I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1101 Earthquake (Fourth)

Qin Yu checked the wound, added some additional medicine for later recovery, and told Xiao Tingyun to take it on schedule in the future, and the two of them also talked about things after A-level.

"A-level is a cross-border circle. It is the most obvious feature to enter the battlefield. The channel to obtain power is far more than other Chosen Ones, but there are also opportunities and dangers. Are you going to use B-level missions to join A-level? ?”

Qin Yu admitted that she couldn't afford to delay.

"On the other side of the earth, the situation is not very good, and there is a thing that seems to be hacked."

Xiao Tingyun liked Qin Yu's world very much, and she was a little worried when she heard the words, but fortunately, Qin Yu comforted her, "There is no problem now, and when there is no problem, I will make a plan so that there will be no problem in the future, believe me?"

Believe it.

Xiao Tingyun smiled, and stayed at Qin Yu's place to recuperate. After all, the aura of the fifth transfer station was really abundant.

Qin Yu settled down with Xiao Tingyun, and originally planned to go to the Tianxuan Super Power Tower, but changed his mind temporarily.

Because something happened to her old Qin family.

That chicken grandpa died.

Qin Yuan didn't talk much on the phone, and said lightly that he had to stay for a few days and let her take his mother out on a trip by himself.

Um, is this okay?

Maybe the public opinion outside would be offensive, but Qin Yuan never felt that these relatives of his were worthy of his wife and daughter wearing hemp and filial piety, even he himself was very disgusted.

"Is it just him? I thought that uncle was going with grandpa too? Isn't he always a loving father and a filial son?" Qin Yu said while drinking water.

"His illness is relatively long-lasting, and it is estimated that he will last for a while." Qin Yuan, who was treated harshly since he was a child, and has been treated like a pig and dog by these close relatives for many years since he was disabled, said his tone even lighter.

The father and daughter didn't bother talking about this kind of person, and they hung up after talking about some other things in life, but Qin Yu said that he had to delay the time to take his mother on a trip.

"What happened? What happened on the forum?" Qin Yuan got the news from his assistant even though he was far away in the valley.

"Not against me, but it's okay to be cautious."

After Qin Yu hung up the phone, he glanced at the computer screen where he was collecting information with his other hand, and suddenly paused with his fingers.

found it.

Cancellation of travel plans is a normal thing, everyone understands, and Qin Yu obviously has no plans to move during this time, Yu Sheng also stayed in Hong Kong, and even Wen Xi was deployed under the repeated warning of his family Work, dare not leave Qin Yu's protection easily.

But on this day, Qin Yu contacted Su Wanmo, but he didn't see him, so Qin Yu wasn't afraid that something would happen to him.

The No. 1 powerhouse below the top is not afraid to go to any corner of the world.

The contact was also very brief, the two of them didn't have a long discussion, Qin Yu sent her a clue he found.

Su Wanmo didn't say much, she took some clues and went to work.

At the same time, Qin Yu also got feedback from the investigators he sent back to his hometown.

Qin Yuan's stay in his hometown was indeed not only for the funeral, but for other reasons.

"We found out that Mr. Qin met these three people four days ago. According to our investigation, these three people are all from the same village as your boss, and you may also know them."

Qin Yu read the information he sent, and found that the three people on it were ordinary young people, they looked very unorganized, and there was always a bit of cunning and evil spirit.

Looking at them, Qin Yu looked indifferently, and said slowly: "It's them, do you have any previous convictions or past events? You can send them to the cell for ten or twenty years."

"They all have criminal records, either theft or robbery or obscenity, and they were all released not long ago. They were gathered at the gathering when they returned to their hometown before the Chinese New Year. I don't know why they suddenly found Mr. Qin. Maybe they first asked Mr. Qin to arrange a job with the friendship of fellow countrymen. The boss Do we need to deal with them?"

It doesn't matter whether they are white or black, it is too easy for them to deal with such three bastards.

Qin Yu folded his hands and looked at the screen expressionlessly, but he was reminded by the golden wall in his mind.

These three people. . It's not enough to die now, but it's definitely enough to be sent to prison. Dogs can't change eating shit.

"No, keep an eye on them first, and cut off my dad's investigation of them."

Qin Yu didn't talk to Huang Jinbi about why these three bums contacted Qin Yuan, and why Qin Yuan stayed in his hometown for them.

Qin Yu won't say the reason, but someone will.

Li Yuan called.

The first sentence he opened his mouth was: "Xiaoyu, uncle contacted me to ask about that matter, I... I was fooled, pretending not to know anything, but I don't know how long I can keep it secret."

"It's not a big deal when you were a child. You can just fool around. He won't ask a second time, and he won't come to ask me."

Although Li Yuan was still worried, Qin Yu's eloquence and understatement made him feel relieved. He probably also recalled that Qin Yu is not what he used to be. He didn't know what to say, so he hung up the phone.

Looking at the phone number on the phone, Qin Yu was silent for a moment.

——If you don't deal with these three people, I always feel that you are holding back a move.

"Even if there is a trick, it's not me."

Qin Yu cut off the information and started preparing for the super upgrade volume.

The matter of the "leader" is simple to say, as long as Su Wanmo can follow the clues she gave to save someone this time, that guy has to make another plan if he wants to come out.

In contrast, the super upgrade volume is imminent.

Due to Qin Yu's trust in Su Wanmo's ability and the ability of those old things like Quan Heshu, Qin Yu didn't intervene and focused on his own affairs.

Two days later, the day before the seven-day restriction, Qin Yu made all the preparations, but before that, Su Wanmo moved faster than her.

When eating at noon, everyone in the restaurant heard a loud bang.

Because it comes from the port in Hong Kong.

Qin Yu heard it more thoroughly, and even locked the exact position.

"Damn it, an earthquake!" Chen Bao frightened away a piece of spicy chicken on his chopsticks, and Qin Yu was very calm with a piece of green pepper in his hands, "It's probably anti-terrorism."

Anti-terrorism? Has there been such a threat in Hong Kong recently?

Suddenly, both Wen Xi and Chen Bao thought of it, Mr. Monkey and those people?

"Could it be... are they still hiding in Hong Kong? Damn, I thought they went to hide in other remote areas. How could they hide in the urban area with dense surveillance in the city!"

Wen Xi was thoughtful, "It's dark under the lamp?"

Qin Yu shook his head, "More than that, it should be that they have made a lot of confusing false clues, leading the official and Hong Kong police investigations out."

Perhaps the old lair in Myanmar that she found before was used by the other party, but later she found out that the monkey used the dark web to buy some drugs operated on the underground black market.

It is estimated that this group of people can't hold back their addiction.

Regardless of whether you are dark or light, you must have a delivery address for online shopping. Although the monkey racked his brains and used all kinds of fake passwords to hide the real password, Qin Yu still caught it.

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