I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1184 Highly Poisonous


She just rode over there, and the sound of the horse's hooves could be heard.

The orcs, usually the weakest behind the tail, noticed it, and when they turned around, they were within 200 meters of each other.

"It's the enemy!"

"It's a wizard!"

"Get rid of her!"

In fact, besides being afraid of the cold, orcs also have other weaknesses, such as - most of them have low IQs.

Those with low IQs also mostly lack discipline, and they will bluff when they are teased casually.

The movement was so loud that Galano, who was at the front, immediately turned the wolf's head of the great wolf, turned to look, and saw Qin Yu rushing alone behind the orc army.

"It's her! Wizard! Attack!" Galano roared and galloped back on his worg, as did the other worg troops.

They ran back, and the orcs behind them roared and pointed their spears at Qin Yu who was about to charge.

It feels like a 50,000 army wants to slaughter one person wholeheartedly.

They couldn't help but not paying attention to Qin Yu, because according to their intelligence analysis, the main reason for the failure of Dadak's attack was this woman.

A wizard is worth a thousand troops.

It is not unreasonable for the huge orc empire to respect the Wizarding Union.

Therefore, as a rare white orc with a high IQ, Galano's first reaction was to quickly kill this wizard.

"Quick, kill her! Don't let her do magic..."

At that time, 200 meters had become 100 meters, and 100 meters had become 50 meters. The archer turned around and was about to launch the first round of arrow rain. Ge En and Lin behind were a little far away from Qin Yu——Lin sensed his presence The tiger that got off just slowed down and hung behind Qin Yu.

Is the tiger afraid?

Or it got some order, and spontaneously followed behind at a slow speed.

But if it is slow, the 50,000 army will attack from the rear, which is also a feat that makes people panic-not to mention that there are only three of them.

Yes, anyway, Ge En counted the two of himself and Qin Yu together, the banshee was in front, and the two of himself were behind. Seeing that the place was about to be covered with arrows, he clenched his ax tightly and shouted: "Hurry up!" Hurry up, go save the banshee..."

This dwarf seems to be mature, but his heart is similar to that of a child. He hates others, but is actually quite loyal. He only wants to save others in just a few days, and he doesn't know that he is also a lamb under the range of arrows thrown by others.

but. . .

Lin also held the long sword on his waist with one hand, and slowly pulled out the sword. The sky was dark and dull, but the blade had its own edge.

If time slows down, their pursuit of that man and horse is like a journey.

If time speeds up, the journey of one person and one horse seems like a vast arrival.


Is the first round of arrows thrown?

No, this hum. . . It came from the sudden addition of a scepter in her hand when she flipped her hand.

This scepter is not long, it is quite short, and it is gray and black. It looks a little evil, and it doesn't match her very well.

But it did appear, in her hands, at the tip of her snow-white delicate fingers facing the retrograde wind of the prairie, it turned a circle, the fingertips must be.

The red lips moved slightly, and the green light from the fingertips blended in and released.

Hum ~ it came like this.

A kind of magic.

natural magic.

nature. . . Poison magic.

The green light extracts the black mist, this light is full of vitality and full of murderous intent.

Light and fog come.

Like an evil machine that activates energy.

The program starts, and the performance explodes.

The orcs closest to her at the end of the fifty-thousand army were the first to feel the pain—from skin and flesh.

After a night of intrusion and brewing, the dust has already penetrated deep into the skin, following the outbreak of the poisonous magic spell.

Toxins erupt in all directions!

Scream! The first scream was followed by ten, hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of screams and twisted screams.

Because toxins are crazily invading the internal organs and even the brain.

Boom, boom!

The seven orifices bleed! Fall to the ground and die!

When they fell down in batches like being cut into large pieces by a weed mower, Qin Yu rushed straight into the middle of the tail of the army unstoppable, cutting and tearing the huge army from behind like the sharpest and most poisonous sword.

At the end, ten thousand orcs died suddenly.

There are more orcs who are affected by natural poison magic because of her approach, and the toxins entering their bodies seem to be about to explode.

After all, Galano still has brains, and he shouted: "Scatter! Hurry up!"

The soldiers' horns blew, and the remaining 40,000 troops dispersed in confusion after hearing the horns, not daring to approach Qin Yu at all.

Thus, Qin Yu split the orc army on the vast plain and the vast battlefield.

But ahead. . . The army of wargs came, and in the distance, the archers turned around to prepare for long-distance throwing.

The range of magic was limited. At this moment, she put down the scepter in her hand and rushed directly to Galano who was riding a warg.

Gunn who was behind was agitated, and directly chopped an orc who had not been completely poisoned to death with the ax in his hand, and the head flew up.

For soldiers, blood is always the best baptism.

On the other side, Stormwind City! Its horn is sounded too!

The gates are wide open! !

rush out!

Ten thousand horses rushed out, and Blake also jumped off the city wall with a backflip while running wildly.

Under the city wall, Kailanworth, who had already prepared a horse, looked up, and Blake fell, and landed on the horse's back beside him.

The cavalry of the army came out first.

Majestic brings up dust.

Not far away, Max on horseback whistled.

While running wildly, Black smiled and said to Kailanworth next to him, "I think, even if I die in battle, I can still die as an elf."

This is recognition and confidence in identity.

He found himself.

Kellanworth, who was dressed in armor and looked unassumingly majestic, smiled.

"I think, you can't die yet, the wizard who follows us because of our allegiance is still waiting for us."

The Stormwind army rushed towards the scattered orc army.

From a strategic point of view, Qin Yu, who split the army with one man, and the stormy army with tens of thousands of people who came to help have formed a relative line of outflanking.

The advantage is that the originally well-ordered 50,000 orc army has been split, and they are wary of potential toxins.

The disadvantage is that - after all, they are short of numbers.

The key factor that determines the outcome of the battle is time.

Qin Yu and the Stormwind army must kill the most people in the shortest time.

PS——especially the army of wargs with huge lethality.

First of all, the physique of the wargs is better than that of the orcs, and the powder enters their bodies, but they are more resistant to toxins than the orcs, and the tall orcs and the white orcs Galano on the wargs are not affected by sitting on the back of the tall wolf. How much powder is contaminated, so poison magic has limited damage to them.

Then push back—Qin Yu confronted them head-on, how could he stand a chance of winning?

In wartime, the chances of winning are not actually discussed, because the opportunity for war is changing at any time.

Anyway, when the wolf army was 200 meters away from Qin Yu, Qin Yu's right hand was all over the court, his left hand was spread out, and the greenness of his fingertips glowed.

There is no need to chant the mantra this time, because it is a super power.

Jiusuihe broke through the ground, a total of one thousand wolves army is one thousand wolves, that is four thousand wolf legs!

There was no need to bundle them all up, two thousand nine-stalks of grain sprouted from the ground in an instant, and all of them precisely entangled the left and right forelimbs of a thousand wargs.

This effect is equivalent to the assassin's basic skill - tripping.

The tall, burly and fierce wolves rushed forward.

The group rushed all over, and due to the effect of inertia, the thousand tall orcs riding on their backs also all flew out and threw themselves headlong.

It was just Galano, he fell, but after falling to the ground, he rolled over on the ground, drew out the long sawtooth sword, and approached Qin Yu. . .

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