I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1228 Summoning Ghouls

Qin Yu: "It's troublesome to add a Tibetan Mastiff to a group of dogs, but if this Tibetan Mastiff can't hide and ambushes in the grass, it's not troublesome, but dangerous."

Mainly speaking, she is far more guarded than timid.

Such a woman with exquisite thoughts, deep thoughts and no room for others. . . Treat the enemy like this, but treat your own people?

Lin was noncommittal and didn't ask any more questions, because the two ethnic groups had already arrived, and everyone left directly.

When they walked a long way, on the ground in the forest. . Wriggling, it wriggled into the swamp, raised a head out of the gray mud, stared at the people who turned into small black spots in the distance for a moment, and then re-entered the ground.

But it didn't notice that a small beetle climbed twice on the branches and leaves of the trees not far away.

And Qin Yu's pupils, which turned into small black spots in the distance, were slightly mysterious.


In the Valley of Thorns, with Qin Yu as the base and Orton playing around, it is easy for the Druids to persuade them, and because of the insidious character shared by the old Chosen and the new Chosen, the Prophet also borrowed the mysterious creature At the same time, he dumped the danger to Hades and Fay.

Druids, and the characteristic of this race is that it is absolutely impossible to charge or the main force, it is impossible to kill, and it is impossible to be a leader. The advantage of our race is that we will follow where others run .

So the Prophet was easy to win, the only one that was more difficult was the dwarves, although with the help of Gunn, the characteristics of the dwarves are stubbornness, bad temper, hostility to elves, and they think that although they are short, they are a great race , Absolutely do not obey anyone's command, especially elves!

Gunn thought that the Prophet would have a headache, but the Prophet said a few words, "In a sense, we elves are the same as you dwarves."

"In ancient times, the elves fought with the dwarves. The ancestors did so. Did they do something wrong? Of course not. Since they didn't, it is absolutely correct for us as descendants to follow the steps of our ancestors to fight together today."

"In the first battle back then, we were companions on the battlefield, and now we are companions in this battle."

How noble is the elf, the strongest race recognized by the entire continent, although the dwarves are proud and unwilling to give in, they actually know that they are noble deep down in their hearts, but now they bow their heads and recognize themselves as companions.

The dwarves are proud, but they are not arrogant or rampant. They are decent, but also deeply understand that after Hades wakes up, the three major races that will be the first must be human elves and dwarves, because they have the largest number and the strongest strength. .

The rest of the minor races will follow behind.

After a moment of contemplation, the elder of the dwarves finally agreed.

Gunn also breathed a sigh of relief, just as the prophet and the elders of the dwarves made a combat agreement according to ancient rituals, boom!

Suddenly there was a terrible roar outside, and a dwarf hurried in.

"Not good, outside!!"

What's going on outside?

it's dark.


Why is it dark during the daytime?

Because Hades woke up.

In the darkness, the Prophet stood on the square where the dwarves lived, looking at the turbulent darkness in the distance. The darkness resembled the whistling of a giant demon.

"Finally woke up..."

"Then, the next step is the battle."

The Prophet pondered for a while, and looked directly at the elder of the dwarves, "We must arrive at the City of Hope within three days."

hope. . . I hope that Qin Yu can also come back in time.


City of Hope.

The three city lords, Kailanworth, Leon and Old Jenkin, all felt the crushing power in the darkness.

"We have been under so much pressure since the waking up of the Orc Empire. If his deity came, there would be no need to fight."

Old Jenkin was the most realistic at his age, but Leon said: "Don't destroy your prestige, maybe we can still..."

Old Jenkin sneered: "Then Hades is here, you go first."

This is no longer the case.

Leon laughed dryly, "If Kellenworth is willing to be together, I am willing..."

Kellanworth ignored him and asked Jiaojiao who came over directly.

"Master Jiaojiao, can you confirm when Lady Witch will come back?"

Jiaojiao was really not sure, but he said: "Ann, you are not important, but I am. For me, she will definitely come back."

The three city lords: "..."

But what is certain is. . .

Jiaojiao stood on the balcony, with her hands on her hips, and said deeply, "But I feel that the orcs are starting to march."

Hades woke up, and of course the Orc Empire had to solve all the troubles—for example, the ants who were gathering an army to resist.

"Then we should get busy."

In fact, the troops of the three cities have already been prepared, and all aspects are in place. What is waiting now is Qin Yu's return, and. . . . The enemy is coming.

At this time, dozens of huge pterosaurs appeared in the sky of the corroded swamp, and a woman in a black robe appeared on the back of one of the pterosaurs.

The dark witch Pro Amy, an evil woman, looked down at the swamp below, narrowed her eyes, and moved her mouth slightly.

"Fai calls, if you don't surrender, you will be regarded as an enemy."

Darkness enveloped, pterosaurs roared, and fireballs were ready to bombard the swamp in groups.

Remember, what she locked on was the swampy mud, as if she had seen through the camouflaged creatures beneath the mud.

And after a while, gray and muddy creatures appeared one after another on the muddy ground, one of the thinnest ones, hunched over, lowered its head, and said in a hoarse voice: "Ghoul Jaeger, has been waiting for Fay. Your Excellency's call."

A group of dwarves who love each other's face and stubbornness, evil and tricky trolls, and tree people who are honest and honest, it is obviously easier to attract them than to drink water.


It is a long way from the Beast Empire to the City of Hope. After all, the latter is the most advantageous geographically, not only because of the environment, but also because of the distance from the Beast Empire.

Although it is far away, the Orc Empire has no fear. After recruiting troops everywhere, the number is getting bigger and bigger, and the witch Pro Aimi, who is going to recruit the ghoul tribe on the way, rides a pterosaur and does not take the ghouls with her. The army rushed back to the Orc Empire, but under Fay's order, they rushed to the abandoned city of Aribasil, which must be passed by the Orc Empire on the way to the City of Hope.

Yalibasil used to be a medium-sized city no smaller than Baicheng. Unfortunately, the city was massacred in the later battles, and almost all of it died. Therefore, the city was extremely desolate and cold, and there were not many mice.

But because of this general offensive, it obviously has some strategic significance, such as allowing foreign troops like Pro Aimi to rush here to wait for the army to gather.

Along the way, Jaeger was very humble and humble, with a thin, white and ugly body bent all the time. After entering the city, he saw Pro Amy sitting on the head of the pterosaur resting, so he took the initiative to ask: "Master Pro Aimi, Hades Has His Majesty the Great Emperor woke up? I have already heard that the Great Emperor is unparalleled in majesty and power, and I really want to see it."

You should be thankful that I am not very good at driving, otherwise I would have to replace the core values ​​of socialism like a certain female author. PS: This female author slipped under the table and hugged the computer when the Tokyo earthquake was felt yesterday Those who insist on escaping together. I think she might be a monkey-sent douchebag, but I have no proof.

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