I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1182 Two Wings

With a wave of his hand, the general attack was launched, and when the horn sounded, seven or eight pterosaurs all flew towards Black.

Black already knew that this would happen, so he pulled the pterosaurs away with a light body, and moved to the mountain behind Stormwind City, lest they gather in one place to attack the city, but even if Blackla took so many pterosaurs, there are still many pterosaurs Spit flames into the city.

If they were not dealt with, most of the army would have been burned by these pterosaurs before they left the city.

The bow and arrow team has started.

At this time, the pterosaurs attracted most of the long-distance attack force, and the wolf army and the orc foot army began to run quickly, approaching the city at a rapid speed. . .

There is still a thousand meters away from the attack range of the trebuchet.

At that time. . Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Stormwind City has internal and external troubles—it cannot bear it.

Absolutely can't bear it.

At this time, the time stretched two hours ago.

Far away in Gangbowa Forest.

Still that cave.

Gunn woke up early, squatted on the ground and carefully scratched Lin's ears with grass similar to dogtail grass. . . .

"You squatting like this, I thought it was a child playing around."

The sudden cool sound from behind startled Ge En, and he quickly pulled out his ax and pointed it at Qin Yu.

But his ax failed to cut it down, because the person behind him was bathed in the light morning light. . .

It seems to be prettier than an elf, well, he has grown so big, but he has never seen an elf.

Lin woke up, opened his eyes, and looked at Qin Yu quietly.

His white hair was a little messy, slightly covering his eyes and affecting Qin Yu's judgment of him, but it didn't prevent him from seeing the two in front of him clearly.

"Ready to go?" His tone was slow, looking like a patient suffering from procrastination.

Qin Yu glanced at them, "I will ride away, how about you?"

Gunn: "We have legs."

Qin Yu deeply analyzed and understood: "You don't even have a horse, are you doing so badly?"

Gunn: "Very well, I met another particularly annoying human being, even though you are a woman."

Qin Yu: "But I can still see it in your eyes——you think I'm beautiful."

She smiled as she spoke, raising her eyebrows.

The slight frown and smile on the eyebrows and eyes are all amorous, not deliberate, very natural, and naturally have a bit of a deceptive meaning.

Gunn blushed, but thankfully his fluffy hair covered the rosiness of his face.

Ah, humans, what a nuisance.

She is definitely a banshee.

"We don't have mounts, ma'am, what can you do?" Lin seemed to ignore Qin Yu's flirting with Ge En, but it was considered an interruption.

Qin Yu: "I do, it depends on how you choose."

She went down from the cave, whistled, and the handsome white horse ran out of the forest.

Gunn: "Oh, I see, you want us to ride with you."

Qin Yu: "Well... I think I will reject this inhuman proposal on his behalf."

Gunn held the ax with a displeased expression on his face.

Lin jumped off the rock, still very idle, "So ma'am, your proposal is..."

Qin Yu snapped his fingers, and a fierce tiger sprang out of the forest.

"It, I don't think it will reject you."

Gunn looked at this burly adult piebald tiger, who opened his bloody mouth and grinned at him.

The smell of blood came to my face.

He thought the tiger could eat him in one bite.

“Oh, no, no no no, I think we can make another choice.”

"No? That's fine."

Qin Yu snapped his fingers again.

In the forest, there seemed to be a creature running gracefully in small steps, vaguely showing the elegance of a white horse, and then. . .

Gunn and Lin saw a donkey.

Yes, a gray donkey.

Tiger on the left and donkey on the right.

Gunn: "..."

He didn't quite understand why this woman could call out a donkey and a tiger at the same time.

Wall of Gold - Zookeeper, guess.

Qin Yu: "Sometimes a man can't be fast, but sometimes he must be fast. Choose one of the two, don't make fun of me, please make a choice as soon as possible."


What can they say, they can only choose tigers.

So Qin Yu patted the head of the gray donkey who seemed to be very upset, "Don't be angry, they just think they are too fat, and they are afraid of exhausting you. Okay, go."

The gray donkey rubbed against Qin Yu's palm, stuck out its tongue at Ge En, and ran away.

Qin Yu got on his horse and pulled the reins.

The two of Lin also got on the back of the tiger.

Gunn, who had short legs, pinched his legs and realized that he couldn't reach too much tiger meat, so he panicked. Fortunately, Lin put him in front.

One horse and one tiger rushed out back and forth.

The trees shuttled before his eyes, Gunn tried to cover up his panic with words, "Hey, Banshee, where are we going? Detour to Stormwind City?"


No? That's not it. . . Chasing the orc army from behind? ! ! !

Stormwind City, go out! The rain of arrows is dense! Bombarded by huge stones thrown by trebuchets!

Stormwind City, go inside! Arrow throwing! Pterosaurs can only be maintained at high altitudes, but overall. . . Extremely dangerous inside and out.

Pterosaurs are too lethal.

In particular, internal instability makes it difficult to concentrate forces against the outside world. . . . The beginning is so difficult, how can the ending be bleak?

Just when the battle situation was almost one-sided.

Kellenworth saw a pterosaur flying down from the sky, its claws clawed at her. . .


The gates of the palace opened.

A golden light rushed out, and the plump cat turned into a golden light while running, and the golden tiger with scale armor came.

The golden flow line, in the blink of an eye, he rushed from the flat ground of the palace hundreds of meters away to the balcony, one leap reached the back of the pterosaur, scratched with a tiger claw, pulled out the dragon's heart from the back, and then crushed the dragon's heart to burst !

boom! The pterosaur fell to its death in minutes, and after one end fell, Jiaojiao, who was stepping on the back of the pterosaur, opened her mouth and let out a roar!

Shock the four fields!

The pterosaurs were frightened.

And the orc army and the warg troops attacking Stormwind City on the plain also heard it.

What a domineering and terrifying roar.

All the wargs flinched.

The pterosaurs in the sky also trembled a little, because they felt it—this golden tiger with scales, which seemed to be condensed from gold, had a majesty similar to them but superior.

"Master Jiaojiao!"

"It's Master Jiaojiao!"

The soldiers of Stormwind City who resisted extremely hard were all excited.

Kellenworth laughed too.

"Don't be so busy laughing, your dispatcher is ready to attack! Don't worry about those miscellaneous dragons in the sky."

Can you leave it alone?

Without Qin Yu's help, Jiaojiao might not be able to attack the pterosaur in the sky unless the pterosaur descended from the sky.

And the most terrible thing is! ! !

Why can he talk! ! !

When Kailanworth was shocked, Galano, who was riding a wolf outside the city, also said: "He is just a beast on the ground. As long as the pterosaur doesn't come down and breathe fire in the sky, he can't fight back."

As soon as he finished speaking, Galano heard a roar of a tiger, which seemed to have a hint of the cry of a dragon.

Then. . .

Jiaojiao's back was shining with golden light, and then. . . Huge golden metal wings spread out.

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