I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1246 Three thousand piercing armor

hum! Jianfeng pointed directly at Jiaojiao who was fleeing in front, and Jiaojiao quickly mobilized all the energy to upgrade the scale armor during the flight. Just when Jianfeng was about to slash at it, Jiaojiao suddenly took out a bottle of potion, swallowed it, Crash! The scales changed, directly covering its whole body completely, and it became a golden sphere with the strongest defense.

Seeing this, Hades immediately stepped up his attack, his body grew by a third, and the flames almost melted into flames.


A single sword has the spirit to split the entire battlefield.

Evil flourishes and light dims.

Everyone was almost desperate seeing this scene, and the evil races were so wild that they were almost screaming.

Win, they are going to win!

As long as this strange cat is killed, they can slaughter these humble rebels to their heart's content.

On the contrary, Orton, Baier, Adam and others were calm.

Lose, they thought so from the beginning, but the difference is how long it lasts.

Forget it, it's not bad to be able to kill a Fay and lead Fay to kill the two wizards of Lanno, leading to the destruction of the witchcraft civilization of the Orc Empire.

"Boys, fight to the last! Go!"

Only the Prophet calmly said to Sally and others: "When you win, you will lose your bones, and when you lose, you will be honored. Go."

What this means is that even if you win any war, you should remember that there is nothing to be happy about in itself, because there will always be casualties, and the casualties are not valued according to the number of dead people. War itself is the death of bones tragedy.

But when you are defeated, you can express courage to your heart's content, because it is the glory of life.

They have always had the courage to face life and death.

All survivors of A-444 should have it.

Sally and the others nodded their heads, welcoming the last courage.


This is the last wave of army shock.


When a person dies like annihilation.

Jiaojiao was also chopped into the ground by a sword.

The ground exploded, and a huge crack 700 to 800 meters long burst out. Jiaojiao was split into the deep pit, and the golden light suddenly bloomed, as if she was prosperous after being chopped apart.

Hades was afraid that he would not die, so he went to see him, but he hadn't seen clearly the life and death of Jiaojiao in the hazy golden light.

He suddenly had a strange feeling, as if. . . .

was targeted.

No, it should be said, he was stuck.

Hades looked down and saw a huge circle formed under the ground.

Magic circle, he knows what this is. So far, he knows that two people can form a magic circle.

One is Fay, and the other is Arthenodis.

Because only wizards who have mastered the principles of arcane magic have the ability to arrange magic circles, and magic circles, especially sleepy circles, are effective for Hades, but Hades has always been on guard against Fay and Arthenodis. He was extremely vigilant, and basically did not give the two of them a chance to set up a magic circle.

but now. . . This time he was tricked!

Under the ground, there is another person who can also set up the magic circle.

It must be only her, because this magic circle is rooted in the earth, and it is completely a natural-type earth prison magic circle.

His legs were engulfed.

"Human witch!" Hades gritted his teeth and roared angrily. After shouting, he seemed to give face to the orc emperor. He saw Qin Yu.

The forest of thorns, it turns out that the forest of thorns, the great magic that Qin Yu sacrificed when fighting with Fayi, is still there, because one of the characteristics of the natural system is that the life that has grown can continue to exist, unlike other elemental magics that are difficult to maintain.

So it is.

Qin Yu also reappeared from the thorns.

Standing among the thorns, her delicate and snow-white face was more and more set off by the dark green, like a green forest elf. She smiled slightly, and then twirled the staff in her hand.

The huge forest of thorns was suddenly reshaped to form a natural wall, and in the wall - there were man-made machines embedded.

In fact, it should be said to be hidden.

Three thousand heavy crossbows.


One thousand in the city is only one thousand, and the three thousand heavy crossbows that Qin Yu built by taking advantage of the one-month procrastination of the three monarchs to the east were obviously also secretly hidden under the ground. In the forest of thorns, use the vines growing underneath to move out these three thousand giant crossbows and hide them in the depths of the thorns, and then explode when needed.

Obviously, now is the time to use them—when Jiaojiao lured Hades here.

Qin Yu was reborn, Hades was trapped, and then—kill him!

Hades was also wild under his anger, "Humans, with these broken machines, want to kill me, dreaming!"

He said so, but in fact he was not stupid enough to let himself be blindly trapped in this big prison, so he wanted to turn the giant sword to cut through the magic circle under his feet, but he suddenly found that his giant sword couldn't move.

Because there is also a magic circle on the surface of the golden ball scale armor hacked under the tip of the sword.

Gold Swallowing Circle!

Did Qin Yu set up a double magic circle?

No, it was another person. When restraining the fat cat, it was actually not a binding magic circle, but a gold-throwing magic circle. No wonder the fat cat can escape, no wonder. . .

Hades thought of a person, shocked and angry, but before turning back, Qin Yu had already controlled the thorns, and the thorns and vines replaced the human hands, and accurately activated the heavy crossbow.

Three thousand huge crossbow bolts whizzed, and all three thousand heavy crossbow bolts burst out, all aimed at Hades' huge body.

There is no hiding, it is locked.

The three thousand heavy crossbow arrows were all shot, not only hit, but also shot in, because its penetrating power is too strong, it can basically shoot through the city wall with one arrow, even Hades' skin defense burst table can't resist These three thousand armor-piercing arrows.

Hey, what kind of experience is it to be shot by three thousand arrows?

It's almost like being pricked by 3,000 Nunnies Rong, and they were all pricked towards the same place.

Hades's chest was almost pierced, dripping with blood.

Anyway, Hades was in severe pain, and his blood was soaring, but he also released strong magma from his flesh and blood, which corroded these armor-piercing arrows one by one.


In fact, to put it bluntly, in terms of lethality, Fay, the old wizard of the dark magic boss, is more dangerous than Hades, because no matter how strong Hades is, he is still in close combat, and his role in facing battles is not greater than that of Fay, but in terms of the degree of difficulty to kill , Ten Fays are not as good as one Hades.

Because the natural race is different, Fay is a human race, and his body is weak, while Hades is the most powerful orc emperor, with a natural terrifying physique, born invulnerable, strong body, and certain magical defense ability, too hard to kill Yes, so Qin Yu's specifications for Fay and Hades's lore plan are completely different.

If Fay is level three, Hades is level seven.

so! Kill Fay, she did it alone, but kill Hades. . . .

brush! When the three thousand armor-piercing arrows were melted, Jiaojiao in the pit rolled over, spreading her wings, covered with golden light, the scales reappeared, and the Pokemon transformed again.

Just the background music.

No special effects or anything.

——I don’t know why, but your fighting is very handsome and perfect, and your plan is also very domineering.

——Seeing the transformation of this little fat man, I will. . .


Jinbi made a facial expression.

Jiaojiao exploded, "You are jealous, jealous! Bah!"

After scolding, Jiaojiao still caught up with Qin Yu and flew over directly.

Standing on Jiaojiao's back, Qin Yu held Ayeli's staff in his hand, facing Hades from the front.

The other person flew from the back of Hades.

Two points and one line, the brilliance in both hands aimed at an angle.

They also used the same spell.

There is one magic common to any magic series - destruction.

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