I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1219 The tree dealer

Qin Yu was surprised by her straightforwardness, "Hey, don't you miss this place?"

"Huh? Why are you reluctant." Ayeli felt that Qin Yu's words were a little strange.

"It has always been there, the heaven and the earth are eternal."

"But I hate those kids."

"The children are also reluctant to bear me. They will be where I am, and I will be where they are. We are a family."

Oh, come on, that's a good way to say it.

Qin Yu smiled and tried to get Ayeli's tentacles into the golden cube.

It involves some esoteric space magic, which is Ayeli's own ability. Anyway, Ayeli did put a part of his body that was much larger than the actual volume into the golden cube, and shrank it into a tiny plant body.

The space has always been so large, but it accommodates more and more physiques.

In the end, the huge Ayeli body all went in.

Qin Yu touched his stomach.

Ayeli was afraid that she would feel uncomfortable, so he asked her how she was.

Qin Yu frowned slightly: "I feel like I'm pregnant, like ten months."

Ayeli: "..."

——. . . .

Will you die if you don't skin?

However, Qin Yu also cared about Ayeli's feelings, after all, this was the first time she had introduced a living body into her body.

Ayeli: "Well...I feel good."

Qin Yu: "Very good?"

She felt that Ayeli's tone was subtle, and she was secretly nervous, could she detect the golden house?

——Your golden cube is rooted in your body, it is your own superpower, it has nothing to do with the golden house.

——The rules and punishments have been used by you, why are you afraid of this?

——You perverted.

Uh, my Bibi, your temper is really getting worse recently.

Qin Yu resented, but listened to Ayeli's explanation: "I feel that my vitality is recovering rapidly, and it seems to be still growing."


Huang Jinbi was surprised, but suddenly remembered something, and asked Qin Yu.

——You did it on purpose, deliberately used her to experiment with the super energy effect of the golden cube.

——If it succeeds, it means abducting an ancient high-level spiritual plant from the world of magic civilization. It is still the kind with its own intelligence, and understands the principle of space, so it can enter the body by itself. It may be difficult for Qin Yu to replace it with other living treasures. Put in such a large volume.

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't! I'm not that kind of person!"

Qin Yu quickly retorted, "I just want them to be reunited, and more importantly, the presence of Ayeli is needed for the next battle! You are so wretched, you want to think of the worst of people!"

Huang Jinbi rolled his eyes.

Qin Yu didn't continue to explain to Huang Jinbi, but just said to Ayeli: "Then you can make good use of it."

Ayeli suddenly said something.

"Is it okay to drain you?"


As a tree, you don't do that.

"Uh... It's best not to, we are friends."

"But aren't you afraid that I'm greedy for your energy?"

The best defense is offense, offense.

Ayeli thought for a moment, "Then you are?"

Qin Yu smiled: "I don't want your energy, I want your whole body, do you believe it?"

Ayeli also smiled, "Okay, it's fine."

The atmosphere is very good, it is natural and friendly to get along with each other.

The golden wall exploded.

——You molested even a tree!

——You don't spare even a tree!

--Are you crazy!

——Hitaral Qing. Gold wall. jpg.

Qin Yu: "You can think of it like this when I chat with a tree, who is perverted? And are you watching soap operas with Jiaojiao behind my back?"

Also self-made JPG, why don't you go to heaven!

While talking softly to the abducted Shenmu Ayeli, Qin Yu made evil looks at the golden wall, and then went up to join the prophet and others to leave.

On the way, the prophet's eyes were quite playful.

Qin Yu was slightly surprised, did this person feel it?

Prophet: "Ayeli just told me, but I suggest you don't tell anyone else about it."

Thinking about Ayeli's character is still very pure, and he also trusts the prophet very much. Thinking about it this way, the tree dealer Qin Yu and the prophet are both chosen by heaven, and these two foxes have often deceived Ayeli.

Thinking of this, the two looked at each other and coughed together.

Well, everything is for this world.

Being the chosen one, this secret really cannot be revealed.

If you say it, it will explode on the spot, dear.

As for not telling these people to Sally, it is simply because they want to use Ayeli as a secret hole card. After all, the big battle is coming, and it is a good idea to keep one hand.

"Hey, where are we going now? This is not the direction to City of Hope."

Gunn asked suddenly.

At that time, everyone had gone ashore, on the shore of the sea.

Qin Yu: "The fastest route back to City of Hope will be strictly monitored and blocked. There may be troops waiting to ambush us on the way. We must choose another route."

Here, Qin Yu and the Prophet are undoubtedly the heads of think tanks, and they are also the most powerful in force, basically they have the final say, but!

Ge En was suddenly confused, "What are you looking at me for!"

Prophet: "Have you exterminated the clan?"

Hey, Elven Prophet, although you are very old and worthy of respect, I am not happy to hear you say this.

Gunn muttered, "No, our dwarves are doing very well, that is, there are not too many people, but there must be more people than you water elves."

The Prophet smiled, with a gentle smile, "Very well, I will go home with you."

Gunn: "???"

Fortunately, he is not a fool, and he quickly realized it.

"Yes! You go back with me, and I will persuade our people to join the war!"

The Prophet smiled: "With your eloquence, I don't think you can convince me, so I need to go."

Gunn did not resist. With the Prophet, the journey would be safe.

"It's not just her, you will be very safe, because they will all go with you, go in the direction of the Valley of Thorns where your home is, and the druids are also there, please help me get those lovely druids away Bring it out too."

What Qin Yu said obviously meant that she was planning to go to another place.

Everyone looked at her.

Qin Yu smiled: "I'm going to corrode the swamp together. There are some other races in there. I'll see if I can fool a few."

The Corroded Swamp is not far from here, and it is also on the route of the City of Hope, even closer than the Valley of Thorns, but the problem is. . .

"The Corrosion Swamp is very dangerous." The Prophet frowned. "I can feel that the evil power there is far greater than the Valley of Thorns. Are you sure you want to go alone?"

"Go, one person is enough."

Qin Yu was planning to separate from everyone.

Lin suddenly said, "I'm with you."

Gunn was astonished, Blake's eyes lit up, and he wanted to bring it up too.

As a result, Qin Yu glanced at Black, "Athenodis is either staring at me or at me, please separate from me and help me share the firepower, I don't want to see her recently."

Blake was embarrassed, but also relieved.

Well, other people are a bit shy about Arthenodis, especially dare not mention it in front of Black, so Qin Yu has no taboos.

Avoid the fart, isn't it just being bullied by the evil sister.

She has also seen several genocide perverts.

As for this forest. . .

"Are you sure you want to come with me?"

Lin looked indifferent: "There are my enemies in the corrosive swamp."

Oh, it seems that I heard that this man's wife and children died, probably some evil race in the Corrosion Swamp did it.

Qin Yu couldn't stop him from taking revenge, so he agreed.

The two groups of people separated, two of them went to the Corrosion Swamp, and the rest went to the Valley of Thorns.


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