I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1216 The Prince's Son

The prophet supported by Sally turned his pupils, his mouth squirmed, and he raised his staff, trying to help Qin Yu, but she couldn't.

I am in danger, and I can't draw out a trace of magic power at all.

And other water elves don't have such ability, as for Gunn. . . Gun-eun is about to throw his own ax at the queen.

Only Lin, Lin was very calm. He stared at Qin Yu, as if he could see her soul being forcibly pulled out of her body, and she was about to be stuffed into Moros Hell.

Qin Yu: "This is all right?! Bibi, can she throw my soul into hell?"

——In theory, yes.

Qin Yu: "I remember you said before that my soul is very tough, especially after the sacrifice, has it been officially recognized?"

——It is tenacity, but tenacity lies in its indestructibility, not in her inability to throw your soul into hell, perhaps, she has already noticed that your soul is more difficult to destroy, and only when the clone comes, so she throws you into hell , this is the most trouble-free and straightforward method.

All right.

In fact, Qin Yu had already prepared a self-rescue plan when he asked Bibi.

She doesn't understand soul magic, but she knows another way to protect the soul, such as~~

Qin Yu suddenly opened his mouth to speak.

A-444 local dialect.

"Athenodis you idiot! You know I come from far away gold..."

In the soul, the house of gold.

It was a serious exposure, especially to Queen Arthenadis.

So no deductions.

Out of the iron law of the system rules, the Golden House directly sent out a rule punishment——come to Qin Yu's soul!


But it was also at that moment that Qin Yu threw his entire soul into the dark spell itself that absorbed her soul.

Rules punishment goes first to the dark spell itself.

Qin Yu's soul descended after the dark spell was shattered.


The soul was hit, but the dark spell was also cut off, Qin Yu's soul returned to the body, not dead, but seriously injured.

Qin Yu's face turned pale.

All this happened so quickly, almost in the blink of an eye, Sally and the others couldn't hear the sound, and didn't know what Qin Yu said, but there was also a dying prophet hanging not far away who could understand lip language: "... ..."

Is there such an operation?

Gunn noticed the Prophet's expression: "What happened? Why do I feel like something weird happened."

Lin's expression was subtle, but he didn't speak.

As a well-regulated and stable old man who has been selected for many years, the prophet feels that his three views have been reshaped.

Huang Jinbi was also suffocated by Qin Yu's steady operation like an old dog.

——In your previous life, you were the Empress Pippi Shrimp, right?

——This can be played, why do I feel that the system needs to be updated collectively to address this bug.

Otherwise, every time the chosen one encounters a soul crisis, he will play like this, and the golden house rules will be too busy to vomit blood, hacking rules and punishments everywhere.

However, Huang Jinbi also knew that not all the chosen ones had Qin Yu's courage, and also knew that even if this method was feasible, they did not have her judgment.

The enraged rules themselves offer punishments and predict judgments at the same time.

Anticipate the timing: Chacha completely hides in the dark spell.

Prejudgment endurance: use the rule punishment to bear the strength of the remaining punishment after contacting the spell, and the soul must be able to bear it.

How many people can make these two predictions?

That's why Jinbi was shocked.

Perhaps the Golden House is also shocked now, and even forgot to send out the system warning prompt.

If it was normal, Qin Yu would definitely show off, but now she can't.

Damn, it feels kind of nauseous after the soul is weak, like morning sickness. . .

And she also has an inexplicable sense of unease.

She saw the expression and eyes of Arthenodis.

By the way, it seems that the prophet is not the only one who knows what he just said.

Arthenodis knew for sure.

She stared at Qin Yu quietly.

Qin Yu swallowed a mouthful of blood, and suddenly shuddered, and wanted to turn sideways, but it was too late, and the strangely condensed dark force behind him turned into a person.

A man known to most of the people present.


He is not dead.

Under the call of Queen Arthenodis again, he who had been lurking in the water for a long time suddenly appeared, and directly stabbed Qin Yu's heart from the back with a long black gold knife.

The tip burst out of the chest, dripping with blood.

Mishap followed mishap again.

Serial lore.

Everyone saw it and was stunned.

Only the prophet had a helpless expression. She had a premonition that Qin Yu would die, but she didn't know it would be such a death.

Qin Yu's pupils had already begun to dim.


Arthenodis turned a blind eye and only made a gesture and swiped his fingers.


Crash! The griffin army came roaring.

This is a silent battle.

Under the condition that the Prophet is dying and Qin Yu is dead, the remaining people are almost equal to the fish on the board.

Kill them all!

Seeing the enemy group approaching ferociously, Sally let go of the prophet, gathered the last spear, and prepared to die with the other water elves.

at this moment.

A person rushed out suddenly.

A person that no one expected, a person that many people were shocked at first and then subconsciously forgot.

He brought Arthenodis.

But he was right.

Most of the elves are kind, so they can't bear to blame him, but this doesn't prevent him from making his own choice.

After Blake rushed out.

These dark elves probably don't even remember who he is.

But Felix remembered that he squinted and looked at Arthenodis.

Arsenaudius looked at Black, watching him resist the army alone.

He raised his right hand.

Bloody right hand.

It was his own blood, and at some point, he used an elf knife to separate the skin on his arm, engraving ancient elf writing.

This is a mantra in which the body is sacrificed.

The dark elves suddenly felt a sense of fear and awe in the crowd.

Qiqi took a step back, including Felix.

That is the bloodline gap that comes from the depths of the soul.

At this time, only Black made a sound.

This is the power of blood.

"I, Black, the eldest son of the previous king, sacrificed myself in the name of the descendant of Dath'Rema, a descendant of the king under the belief of the elf god Gaia, and made a request to God."

"Athenodis, the second daughter of the king, you took my throne, corrupted my soul, slaughtered my blood relatives, and destroyed the light. In the name of your brother, I will never recognize you as a descendant of Dath'Remar forever."

The blood curse in the palm of his hand burned blood and fire. Looking at Arthenodis, Black's pupils were bloodshot, as if he had returned to the bright Florinland, to the forest where the bright elves gathered, and to that sacrifice.

He wore the prince's crown and watched his most beloved and only sister destroy everything.

After years of self-imposed exile, he finally found a glimmer of courage.

— broke with her.

His pupils were bloodshot, and tears finally condensed, and Black uttered the last two sentences.

"I am willing to sacrifice my body, burn my soul, and live forever as a slave to the light in exchange for a ray of light."

"Eternal life for others."

After speaking, his right hand started to burn, and brilliant light burst out from his body.

That is a kind of vastness.

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