I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1146 Conspiracy

When Qin Yu said so much, he had already started to dissociate the piece of meat with a microscope and pulse sword, and took out a small piece of meat the size of a hair tip, and then scraped off a little bit of ice on the table with Moxie, which melted on the glass. On the slice, soak the minced meat.

At that moment, Bai Mo felt the nerves in his head feel cold.

It was a feeling of being frozen closed.

He had been sealed in the ice prison for so many years, but he had never felt that the cold was so terrifying, it seemed to be magnified tens of thousands of times at once.

His thinking seemed to be frozen, and even thinking became extremely difficult.

But he still understood why Qin Yu wanted to kill him 99 times, it was because she had been looking for part of his body that contained primitive blood cells.

The experiment by Poirot and others only allowed her to find out the core secret, a secret that even he didn't know - the ghost would think about which cell in his body was the source of regeneration, so he was going to dissect himself? !

"Does it feel magnified? It's normal, because usually this primitive blood cell is wrapped in countless cells in your body and is protected, which means that it has never directly touched the ice water containing the original will. But now, I put it After peeling it off, although there is still a part of the remaining cells protected, it is still magnified, like naked ~ running... But the purpose of my doing this is not to make you naked ~ running, but because in the 99 recovery times, your recovery time is basically About 38 seconds after the flesh and blood were separated, I wasn’t sure I could complete all the steps during this time, so I had to slow down its recovery ability, and it’s best to use local materials.”

His ability is limited by this ice cube, of course she knows how to use it.

The time has been extended, about how long?

It wasn't short, but Qin Yu was still fast.

In the 36th second, she used the inner force pulse sword that she could control in a small amount, and her terrifying eyesight, to completely peel off the cell. The blood vessel cells on the glass slide under the microscope tried to struggle and regenerate, but the activity was too suppressed. Great, it is still single and cannot generate a second auxiliary cell.

Bai Mo was already unable to speak, but Qin Yu knew what he wanted to know, and she answered him patiently, in fact, trying to scare him.

"You want to know if I have the ability to destroy it, right? There are two ways, one is to use the energy attribute of death to restrain it, but I gave up, because I don't have the energy of death attribute. And I have the second There are two ways."

When Bai Mo heard it, his pupils trembled slightly.

Invincible, she may still have the possibility of being resurrected, but what exactly does she want to do?

Will she give herself a chance?

He hoped that there was a loophole in her approach, because his blood is so strong, isn't it?

Qin Yu was talking, but his hands were actually moving.

She took out a marble-sized bead, which seemed to contain a green liquid, and she didn't know what it was.

"In addition to restraint, there is assimilation, and inside this is the energy of vitality."

Bai Mo was startled, but his eyes were slightly strange.

"Do you think that after encountering vitality, it will regenerate faster? Yes, it will be faster, but what I want is its active recovery."

Why? Bai Mo couldn't understand what she was doing until Qin Yu held the bead and asked the golden wall to send it into his dantian and blend it into the golden cube.

When it devoured vitality and resumed its crazily growth, the Golden Cube noticed it.

One is a blood vessel growth cell, and the other is a growth super energy.

This is the time to fight back.

Whoever is more high-end is awesome.

That is assimilation, in other words. . . It is also devoured.

Without the ability to resist, the golden cube swallowed it, analyzed its blood power, then absorbed it, then merged it into the super energy, and then. . The activity of the golden cube that swallowed a large amount of emerald jade has been revived!

Sufficient energy requires active factors, right?

After recovery, it wraps Jiusuihe and nourishes it crazily.

Qin Yu felt its recovery, and so did Jinbi.

——Your way. . . It's too flamboyant.

——The dark gold wall of the opponent's dark gold room may have exploded with anger.

Out of breath, Qin Yu didn't know, but Bai Mo was desperate anyway, and when she turned her head, she saw that the brightness of his pupils was fading.

I'm going to hang up.

Really going to hang up.

Qin Yu still consumes a lot of energy, so sitting down is considered a rest.

Anyway, it was over, she walked over, picked up the head, put it on the table, and said to Bai Mo, who was about to die: "You can't be resurrected, I know, because this is the PK of you and my natives, and it also involves The original will, the Golden House and the Dark Gold House didn't get involved, so I didn't receive a direct mission about you, and in turn, you did the same to me, so you died in vain, oh, no, you gave me a bloodline ability for nothing .”

Is it free? It was plotted by you!

Perhaps from the time she saw the superficial recovery talent in Poirot, she had already set her sights on the resurrection ability of her ancestor Bai Mo.

What a vicious and deep woman.

Qin Yu, who is not vicious and deep on the outside, but looks like a fairy, tapped his temple with blood-stained fingers. When he is close at hand, he can see her beautiful face with a gentle smile and a soft smile between her eyes. The miraculous brilliance is very moving.

"You are right. Fate has two sides. To me, you may be a sword hanging from your neck, but you can also fall into a box. Once the box is opened, it is a useful material for me. It is a timely gift."

"Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart."

That look in Bai Mo's eyes before he died. . . It's hard to say.

The golden wall couldn't hold back.

——Are you an undercover agent of the Evil Chosen hiding in our Chosen faction?

——Aren’t you afraid of being struck by lightning if you are so sinister and wicked?

Rely on you, the old lady spared no effort to pretend to fight against evil people, isn't it just to save face for Tianxuan!

Qin Yu didn't like these two words very much. He squinted his eyes slightly, his pupils were dark, "Don't you feel that he has a lot of fragments in the Dark Gold House? Together with Ying Que and those in front of him, they are all directly at level six and a half. As expected of an old brand Grade A evil choice."

--But. .

Qin Yu: "Just ask if you are happy?"

After a moment of silence, the Golden House was loyal to itself.

——It is. . Pretty cool.

Qin Yu; "I just want to ask you if you choose again, will you do it?"

——Do it, do it, do it, do whatever you like.

--you win.

Qin Yu, who was violent and brainwashed like a bandit in Heifengzhai, was satisfied.

However, it still needs to be finished.

She did some work, and finally touched the ice wall and asked the golden wall, "This thing is super precious, can I take it away?"

——No, unless you get its approval, but as far as I know, this original basic substance that contains the original will will not be easily recognized. . .

A piece of crystal clear ice crystals suddenly swam out of the ice wall.

It's not cold, but kind of friendly.

Qin Yu, who triggered the condition of recognizing the master after touching it: "..."

What to do now?

Jin Bi, who couldn't believe that Qin Yu still had such shit luck, was silent for a while.

But thinking about it, it doesn't seem impossible.

——Don’t get into the golden house, I suspect that it has already noticed the existence of the dark golden house through white molybdenum, and now it knows the golden house through you, and wants to contact it directly through you.

Qin Yu, who has induced the will of the plane through several dungeons, understands this principle very well, and is not shocked. He only thinks: "Then don't you want it?"

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