I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1188 Red Devil (Second update, wash up and sleep.)

Well, the general and the wizard are not perfect tacit comrades in arms. They will have cracks and blame each other.

But now, the eagle-faced wizard has no time to deal with the cold and contemptuous eyes of the general of the red devil, because he will not sit still, but there is always a buffer time for magic, and he wants to kill her before it is generated!

The eagle-faced wizard was about to control the banshees to attack Qin Yu.

First of all, let's start with a wave of screaming to interrupt Qin Yu's magic spell.

Just as the harpies were trying to sing another high-pitched chorus, Jiaojiao suddenly spat out a fireball, which bombarded her.

Qin Yu's magic requires spell chanting time, and you harpy screams can't be interrupted, okay?

Jiaojiao thinks that she is also a good student who passed the exam (although it was the junior entrance exam), but he passed!

He also has a witty side, so he noticed that after a few waves of screams, every time the banshees screamed, they would stop flying, hover in mid-air, and then scream. It didn't take Qin Yu to remind, Jiaojiao began to think and guess .

so. . . A fireball blasted past.

The banshee has wings, and the wings grow feathers. The feathers are afraid of fire, and if they touch it, they will become turkeys!

For example, the harpy at the front couldn't dodge in time, and it was ignited by sparks when it screamed, and the fire burned, and it turned into a turkey within two strokes, falling from a high altitude, and the rest of the harpies had to dodge. So Qiqi stopped screaming.

It is also at this time. . .

Qin Yu's magic spell is over, the dragon crystal emits a steady dazzling light, and the big magic has finally come.

But what kind of magic is it?

How big is it?


The thunder and thunder were thunderous, and the loud noise was astonishing. Could it be thunder magic?

Not really, although the thunderbolt is big, it doesn't hit people, let alone these ugly orcs.

That is. . . .

"The storm is coming."

Kellanworth knew a storm was coming when she saw the sky darken where the mountains meet the plains in the north, and the wind in the air carried something strange and old.

And this storm far exceeds some of the previous days. . . .

It came so fast!

It seemed to be born out of thin air, appearing directly in Qin Yu. . . Hold the direction pointed by the dragon crystal.

That is, the north and south wings of the battlefield—that is, where the harpies are.

Appeared in an instant, tornado, wind, sand and soil.

I saw a storm with a diameter of more than ten meters directly reaching the sky from the ground, reaching hundreds of meters in depth, and directly blowing into the group of harpies.

Scream, this time it's real scream!

The harpies screamed in horror, their feathers were plucked like turkeys, and the feathers flew away. As soon as the harpies felt the pain of pulling out the feathers, their flesh and blood hurt too—because the Debris forms a terrifying impact zone in a storm, bang bang bang!

Speed ​​out kinetic energy.

When some banshees were headshot or body exploded, the eagle-faced wizard's desire to survive was overwhelming, and he enslaved these banshees to block himself, while he desperately drove the banshees under him to fly out to the outer circle of the storm, but he found that this volume The pull of the moving storm is so terrible that he may not be able to fly out.

what to do?

The eagle-faced wizard suddenly raised his staff towards Qin Yu. . . . He knew she was manipulating the storm magic.

Before the magic came out, Jiaojiao blasted a fireball over first!

Magic interrupt, it's in the games that Xiaoyu played for him.

Mage, it's too much to interrupt.

After killing a group of harpies, Jiaojiao dealt with him very easily, sending fireballs wildly in the sky.

Boom boom boom!

The eagle-faced wizard was very embarrassed, and was injured by the wings of the banshee under him by the edge of the storm, and immediately screamed and staggered down.

"Little fish, let's kill it!"

"Go ahead."

"Okay, I'll take you down first."

After Jiaojiao was able to fly, she felt that the entire battlefield was contracted by him, and it was not a problem to go anywhere, but he knew that Qin Yu could not be thrown away at this high altitude, so. . .

"No, I'll go down by myself."

Ah, how do you get down?

Just as Jiaojiao was about to ask, Qin Yu had already rolled over.

Fall from heights.

When some orcs on the ground saw it, they were overjoyed—God, finally saw that this damned witch was about to be thrown to death!

Although I don't know why she fell. . . .

But these orcs haven't been happy for three seconds.

brush! The dragon wing paraglider appeared.

she flies.

Fly at high altitude.

On the other side, a minute ago.

The general of the Red Devils seemed to be on the hook. Under the joint attack of Gunn, Lin and Black, they were able to handle the attack with ease, and defeated the three of them. If Lin and Black were not super agile and high-quality talents, Mo Buxiang was able to play a 100% perfect coordination battle, which drove Gunn, an ax warrior who pays attention to strength, to crazy output.

But the three of them are also extremely dangerous, and they can only stop the Red Devil General by a few steps. After all, they are generals. Rao, the strength of the three of them alone is far superior to that of ordinary people.

It only took a few seconds for the actual face-to-face, and the Red Devils general hadn't used his full strength yet, and Qu Myra alone was enough for them to drink a pot. If they couldn't hold on for a longer time, the three of them would die one by one sooner or later.

Especially since the magical changes in the sky, the Red Devil general didn't want to waste any more time, and he didn't care to play with these three people, so he shot harder.

When the blade swept away, the seven or eight-meter-long knife marks injured many nearby soldiers, whether they were humans or orcs.

But the Red Devils general didn't care.

"Be careful!" Seeing General Hongmo's slashing swiftly and violently, Ge En narrowly dodged. . . He rushed forward and blocked with an axe.

Bang! The long knife struck the axe.

At that moment, the ax made by the dwarves was suddenly split.

The blade pointed straight at Gunn's shoulder and was about to cut him off.

boom! Blake rushed over, kicked Gunn's waist, and kicked the dwarf away. At the same time, Blake shot an arrow, buzz! The arrow shot towards the eyes of the Red Devil General.

Bone Arrow, this thing is quite powerful.

But the Red Devil General's eyes were even more powerful, a black light shot out, and the bone arrow shattered directly, and the black light shot straight towards Black.

Blake was startled, sideways to avoid. . The black light passed over his chest and brushed against his clothes. The clothes were immediately corroded, and Black understood to tear off the sleeves to remove them.

At that moment, Qumyra roared, and the lion's head spat flames at Lin, who was half kneeling on the ground, but Lin stabbed the upper jaw of its open mouth with a sword.

The soft flesh of the palate was painful, and the flame was stuck in the throat, but the snake's tail swept towards it, Lin dodged it slipperyly, and the snake's tail hit the ground with obvious cracks.

In fact, they really couldn't do anything to each other, and their purpose was to hold each other back for a while, and now they couldn't hold it anymore, but Gunn saw the black pupils on the face of the Red Devil general condensed a strong black light. . . . Gunn's pupils widened.

What he saw was not the black light, but the huge storm behind the Red Devil General.

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