I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1214 Here she is

The moment the flesh and blood on Sari's shoulder splattered, the blade was stuck on the shoulder bone, but it didn't stay for too long, because a hand, a hand wrapped around Jiu Suihe's tough set, held it, and pulled it out to Felix. A stab.

Felix is ​​a dark elf, how fast he reacted, he retreated, but the stabbing sword flew towards him.


With a sweep of the long knife, the general was knocked into the air, two nine-stalks of grass flew out, wrapped around Felix's arms, and the other wrapped around the general and flew back. At this time, Mo Xie also flew away, one left One right and one right combine with a swift and mysterious flight curve, and the two swords fly shuttle strangle!

The strangulation was successful.

But Felix's body also turned into dark shattered light, flashed away, condensed again, and slashed across Qin Yu's back.

Sally was pushed to the side by Qin Yu, wrapped in the splashing water, the water flowed into the wound, and was repairing the injury, but she knew that the combat power would not recover much in a short time, because the dark force would destroy her body.

She only saw Qin Yu, who was chopped by Felix in the front and rear, motionless.

Holds a staff in one hand only.

Felix behind. . . . The terrifying tree root spikes that grew out of Qin Yu's back for no reason pierced through his body.

Felix is ​​dead?

Before Sally had time to rejoice, she suddenly felt the world was quiet.

This is a very strange feeling, it seems that the sound is directly robbed.

The sky, the sea, the land, including all the fighting sounds have been deprived.

The prophet's mouth moved slightly. If you look at the mouth shape, you can know what she said.

"She is coming."

Who's coming?

Lin suddenly pulled Ge En, and he and others led him to dodge back, away from one person.


Black covered his eyes in pain, half kneeling in the water, blood flowed from his eyes, and black light grew from his eyes.

Here she came, coming from Blake's eyes.

This is a kind of dark magic, dark parasitism, double descending.

Silence, a piece of silence.

Queen Arthenodis stood barefoot on the water, wearing a pure black long dress with gilt curved patterns, a head of thick and waterfall-like gray-gold long hair, a typical elven crown, once silver and white to gather the sun's rays, now black and gold Gather the light of Eternal Night.

With her deep pupils, she snatched away all the light from the dark elves, and enveloped everyone's fighting spirit.

She is the queen, and the strong are unrivaled.

The waves calmed down.

The wind on the island has also calmed down.

Qin Yu felt Ayeli's low sigh in her mind.

"The strongest light elf, the strongest queen."

"She came at last."

is it scary? very scary.

But Qin Yu felt that this was not enough to scare herself, so she asked Ayeli.

"It's just a clone, right?"


Ayeli was silent, but heard Qin Yu say: "Eating so much vitality from me, as a tree, can you be a little bit more bloody?"

Ayeli: "???"

As the best-tempered and gentlest water elf clan's shelter Shenmu, plus living in the water all year round, she really doesn't understand what hot blood is.

By the way, she has no blood either.

She will only judge the current situation and make the safest decision. The prophet is similar to her character, so they jointly sheltered the water elves.

But on fighting. . . She only defends.

"Hey, get high with me."

"I don't understand."

"Forget it." Qin Yu was discouraged, "You just watch and feel it."

Then Ayeli saw the prophet move before he could speak.

The Prophet attacks Arthenodis with a magical radiance call.

A light, from the staff, the power of the staff, from the sea.

Ashenodis glanced, darkness swallowed the light, and swallowed the sea area where the Prophet was from the other side, forming a dark vortex that would involve and tear the Prophet apart.

The prophet gripped his staff and chanted a spell.

Big magic is coming?

This is definitely the fluctuating breath of great magic!

Hey, the queen is fighting with the prophet.

What about Qin Yu?

Qin Yu rushed into the dark elf army alone.

She waved her staff, holding it above her head.

Chant a mantra.

The magic breath fluctuates violently, but it is obviously much faster than the big magic.

Thorns grow in the sea.

There is a saying called Eight Hundred Miles of Clouds and Moons, and now this scene is probably called Eight Thousand Seas of Thorns and Thorns.

Tall buildings rise on the ground, and thorns grow on the sea.

They are born in water, and when they come out of the water, the thorns will see blood. After seeing the blood, the jiu sui he will accompany the thorns to suck water from the body.

This is not big magic, big magic can induce heaven and earth visions, such as big storms.

But it is very powerful, because of its fast burst speed and wide range of damage, and what is even more terrifying is that it is accompanied by Jiusuihe to assist in lore.

Although the consumption is not small. . . Almost four-fifths of the magic power was emptied, half of the energy of the golden cube was also spent, and the result of the killing was to wipe out the entire archer team.

Are elves great? It is powerful, but with flesh and blood, the real difficulty of killing is not calculated by ten times.

Although compared to killing orcs, Qin Yu's consumption has also doubled several times.

But in this way, Gunn and the others understood why the Prophet suddenly attacked Arthenodis.

That's because she wanted to use herself to attract the attention of Arthenodis, so that Qin Yu would have a chance to make a big move.

Now that the dark elf archery team is eliminated, the pressure on the water elves will naturally be reduced by more than half, but~~ is it really reduced?

Arthenodis turned a blind eye to the drastic reduction of his own army, and only looked at the great magic on the Prophet's side.

Huge waves rose above the horizon and covered Arthenodis.

Arthenodis came avatar, the staff was not there yet, but this did not prevent her from raising her left hand, the palm of which exuded a golden radiance of dark power condensed.

In an instant, it turned into a half-human pupil.

Like a dark sky eye.

The eyes of the dark sky swept away, and the waves that rolled down the bed stopped for a moment.

Then Arthenodis turned his wrist slightly, and the paused waves were instantly infested by darkness, from water blue to pure black, and twisted with the extent of Arthenodis's wrist, turning into an enveloping wave. Haibi directly got the Prophet in.

The brilliance of the prophet's staff was sealed.

Black was half kneeling on the ground before, his eyes were bleeding, and he was silently chanting a spell to forcefully restore his pupil vision. Now he saw this scene and was horrified.

That kind of panic is the fear and pain from the depths of the soul, so he shouted: "That is the hell of Moros, she wants to send the prophet to hell, no!"

But his yelling was useless, because the voice was stripped, and there was no one here to make a sound.

Black rushed over, and on the other side, although Qin Yu didn't hear it, he noticed it and turned his head to look and was startled.

Is this queen so stubborn? She doesn't bring any murderers, but instead sends her directly to hell.

The water elves also panicked, and directly messed up the advantage Qin Yu gained from killing the dark elf archer, and rushed to rescue the prophet.

Sally also passed.

reason? Sometimes reason is useless.

The queen you want is here, although it is only a clone, please move your little hands and vote for me, thank you little fairies, ok.

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