heng: "The winner is the king and the loser dies."

Qin Yu was silent for a while, and said, "You know...I never tell you right or wrong."

Lin Heng looked calm, and said lightly: "I would rather you tell me, if you don't tell, it can only show that you have already made a judgment."

"Yes, I believe that you will not stop. I believe that you will eventually take this path in order to seize the secrets of the secret store."

"Goes against your way?"


So they are against each other.

Never possible.

"Unless I give up?"

"I know you won't."

Qin Yu's answer was too firm.

Lin Heng was stunned for a moment, then smiled, a little evil, but also with extreme anger, "In the mountains and rivers of this world, there was a big tree in ancient times, with eight thousand years as spring and eight thousand years as autumn. Up to now, there are thousands of years without The melting glaciers are full of snow every year. Qin Yu, you know that this world will never stay for people, nor will it remain unchanged for people. Humans, what an ant, how humble, you and I..."

Qin Yu lowered his eyes.

He pointed at Qin Yu with his finger, and then at himself, "It's so similar, I knew from the beginning that you and I are the same person."

"We are all struggling. For this reason, we will use whatever means we can, regardless of our own gains and losses, and finally make a cruel choice."

"But who cares..."

Lin Heng pointed his sword at the back, pointed at the imperial capital, and drank in a low voice: "Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, countless people, the morality of others, and the vastness of the world, you and I should care about it and make a choice! But who cares about us!"

"We hurt too."

He turned his head to look at Qin Yu, his eyes were cold, with extreme coldness and domineering, "You didn't choose me because you believed that I was not qualified to be the emperor of the world, but you don't know."

"When I am the emperor, who in this world would dare to rule the roost with me!"

"The world will fail me! You want me to live up to the people of the world!"


"Today, I want these thousands of miles of glaciers to flatten the world's rivers and mountains. A hundred years later, I can also create a new prosperous age!"

"At that time, who can say that I am wrong!"

brush! Bai Linjian suddenly pointed at Qin Yu.

His mood suddenly calmed down, and he returned to ice-coldness. The edge of the sword tip was colder than the cold water around the ice cube.

"It's almost over."

"You only have one chance."

"Either kill me or fulfill me, you have no other choice."

Boom! The distance between the ice tide dragon tail and the ice wall. . . Indeed, only the last ten seconds.

Qin Yu knew that under the ice wall, the butler and the others were not defeated.

Unless Lin Heng died.

The four eyes met, in a trance, as if returning to the night when she rescued Yue Taichu, he shot an arrow on the palace wall, and also returned to the time when he closed the door of Su Xinting.

That pair of eyes.

In two moments, they both knew that each other had a choice and there was no way out.

It is also at this time.

Qin Yu moved, and so did Lin Heng.

This battle, ten seconds.

The Iron Horse Glacier fell into a dream.

Fengyun is bloody and will not return.

The ice cubes with a diameter of four to five meters, they fought in it, each sword pointed at the lifeblood, life and death, success or failure.

Shangwen Lingyun saw the vertical and horizontal of the Tianmai sword, and also saw the piercing of the cunning sword.

The only ones who can't see them clearly.

Instead, you can see the cold water splashed by the sword qi, which froze strangely when it splashed into the air.

In an instant, it seems that thousands of trees and thousands of trees are blooming.

A glacier is a tree.

It blooms a glamorous and extremely beautiful flower.

Ice clear and colorless.

until. . .

The blade of the Bailin Sword turned into an afterimage, and the general also turned into an afterimage. Hundreds of sword shadows stabbed each other, smashing and smashing!

It is denser than ice and snow, and finally a sword is unnecessary.

The Bailin sword is redundant, a redundant sword. . . Stabbing Qin Yu's left wrist holding the sword, Lin Heng expressionlessly cut off the tip of the sword, drawing a bloodstain on Qin Yu's wrist.

Tianmai sword destroyed?

The sword edge turned again, as if it was going to head towards Qin Yu's neck. . . .

Cruel and ruthless, leaving no way out.

Qin Yu turned sideways, holding the sword behind his left hand - holding the Bai Lin sword.

Flesh holds the sharpest sword in the world.

Flesh must be separated, but tough enough.

Bones were nearly severed.

When Lin Heng lowered his eyes, Qin Yu was already close, and he turned the sword flower with his right hand, and blatantly pierced Lin Heng's heart.

All this will be known in a second.

When the dry sword pierced the heart, many people knew it was over.

Lin Heng looked down at Qin Yu and saw her astonishment.

Stunned that she could kill him?

Not really.

It was because when the dry sword pierced into the heart, it touched something.

It was chopped off.

Lin Heng didn't say anything, just reached out and grabbed Qin Yu's neck.


He still has enough strength to break her neck.

"Let go."

He said coolly.

Qin Yu glanced at him and let go of Bai Linjian's hand.


Lin Heng threw the sword backwards, and it would fall, falling under the ice wall.

Stewards they will know what that means.

He lost.

But he stretched out his hand to wrap around Qin Yu's back, and pulled it into his arms.

closer. . . more dangerous.


Gan Jiang penetrated and stabbed out from the back, the blood was too obvious.

He put his arms around her.

His head rested on her shoulder.

"Last time, it was you who gave me charity."

"This time, I won it."

His tone was very light, lighter than the clouds in the sky.

Qin Yu frowned, not knowing what to say for a while, her lips moved, but she didn't call out his name.

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