I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1139 Liu Guang

Qin Yu was very puzzled at the beginning, "Bibi, is this person also with the same absolute physique as a natural body? He is only at the peak of B-level, and everyone is restricted together. There is no reason why he is so strong."

——I told you a long time ago that the physical body of the natural body is not advantageous in terms of combat strength, and it is mainly in the development of battery life. You can also see now that he is only B-level, not as good as you are A-level, let alone your series of buffs, but he still has such strength at this time, there is only one reason.

Qin Yu: "What?"

She had actually figured it out.

——He has already been to the dungeon of the small plane level of cultivation, and has practiced the secret method of cultivation or other equivalent energy cultivation methods. You must know that the secret method of eastern cultivation or the mysterious method of Western magic civilization is actually the same, that is, for the soul and Flesh and blood have terrifying buffs. Since you set foot on this road, you have already started to practice the Dharma and the Tao, and only this kind of people can truly be regarded as combat personnel recognized by the universe.

——If you don't enter the Tao and the law, the rest will be the mundane world.

This is the main reason why the golden wall has been urging Qin Yu to enter the realm of comprehension earlier, because its increase is really too great.

Qin Yu tentatively decided that Huang Jinbi's statement was true, but he also wondered: "Didn't you say that non-native energy superpowers or secret techniques are actually limited? Even if he knows magic secrets or cultivation secrets, his energy is limited How to expedite it? Do you want to rebuild like me? That’s not enough.”

The earth's energy and spiritual power are too weak, and the speed of cultivation is extremely slow, and the internal force is the same, let alone the stronger energy and true energy required for cultivation.

So Qin Yu thought it was a bug.

Huang Jinbi felt that Qin Yu, who had always been clever and cunning, was acting stupid today.

——Have you seen him use secret techniques?

Qin Yu was startled, reacted suddenly, and said in disbelief: "Do you mean that the strength, defense and speed he is showing now are all obtained from secret techniques under normal physical conditions? The foundation is not enough, so come later? And Or permanent growth?"

--Yep. Not to mention other strength composition ratios, there is a big gap between your physique and his. After all, you are a natural physique. I said that your superiority is true. Few people have capital investment in the early stage to cultivate an absolute physique. Unless you are born, even if you have a natural physique advantage Not fighting, your physical condition is still far better than his. But there is also a big gap between you and him at the level of cultivation. The difference between being in the Tao and not being in the Tao makes up for the difference in physique, and there is even a lot of surplus.

——But once you practice the law and the Tao, your situation will immediately turn around, because the importance of the foundation lies in the base of the increase. You will not understand the difference between 1 times 10 and 10 times 10, which is a full 90% difference.

Therefore, the foundation is respected, and it is inevitable to gain the Tao in the later stage. Otherwise, you will suffer so much in reality, let alone once you enter the dungeon plane, people can mobilize the secret skills of self-cultivation and explode Qin Yu in minutes.

But it wasn't right, Qin Yu could also use superpowers at that time, and it was also indirectly making up for the gap.

Hey, that's the other possibility, what's the current reality?

The current situation is——Even if Qin Yu joins forces with Yu He, he still can't kill Kailin Huote. After a long time, Su Wanmo and others are almost done. Both fish had to be killed.

This is the combat strategy, changing every moment, turning around every moment!

But on the other side. . .

"Damn, I think they're stalling!"

"Knowing that there are so many of us and still coming to die, there must be someone behind us!"

The people on the side of the evil people are suspicious, and there are quite a few smart ones. After repeated beatings, they suddenly suspected that there was a ghost. Sure enough, someone soon discovered that someone in the army who was shooting with a thermal weapon in the rear was using an instrument.

Positioning, precise positioning, who is positioned for?

"Quick, kill them!"

The evil side resolutely went to attack and kill the rear.

Su Wanmo and the others turned around and followed to protect the rear.


"That won't work, Ms. Qin, I'll cover you, you attack by force!" As a minister, Yu He naturally has the ability to coordinate the overall situation, so he changed his plan after seeing the situation and making a prediction. After reminding Qin Yu, Qin Yu nodded.

