I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1142 Prison

This person is an evil choice from outside. With his strength, Qin Yu predicts that the main task of this person is not only to kill her, but also to interfere with the future direction of the entire earth in the later stage, so he can be sure that he will stay for a long time and will try his best. Collecting information on the earth, but people's brains are not as good as their own, so they must need a carrier to carry huge information and hide some secrets.

On Earth, this kind of thing is called a disk.

Various discs.

Qin Yu's next move was to kill it!


An hour later, Qin Yu appeared in an ancient town in Lijiang, Yunnan.

Tourist attraction, tourists gather.

Who would have thought that Kailin Holt would choose such a place as his place of residence after the advent, but he is hidden in the city, and with Kailin Holt's ability, it's no wonder that no one has been aware of his traces.

Zhang Yu was outside, and Qin Yu was inside. After she opened the door of Kailinholt's bedroom, she raised her eyebrows slightly. He was quite clean.

That's right, the evil choice belongs to the evil choice, but the difference is much bigger than the natural choice.

Perhaps it is because the natural selection is restricted by its own rules and frames, but the scale of the evil selection is much larger.

but. . .

The cleaner it is, the more obvious the row of blood on the desk is.

——Hello, Qin Yu.

——You should come to me.

Qin Yu casually flipped through Kailinholt's basic book, which had his handwriting on it. Compared with the bloody characters on the table, it seemed to be written by Kailinholt himself. not him.

That is, there was another will that drove him to write it himself.

"I'm afraid I was bewitched, but I can imagine how Yu He fell."

Qin Yu's fingers tapped four or five times on the table. In the dark room, the tulle windows penetrated the bustling lights of the ancient town outside.

It was very lively, but it also stood out from the coldness of Qin Yu's body.

For a moment, there was a fluttering sentence in the room.

"This old thing, although not simple, is really annoying."

Of course, Huang Jinbi knew that Qin Yu had already had a murderous intention towards Bai Mo, because she didn't like others to plot against her relatives the most, but Bai Mo kept pressing her every step of the way.

——He is not so easy to deal with, if you are not sure, I advise you to be patient.

——What's more, you should see that he did this series of actions to stimulate you and force you to find him.

——Conversely, if you go to him, it is in his interest and purpose, why should you send it to your door yourself, anyway, he has no possibility of coming out now.

For example, using Qin Yu to get away, or killing Qin Yu to gain benefits, anyway, there are many possibilities, but they are definitely not good for Qin Yu.

"I know, but today is a special day. There are not only plan A, plan B, but also plan C that came out of time."

—Plan C?

"Well, the premise of my own plan C is that I can figure out the source of the old thing's power and the reason for its limitation."

--What now?

Qin Yu smiled and glanced at the blood writing on the table.

"Of course I figured it out."

Now that we have figured it out, plan C can start.

When Qin Yu went out, he happened to meet Zhang Yu and bought a hot donkey meat fire, because he knew that Qin Yu hadn't had dinner yet.

Starting before dusk and hitting night, everyone should be hungry.

Qin Yu took it and took a bite. Zhang Yu stood beside him, not in a hurry, waiting for Qin Yu to say where he was going next, whether to go home or to go home. . .

Qin Yu looked at his watch while biting the delicious donkey meat and sesame seed cakes, "At this point, Su Wanmo probably hasn't left XJ yet, and he won't return until tomorrow night."

Zhang Yu didn't know what Qin Yu's purpose was for saying this, but he thought: "Isn't it already over? Why wait until tomorrow night?"

Qin Yu didn't even raise his head, but just said lightly: "After the autumn, settle accounts, ransack the family and exterminate the family."

Most of the people who appear in XJ are old-fashioned evil people. There may be quite a few scattered people, just myself, but there are also quite a few who have fundamental forces. They have raised many soldiers and believers under them. These people are the bane.

Now the results of XJ's battle should not have been announced, and those little ones haven't reacted yet, so with Su Wanmo's style, he will definitely take advantage of the momentum to pursue and take down these people.

Otherwise, if the wolf king dies in the wolf pack, another wolf king will appear in the wolf pack after a long time. This is the nature of biology.

"That's right, it will take a lot of time just to investigate the root cause behind these people."

"No need to investigate."

Qin Yu held his phone and sent a letter to Su Wanmo's mailbox.

Zhang Yu: "..."

She had already investigated it.

How much has she prepared during this time?

One ring after another.

Putting down the phone, Qin Yu handed his phone to Zhang Yu, "Hold it, and put it in my room in H City."

Zhang Yu guessed that Qin Yu might be going to do something alone, and Su Wanmo and the others might not know about it—at least not now.

Putting the mobile phone in City H is to give her a virtual location.

"Okay, I see, the plane for you?"

"No, the place I'm going to is not far from here."

Zhang Yu was surprised, but suddenly thought of Kailin Huot's purpose of living here, he vaguely understood.

That prison is probably also in Yunnan.

To be precise, the mysterious prison is located about 15 kilometers north of LJ City, Yunnan.


Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, where tourists gather during the day, is quite quiet at night, only the cold wind is chilling.

Qin Yu went up from the most remote and uninhabited natural area, the afterimages flashed, and the snow left no trace.

At two o'clock in the morning, she arrived at her destination.

Prison, cold, mysterious.

The prison cells are distributed in the center of the snow-covered mountain, and the hollowed out space is divided into pieces.

Of course, there are also regulatory barriers.

The first purpose of Kailin Huote's gathering was to kill Qin Yu, and the second purpose was naturally to save Bai Mo.

But they have only found out about the prison belt in Yunnan, and they haven't found out the specific location yet.

Qin Yu has already arrived. As for how to enter, how to avoid the official real-time monitoring, and how to find the place where Bai Mo is held in the huge and deep prison, that is Qin Yu's method, and it is also Qin Yu's strength.

In any case, she came to a door at last.

It is interesting that such a highly intelligent space is full of high-tech and high-density surveillance. Every cell uses the most advanced and rigorous technology in the world, except for the 99th floor, which is located at the bottom and deepest part of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. cell.

It's different.

It's a door. . . Purely iced.

That's right, it's an ice cell door.

There is no door lock, no access control, no way of getting in and out. It has only one door, a closed door. At first glance, it looks like the dragon-sealed gate in the ancient emperor Mo, with no exit and no entry.

It is somewhat narrow and inaccurate to say that it is made of ice, because it is natural and cannot be made by future generations. Qin Yu's first reaction when he saw it was - this is the material that contains the original will of the earth's material plane.

Ice cubes, of course, count as matter.

But there are too few substances that can contain the original will of the earth. It is the basic and original part of this plane—even if it is a huge ice space.

I'm going to vomit blood, I think I'll post it at noon tomorrow, my hands trembled and I got it in the immediate post, and it went out, this is one of the fifth shifts tomorrow, so tomorrow will be the fourth shift, I really I'm going to vomit blood. . .

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