I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1206 Water Spirit? (Thank you Ruirui and Shibi, they are about to be blown up by 26, please

hum! When the green light came again, the Krakens panicked and swam quickly, but they didn't want to leave, forming a spiral swimming curve, like a sea monster storm. The three of them gathered around Qin Yu, holding their breath.

But obviously, when it comes to holding one's breath, Ge En and Lin suffer the most, while the elf's natural physique is omnipotent, and he is currently safe, but it is Qin Yu. . .

Nothing happened at all. After looking around, he pointed in the next direction with his wand, then made a gesture, and then stretched out his hand to grab Lin, Lin grabbed Gunn, and Blake was in the rear. The four of them swam back and forth, unexpectedly Extremely fast.

In fact, the main reason is that Qin Yu's speed is fast.

From behind, Gunn saw Qin Yu holding a green staff in his hand, swimming like a spirit fish in the water, more elegant and quicker than Blake, leading the three of them in the water at a speed slightly faster than the sea monster Shuttle in the water. . . .

Holding one's breath is hard work, and Ge En endured it for a long time, because seeing that Lin hadn't had any problems, and he didn't want to reveal that he was no match for the other party, so he was very patient, until he almost rolled his eyes~~

Qin Yu looked back and saw that Ge En couldn't hold on any longer, and they almost got rid of the sea monster. She was about to lead people up, when suddenly, the shadow covered by green light. . .


When Qin Yu came to his senses, the other party had already jumped out of the darkness in an instant, then quickly dragged Ge En away, and slid forward.

Blake and Lin were shocked and rushed to catch up, but Qin Yu was faster and led the two of them to speed up.

Not long after, Qin Yu saw the black figure of Gunn in front of her. She left Black and Black directly, raised her fingertips and jumped out of Jiusuihe, sprinting through the water, crossing the distance of ten meters in an instant, and directly entangled the black figure. Ying's waist pulled him, and Qin Yu swam forward.


The staff blocked the opponent's arm, and Qin Yu was able to see it clearly under the attack of the water - the flaxen wavy long hair and amber blue eyes, under the green light brought by the staff, looked even more beautiful, like a monster in the water.


Qin Yu was merciless in his shots. While using Jiusuihe to wrap around the opponent's limbs, he used the magic staff to conjure sharp tree thorns, and pierced the opponent's body intensively in an instant.

Pooh. . . The opponent's body flashed blue, and turned into countless bubbles in an instant, and then came around Qin Yu. His left hand stick was charged, and the bubbles turned into water and entered Qin Yu's body, which seemed to suffocate the internal organs.

Qin Yu squinted his eyes, the super power in his body was about to explode. . .

Blake rushed over suddenly, his mouth moved slightly, making a strange sound.

Probably Elvish, Water Elvish?

Anyway, Qin Yu caught it, and the bubble spirit probably also. . . She re-condensed, but glanced at Qin Yu, grabbed her arm suddenly, and led her into the darkness.

Crash! The film ejected, Qin Yu's body passed through the barrier as the film spoke, and in the next second, she appeared on an island.

The blue sky and white clouds are super beautiful islands, like a miracle.

Just as Qin Yu was engrossed in watching it.


A shell hit Qin Yu's forehead.

Depend on! Qin Yu didn't notice for a moment that he was tricked, so shameful!

Turning her head, she saw the bubble sprite was about to throw a second shell at her.

You will throw it, right?

You little goblin!

Qin Yu rolled his eyes, and immediately picked up the two shells on the ground, making an attacking gesture.

This is the rattling sword.

Seeing this, Blake hurried over to persuade him a second time.

Elvish on the left, Common on the right.

"Master Yu, this is the water elf, our compatriot, it is good, she has no intention of hurting you."

Water Spirit? Qin Yu took a look at her and didn't say anything, but saw the water elf walking towards Ge En who was brought out by Lin.

Gunn, who was almost unconscious, was dragged out of the water, like a fat-headed fish, with a bulging stomach and mouth. The water elf made a mysterious gesture with both hands, and then his index finger emitted a blue light, pointing at the center of Gunn's eyebrows.

The light entered his body, but Gunn still didn't wake up.

Black communicated with the water elf, and seemed to be talking about how the dwarf dripped. . .

As a result, Qin Yu squatted down and did some pressing movements for Ge En. After a while, Ge En spit out water with a puff.

Two elves: "???"

Qin Yu clapped his hands and said lightly, "It's just too much."

I thought that the water elf would feel very embarrassed, after all, the person I didn't save was saved by this annoying female human being, but it didn't.

She didn't care at all, and had a hot chat with Black, who sometimes translated her words, mainly to take them to meet the water elves.

"So, the water elves didn't exterminate their clan?"

"Then this Slefell..."

If they were not exterminated, it is obvious that the disappearance of the water elves group was due to avoiding disasters actively. Since they avoided disasters, how could they live in Slefel again? Aren't they afraid of being noticed?

At least the Dark Queen had been hunting down the other elves.

Black didn't answer all the questions from the three of Qin Yu, because the water elves themselves didn't answer all the questions. They only said that this place is indeed Slefel, but their water elves didn't live here, and it was the time when they were nearby. They didn't come either.

"Then why is she here this time?"

"Save people."

As soon as Black said, Qin Yu turned to look at Gunn, Gunn looked confused, ah, him?

Then again, how did she know Gun Eun was about to drown?

Blake seemed to have some guesses, and there was even joy in his eyes. He turned to look at the water elf woman. By the way, this water elf was called Sally. Sally was obviously a little secretive, and she only led everyone into the depths of the island.

Here, originally the residence of the water elves, traces of the former residences can be seen everywhere, but when you enter the interior of the island itself, you can only see the past from the dilapidatedness of these buildings when you see these buildings. . .

Has there ever been a war here?

However, the island looks as beautiful as yesterday from the outside, but I didn’t expect it to be like this on the inside. However, even if the buildings are so dilapidated, the beauty of the island itself is not diminished, because these dilapidated buildings are covered by natural traces, and the flowers are entwined. The forest and leaves are lush and covered, and there is a bit of beauty in the combination of nature and architectural decay.

Of course, the water elves definitely don't think so.

Along the way, Sally was very reticent, and it was difficult for others to say anything.

After a while, it arrived.

Sally pointed to a pool in front of her and spoke Elvish.

Blake: "She told us to go down with her."

Huh? Is there another hole in the sky below?

Everyone followed. . . .

The water is dizzy, blue light is dyed, but nothing can be seen, until Blake stopped in front and cast an elf spell, everyone suddenly felt the water flow, turned into a small whirlpool, rolled up everyone together, only a dozen or so spirals Suddenly, a group of people disappeared into nothingness in an instant.

They disappeared?


Another space, or in other words, the same space, but different dimensions?

Qin Yu and the others appeared again, just in front of them. . . Lots of fish, and lots of jellyfish.

For a moment, Qin Yu felt like a Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

No wonder she felt weird before, why there are no creatures under the water, it is because the outer space is controlled by spells, so creatures are isolated.

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