Yu He's ability is very strong, it is the ability to control the soil, and he can form an earth wall for defense in an instant, otherwise he would not be able to sit in the position of minister, and his combat skills are not weak. With his support, at least Qin Yu has the defense to retreat confidence.

Come on then!

Qin Yu charged in fiercely, controlling the other with one sword, and the pulse sword also swam away. With three swords at the same time, with Yu He's earth-type supernatural defense, he actually forced Kailin Huoter back several steps.

Kailin Huoter knew that Qin Yu was tricky. After all, attacking with two swords equals two attacks. What's more, Qin Yu's attack frequency is extremely high, and it is getting higher and higher. Kailin Huot, who was slightly better than Qin Yu in all aspects, was also struggling.

The more he fought, the more frightened he became, because Qin Yu was too controlling.

How strong is the heart and brainpower needed to control the three attacks at the same time?

Moreover, each attack is assisting the next attack, which makes Kailin Huot feel pressured. He is guarding himself not to be taken away by the opponent's attack rhythm.

If that's the case, the opponent's joint siege can actually be established, but. . .


For the fifth time, Kailin Holt was knocked back three steps. When he flashed sideways, he randomly grabbed someone behind and threw him forward.

It just so happened that he was an evil person.

Qin Yu pierced the opponent's heart with a backstab, slithering like a snake, phantom joined hands, and sword shadows chased, but Kailin Holt was also very powerful, holding the strangely shaped long and thin triangular thorn in his hand, and three times appeared in an instant. The clone blocked Qin Yu's strong attack almost at the same time.

But at that moment, Yu He came, and the earth ability was activated!

The earth wall condensed Qin Yu's front defense, and the ground shook and cracked.

Double power attack!


perfect? When Zhang Que saw it, his face was horrified, and he shouted: "Nie Yi!"

evil creature? scold who? !

Su Wanmo, who was covered in blood a thousand meters away, heard the scolding, turned his head and saw the earth wall defending Qin Yu's front and the cracked ground under Qin Yu's feet.

Double earth ability. . . The target was Qin Yu.

The earthen wall was defensive, but a hole was intentionally leaked, allowing Kailin Hott to poke in.

It is equivalent to the defensive wall of Kailin Huot.

The earthquake was terrible, and it was Qin Yu who moved!

Not everyone on the Chinese side saw this scene, but those who saw this scene clearly understood a possibility in disbelief—their minister. . . Betrayed!

Just as Qin Yu disguised himself as Karisosiya to assassinate Fron, now it's the other party's turn to fight back.

Hum, when the triangular thorn stabbed Qin Yu with precision, Qin Yu, whose feet were stuck in the ground, must face it. . .

The top kill, only the top can save her.

But where does the top come from?

At that moment, Qin Yu was calmer and calmer than the pines on the top of the mountain in the mountains and rivers.

Because—the sky is shining.

In fact, I really want to speed up the rhythm a little bit more every day, because when I write two updates a day, my own rhythm is also slow, but I also know that it is impossible to maintain five updates a day, and the effect of more updates may not be good, because some read Children who are pirated will find it too easy to get, so they will read five chapters in one go. . Code word 007, life ICU, and a group of people watch pirated copies, I will cry to death.

Huh, in fact, it’s because it’s better to be more motivated. For example, if you have good grades or something, you are greatly drifting~~ rather than habit. I can’t guarantee how long I can keep it. When keeping the second update, some readers are not used to it, and thought I was missing an update. In fact, the second update is normal. If you think that the fifth update is normal, then I will be finished, and I will die of exhaustion, haha.

So make sure to add more conditions.

1. The lord will appear and change.

2. Large rewards and updates.

3. The top three rewards this week will be updated ((Thanks to the rest of the little fairies and Choi for advertising fancy).

4. The sales ranking is the first plus more.

5. You and I will take the initiative to ask for a monthly pass when the standard is met and promise to add a change.

For now, let’s do this first, how much I owe, you can also help me count (PS: How much to add depends on the situation, at least one more, two more and three more, haha)

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