I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1197 Grasshopper

When the marching sound of the orc army was so obvious in the darkness, the people in Baicheng felt a little desperate, and all they had to do was prepare—unless these orcs had their ass holes in their brains and would not suspect this forest, otherwise. . . There must be a war tonight!

Ten minutes later, the orc leader riding a warg arrived, and the warg under him lowered his head and sniffed.

Leon thought to himself: I hope this dog has a bad nose and smell.

Just thinking about it, the wolf turned his head, stared at the woods, and growled.

It's over.

The orc army roared at the forest!

The war broke out in the dark night.

All luck was KO, Leon immediately ordered the archers to prepare for the first round of throwing!

brush! All the archers went to the front line, using the trees as the first layer of protection, aiming at the rushing orc army.

Arrows rained out from the forest, and the first wave of the orc army was deflated, but covered by trees, the collar didn't just swoop down to attack for a while, but! They have flames.


The fireball slammed down. Although these forest trees were relatively young and not dry, they would still burn after a long time.

The people of Baicheng had no choice but to push forward and face the orc army head-on!

Then the pterosaur roared and flew down, and swooped down towards Leon who drew his sword and rushed into the orc army. . . .

"Damn, you fat bird! Get out of here!"

Leon was overwhelmed, and was about to be burned to ashes by the breath of the pterosaur. . .

A fireball fell from the sky, and the pterosaur's head was burned to ashes.

Leon looked up to the sky, "Oh my god, what a big pile of gold!!"

Jiaojiao in the sky heard it, and immediately exploded, and spit another fireball towards Leon.

Leon was terrified, jumped up and down and ran to the side, but saw the side and the other side. . .

The storm is coming.

After the storm, here comes the army!

After the army.

Before the storm and the army, the night was in the darkness, at the top of the tallest house in the town, a woman held the staff behind her, and it seemed to be holding a dazzling object in her hand. The light was both the source of the storm and gold. of brilliance.

Even her figure and silhouette were engulfed by this light.

Shine for ten miles and kill everything.

After twenty minutes, everything stopped.

The night was dark and the stars were faint, but the people in Baicheng felt like they had narrowly escaped death.

Leon stroked his hair, shook a handsome hairstyle, and said to Kellenworth who came, "Long time no see, Your Excellency Lord Stormwind."

Kellenworth didn't give him face, and said directly, "It's been a long time, you are more embarrassed than I imagined."

Leon put on a half-smile, "It's like fighting, that's how you are, a woman who is too weak to go to the battlefield..."

Before he finished speaking, a sword shot down and landed directly between Leon's legs.

Leon turned pale with fright and looked up.

Qin Yu: "She is holding the sword I gave her, and there is blood on the sword."

"Also, I don't like men bullying women in front of me, especially you are not good-looking."

Facing Qin Yu, did Leon give in? Cowardly, with a look of embarrassment.

With a refreshing smile on his face, Yale apologized to Kailanworth, and said: "Your Excellency, Lord Stormwind, please forgive our city owner's rudeness. In fact, he just owed some money. He mentioned that you will definitely bring people to rescue us, and that he highly recognizes your leadership ability in Stormwind City."

Kellenworth didn't care about Leon's rudeness, because she was used to it, but why didn't she believe Yale's words so much?

"Bah, Yale, what nonsense are you talking about! I don't have one! Don't talk nonsense! I'll deduct your salary as a staff officer!" Leon exploded!

Oh, Kellanworth believed it.

Then begrudgingly forgive him.

The people in the two cities are all human beings, and now they are both grasshoppers on a boat. They must maintain a harmonious relationship. No matter how much the two city lords quarrel, they can't turn their faces. Besides, Kailanworth doesn't pay much attention to Lyon, so the two managements are in a relationship. It can also maintain a delicate friendly relationship.

But for Qin Yu. . Lyon and the others are not like Kailanworth and the others. After all, Qin Yu is closer to Stormwind City and seems to be inclined towards Kailanworth, so Leon resolutely shuts his mouth and maintains a respectful and serious attitude.

"Pack up and rest, leave tomorrow morning."

Leon was surprised, "So urgent?"

Qin Yu glanced at him, "If you don't rush, I have to collect the body for the people in City of Hope."

Leon: "..."

I always feel that this lord witch doesn't like me very much, is it because I look too frivolous?

Yale: "No, she just thinks you're ugly."

He saw that this lady witch was very kind to Kellenworth and Blake.

It just so happens that both of them look good.

In fact, Qin Yu is also very kind to Ge En. The specific manifestation is that he likes to tease him. Every time he teases Ge En, he jumps up and down and calls her the banshee Yunyun. . .

Blake saw it, and of course Lin also saw it, glanced at Qin Yu who was teasing Gunn with wild boar not far away, Lin turned his face, and said to Black: "It seems that she likes two kinds of people, one is Pretty, kind of fun."

Gunn is very funny, cute and talkative dwarf.

Blake disagreed with this statement, "I think Master Yu is very kind to everyone, but she may not show it. Don't look at her sometimes being ruthless, but she is actually very kind and gentle in her heart."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Yu came from not far away and said: "Gen, if you call me a banshee again, I will castrate you and then pickle you. By the way, do you like fine salt or coarse salt?" ?”


Blake: "..."

Forehead. . . Occasionally not.

On the side of the Beastman Empire, the group of people who chased and killed Baicheng was wiped out again. This time, the Beastman Empire was very restless. The four generals wanted to lead the army to destroy the two cities and eat people. Fayi did not stop their anger, but instead Happy to see it happen.

"The orc empire has been stable for too long, and someone needs to be provoked to make these warriors excited."

Fay stood at the tip of the tower and looked down at the countless orcs below, with dark eyes, "No empire can stand forever."

He looked towards the floating palace at the top of the empire center.

There lies the Great Emperor Hades.

The black smoke of the staff flew out, and he also looked at the palace.

"Humans have indeed been at ease for too long, and it is time to completely exterminate them."

"Only in this way, my master, can you truly master a complete civilization."

Fay narrowed his eyes, lowered his voice, and said softly, "It's not just humans."

There are too many races on this continent.

Mastered some powers they are not qualified to master, when in fact, they should all belong to the strongest person.

Fay looked gloomy. Soon, he turned around and said, "Athenodis failed to make a real move last time. Next, it should be her turn."

In one of the most weird and dangerous places in the mainland, such as the Valley of Thorns, a rabbit has gone through all kinds of hardships and finally returned to a place he is familiar with from the world of the beastmen on the mainland, but he is more cautious than outside Nervous, cautiously enter the Valley of Thorns.

What is he afraid of?

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