I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1212 Order (Thank you Yunyu Y for the 50,000 reward, please ask for a monthly ticket.)

"Sure enough, it's still here. It's been seven hundred years." The prophet was low and hoarse, and the expressions of the other water elves were also very sad and complicated. Shake hands and appeal to the Prophet.

"Master Prophet, please allow a battle!"

Sally's status is naturally noble, and Gunn and the others have known it in the past two days. In fact, among the elves, it is very common to be good at archery and swordsmanship and other fighting skills. The difference lies in the strength of the essence skills, but the skills . . . Only those with high-purity bloodlines of each race have the ability to master it.

For example, Sally, she is the royal generation of the water elves.

Of course, in reverse, Gunn also suspected that Blake's blood was very high, otherwise Sally would not have been so kind to him at the time. You must know that even among the elves with extremely high moral standards, there is actually a difference between superiority and inferiority.

A princess is a princess.

Her leadership of the will is great.

Seeing this, the other water elves also summoned their spears one after another, with the same gesture and the same will.

"A request for a fight!"

This is racial dignity.

It is also the final battle.

Gunn muttered beside him: "I don't know why, but I suddenly thought of that Prince Nurtel."

It can be called the most parallel royal family in this era in the world, and there is really no one else.

The Prophet did not remain silent. Turning his slender, slender palm with slightly wrinkled skin, a staff taller than her appeared, with a triangular fork engraved on the tip wrapped in a water blue crystal, which was shining and moving.

Just like her, she is wise and calm.

With a wave of the staff, the water gate rolled and the barrier was torn apart.


Rather than waiting for the dark elves to knock on the door, would you rather go out first?

This is consistent with Kailanworth's last defense tactics. Is it because of strategic advantages? No, sometimes it's just a psychology.

It is humiliating to be killed at home, and it is better to die in battle.

The blood is sprinkled all over the world, and the soul is sacrificed to the sky.

Sally held the spear in her backhand, jumped into the water layer with her feet, and turned her head to look at the three of Lin.

"This is our battle, you... escape from the outside."

"The door is open."

how to say.

Gunn blew his beard right then, "I still hate you elves, you always look down on people!"

He held the ax and looked to the side. . . Blake and Lin have already drawn their weapons together.

Sally smiled, and swept her face with her palm, a layer of silver-white armor covered her body and face.

Step down, brush! Swipe through the water with terrifying speed.

At that moment, he was beyond handsome.

Gunn: "Why is it that our dwarves are the most skilled craftsmen in the world, but..."

Every time he fights, he is the most handsome elf, why, so angry!

Lin and Blake: Probably because of the handsome armor, the short and bearded dwarves wear it. . . A little round and tight.

A group of people mobilized, and Black went to the prophet and asked, "Your Excellency, where is Master Yu?"

The Prophet glanced at Black, his pupils were slightly deep, "A prison."

Sleefell Island.

The blue sky and white clouds, once the glorious land of the water elves, have also maintained a long silence and decadence for hundreds of years.

Now, darkness has fallen, and the sky looks gloomy and cloudy.

And the huge and terrifying army of dark elves gathered on the beach and the sky, what do you want to do here?


They waited for a while, waiting for Felix, the leader of their march, to find the way to enter the water elf's hiding place, but before he found it, Felix felt a strange movement, he stopped the elf induction, and pulled out his left hand on his waist The elf ink blood long knife.

The blade pointed.


The army of archers shifted direction, facing the north of the sea outside the beach.

Also at the same time.

Water sprites emerged from the sea level, suspended in the water, and the water flowed on their delicate, elegant and always three-point clear bodies, and the dark clouds could not cover up the brilliance flowing on them.

The Prophet stands in the center.

Smiled at Felix.

"It took seven hundred years to find it, a bit later than I expected."

As a chosen person, the ability to speak out has been experienced in many planes. Of course, the prophet is not a person who likes to talk nonsense. She is willing to talk more because she is delaying time.

She had a hunch that her fellow Chosen Ones would show up today.

Just for today's fateful battle.

It also means coming for the other party.

Felix is ​​extremely handsome, well, there is no elf who is not handsome, but his handsomeness lies in the decadence after the fall of the light, and the sharpness after the rise of the darkness.

His long dark golden hair fluttered, and his pupils were pitch black, with no light, only killing.

"Prophet, long time no see."

It is not a problem for the elves to be flexible for thousands of years. The prophet came to this world for 800 years. It took 100 years to become the prophet of the water elves, and another 700 years to protect the water elves. During those 100 years, The pattern is far from being as bleak and dangerous as it is today.

There was always brilliance and harmony when they met.

But now, see you at last, see you at last.

Felix walked out slowly holding the elf ink blood long knife, and the powerful griffin team in the sky also changed their attack direction.

These Griffon Elven warriors have strange prismatic double-edged blades in their hands, which can be split for close combat or thrown for long-distance attack. They are very calm in the sky, sea, land and land. Even if they are not invincible, they are definitely among the top three arms.


Ge En silently counted the number of the other party, before he could count to a hundred, Lin said directly: "One thousand in the sky, three thousand with bows and arrows on the beach, and three thousand in close combat."

Seven thousand in total.

Compared with the previous few battles, it is nothing to mention, but they all know it. . . The elves can be one against ten.

Of course, water elves also have this ability, but in terms of quantity~~they only have three thousand.

And it will be crushed by sky griffins.

Gunn felt that the possibility of dying in this battle was mostly, but observing Sally and the others, he found that they had no fear at all. Well, the dwarves must not lose to the elves!

Gunn lifted his waist and hips, and gripped the ax tightly: "When will the fight start?"


Felix's long knife pointed at the prophet's head and held it with both hands, the blade was pure black and shining. . .

boom! The sea level cut a long wave with a straight edge and a line in the middle of the prophet's body.

The prophet's palm moved slightly, and the end of the staff pointed at the cut water surface, and the magic started.

The air on the divided water surface was like a knife, but it was crushed steeply and re-condensed, twisted and spiraled, and pressed towards the sea surface brazenly.

Felix sweeps across and cuts flat!

One order.


The sky griffin warrior immediately swung the prismatic double blades, throwing a long-range attack.


Prismatic light afterimage, cutting invincible, from the sky to attack the water elves on the water from a distance.

The water elves were divided into two, and half threw their spears into the sky.

Dense, sharp, tough.


In addition to the leader update, the day before yesterday there was the first update in sales, and then the top three updates in the weekly list. Currently, there are Fengwu Fanchen, Yunyu Y and Sun Moon Caoyang, a total of 13 updates. I will remember it when I arrive. When I return from Japan, I will add more.

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