I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1209 Give up? (Cang Pang's book fans, Sun Moon Cao Yang and Shi Bi, ask for tickets)

Qin Yu: "If you were an evil choice, would you still protect these water elves? The buildings on the top Slefel Island were actually actively destroyed, and they were deliberately created to make it look like the water elves were attacked by foreign enemies and exterminated. The dark power is not completely one. There will always be an evil force to attack the water elves first. This will only make them carry each other's backs. But being able to make a false appearance in such a timely manner and lead the water elves to hide is in line with your prediction talent."

After a pause, Qin Yu explained: "I have been exposed to this kind of prophecy talent before, although the other party is an evil choice."

The Prophet nodded, "I see. No wonder Ayeli chose you, and let me get you here by notifying me in advance."

Qin Yu was actually a little puzzled: "You don't even get recognition?"

This prophet's ability to be chosen by heaven must be very strong, otherwise he would not have achieved the feat of saving the entire water elf clan, and he would have turned Qin Yu into an army, and used Qin Yu to get out of trouble without making a fuss.

Although there was an extremely secretive reason for this matter, in fact, if she hadn't concealed it too well, with Qin Yu's terrifying insight, she would have realized that she had fallen into a trap long ago.

But now, Qin Yu was already in the pit.

Well, the wind has been smoother recently, it's good to eat a little bit, but fortunately this prophet is chosen by heaven.

"I can't see through this starry sky. Do you know what it's like to have a puzzle in front of you, but you can't solve it after 800 years, and you can't leave if you can't solve it?"

Qin Yu: "Urgency, constipation and egg pain."

The Prophet was silent.

It's fine if the egg hurts, and the physical condition does not allow it, but 800 years is indeed very hard.

"The worst thing is that I actually have a way to leave."

Qin Yu: "Could it be...using the golden house?"

Prophet: "Yes, but once the power of the Golden House is used, its existence must be probed by Ayeli, because it violates the rules-so I will be obliterated."

Either 800 years or die, how do you choose?

This is really a bit of a pain in the ass.

"Fortunately, now I'm finally free."

Qin Yu: "You are relieved, but I am miserable."

The Prophet was very open-minded, "It's okay, anyway, your life and death have nothing to do with me."

Qin Yu: "!!!!"

What about the friendship with the same faction? ! !

——Meet another Chosen One who is as dark as you.

—I was inexplicably relieved.

Maybe he also felt that it was not moral for him to speak like this, so the prophet added: "And you won't die, it's just locked up for a few hundred years, and maybe another person will replace you in a few hundred years."

Qin Yu suddenly understood the mentality of the other chosen ones who worked with him.

The companion is colder and darker than the evil one, how tragic.

Qin Yu glanced at the old, open-minded and kind-hearted prophet who looked like his female companion Gandalf, and said quietly, "Maybe it hasn't been a few hundred years, and Hades is about to wake up outside."

The prophet was taken aback for a moment, then rolled his eyes, "Then I think I have to go."

Qin Yu was taken aback, "Let's go?"

Prophet: "The possibility of 100% fall in this world is infinitely close to another 100%, you know what I mean?"

This word. . . Although Qin Yu knew that the enemy was strong, he still felt that he could save him.

"It's not that exaggerated, Hades is so powerful?"

"It's one thing for Hades to be strong, but the light itself is weak."

"It's not been a day or two since the light in the heavily occupied areas has been weak. Are you so sure because you noticed something?"

Qin Yu has always been sensitive, especially when it comes to her own interests - the success or failure of a mission is her interests, so she suddenly had a thought as soon as she finished speaking.

"Could it be that the light is not weak, but that you see it is about to annihilate?"

The expression of the prophet suddenly became meaningful, "How do you think...how did the light elves in Florin land be destroyed? And during the sacrificial ceremony, why did the chosen king suddenly become depraved? You must know that since the light elves are the most powerful The most orthodox elves, their existence itself means light, how could it be so easy to fall, not to mention that Arthenodis is a princess, pure blood, and the dark power that can induce her to fall is definitely far more than what was destroyed more than two hundred years ago. The share of the capital of the kings of the human race."

Ah, I didn't expect that the information that Sally could not get was obtained from the Prophet.

Qin Yu even thought of a deeper level from the prophet's words - a more terrifying possibility.

"So you're giving up on this mission?"


The Prophet let out a sigh of relief, "If we are talented people, if we know that we can't do it, most of us will end up badly."

Qin Yu thought to himself, that's not true, the evil choice above would have died a miserable death.

Burned alive by her.

But this world is already short of people, and now it would be miserable enough to lose another prophet.

"Okay, I won't keep you."

The Prophet smiled, "You're very interesting, what if you don't keep me and don't mention these water elves, isn't it a pity that the manpower is getting smaller and smaller?"

"Before I came to this world, I didn't know your existence. After I came to this world, I thought that the water elves had already disappeared. So now, it doesn't matter whether you stay or not. At least the water elves are there."

"You don't care, I care."

Qin Yu downplayed it, the prophet was suffocated, his expression was a little complicated, this man was deliberately provoking her.

But getting older.

He will consider the pros and cons, which is long past the time of passion.

"I'm afraid you can't control it. Let's talk after you can go out." The prophet smiled and turned to leave, but heard Qin Yu say.

"The dead end hasn't come yet, so there's no need to rush away. Why don't we make a bet, if I can get Ayeli's approval within three days, you can stay, otherwise you can leave after three days."

Of course, this is still a method, and the Prophet knew it clearly: "Why do I have to agree?"

"If there is an agreement with me, the system will have a higher evaluation of you. You are right, you are older, you are not passionate, and you only consider interests. This is an interest."

The Prophet pondered for a moment, and inadvertently glanced over the roots to Sally, who was waiting dutifully outside, and turned his eyes, "It's only three days, it doesn't matter."

Qin Yu: "It just so happens that I can come forward and explain to those people outside."

Otherwise, she would be trapped here and the Prophet disappeared, and it would be difficult to explain to the water elves.

It is necessary to pull out some secrets.

Anyway, Sally, who was unhappy with her, was not easy to fool.

"By the way, there is also Blake, please help me pay more attention."

The prophet turned around suddenly and stared at Qin Yu, who smiled warmly.

"I think it's not good for you to play like this." The prophet's tone was a little subtle.

Qin Yu's expression was more subtle: "How do you know that someone else didn't start playing first?"

Is it already exposed? this place.

Yes, it's been so long.

Hades was about to wake up, which meant that the dark power behind him couldn't bear it anymore.

The Prophet was silent for a moment, nodded slightly, and saw Sally after going out, Sally naturally asked Qin Yu, and the former said that Ayeli liked this foreign human being and left her behind.

Sally's reaction was - Ayeli's vision is not very good today.

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