I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1254 Earth veins

In this world, apart from the gods, how could there be creatures that can open the third dimension, even the elf queen does not have such ability, because it involves rules.

Unless this third layer of alien space is not a real space, but~

When Ayeli was puzzled, she also felt another kind of aura. She was surprised and looked at Arthenodis. . . Extremely complicated.

what is that?

It is the third layer of alien space, and it is also the soul space.

The soul space and the material space can coexist, and they are not restricted by the space rules, so Arthenodis has mastered the triple space, but this soul space. . . is a secret.

A secret that has been hidden from all searches by dark forces.

It has a soul in it.

There are countless elf souls.

They exude absolute brilliance and elf breath in the soul space behind the blood pool, because most of them are light elves.

Such majestic soul power almost traveled the entire battlefield, and even reached thousands of miles beyond the battlefield.

Blake was stunned.

Everyone was also stunned.

Jaeger was astonished, but suddenly black energy spread across Arthenodis's body, and the dark force condensed his distorted face, which turned into a ferocious roar specially.

"you can not!"

Also, people who thought they were corrupted by themselves secretly hid the souls of all elves behind their backs. This is definitely a humiliation to the dark power itself!

And its appearance undoubtedly expressed its anger.

After anger, there is a deeper curse!

Arthenodis, whose body was repaired by the influx of a large amount of elven blood, was once again occupied by the curse. This time, she failed to resist indifferently as before.

Her soul is being whipped.

It was not the dark power that bewitched her, but her own soul was tortured.

The pain was so painful that the bloodshot pupils twisted.

But she pursed her lips, gritted her teeth, and still swiped her arm hard, guiding the staff.

The soul space under the blood pool is opened, soul guide!

The souls of 30,000 elves whizzed out, descended from Florinland to the high altitude of the Weeping Blood Plain, and pointed with Arthenodis' staff.

Their queen is also the queen who killed them, and the queen who imprisoned them for six hundred years.

Souls have sentience, what were they thinking when they saw Arthenodis?

Think nothing of it, because a queen is a queen.

She is indeed a sacrifice to the elf god, and she is indeed the leader of the ethnic group.

Even if evil, even light, even if evil and light are cursed at the same time, when she raises the scepter, when she guides the scepter, the souls of all the elves still have no hesitation.

There is a kind of affection called robe Ze.

There is a kind of glory called queen.

She is strong enough, decisive enough, enough to be a king.

The king gave the order, and so they came.

Thirty thousand dead elves were killed, killing corpse-eating ghosts with the bodies of the dead.

At that time, everyone who thought they would die in battle did not feel lucky to have escaped from death, only a feeling of being found again.

Once exterminated the clan, once dimmed the glory.

Since the destruction of the strongest ethnic groups six hundred years ago, the light camp began to decline, and then the kings were destroyed two hundred years ago. They know too well what the beginning is.

These dead elves are the beginning of the enslavement of living beings to darkness.

Will their return be another ending?

I don't know, anyway, Black and the others followed these elves' souls to kill the ghouls again with tears in their eyes.

Boom boom boom! The sound of drums suddenly sounded on the wall of City of Hope.

It's old Jenkins.

The old thing was flailing his arms and beating a drum.

passion! hope!

He felt he saw hope.

Everyone was excited and passionate, fighting generously.

While Jiaojiao breathed a sigh of relief, she was also worried and looked towards the other side of the battlefield.

After Jaeger jumped down, Qin Yu moved, and she took out a necklace.

This necklace looks familiar.

Oh, Jiaojiao suddenly realized, this is not the necklace she gave herself, it was a necklace that was threatened by violence from Leon, because she couldn't research anything, she just threw it to Jiaojiao.

Jiaojiao had talked nonsense about it at the time, but didn't take it seriously, why is there another one.

She didn't quite understand, but Jaeger's eyes flashed, and he had a very bad premonition, so he couldn't wait to devour Qin Yu, but it was too late.

Qin Yu pinched the necklace with a thought.

northwest direction.

Well, it is one of the points in the northwest direction positioned in the form of an equilateral triangle after the southeast and north and south points are connected by a line, and there is also a magic circle at this point.

There is a bottle in this magic circle, a blood bottle, and there is blood in the blood bottle.

Qin Yu's blood? No, another person's blood.

Blood of Prince Nur Tayl.

The bottle was directly crushed by a piece of Jiusuihe, and the blood was poured into the magic circle.

The third magic circle is activated.

The blood light dissipated, and the necklace in Qin Yu's hand was also activated.

A necklace that can only be activated by human royal blood, it is the core of the three organs.

It was also a treasure guarded by the Ice Witch of Baicheng back then.

Qin Yu used it to deduce the triangular chain magic circle. When it was activated, an independent triple combination magic finally stabilized.

Triangle is stable, you get the idea.

I saw her as the core, linking the eye of the storm with the giant tree in the water, and the brilliance of the necklace covered Qin Yu.

Holding the necklace, she raised her staff towards Jaeger who jumped down from above.

Magic is undoubtedly high-end, surpassing any level of magic that has appeared in this world so far, even the highest level of magic mastered by the elf kings of all ages is nothing more than that.

But it wasn't enough, Jaeger didn't panic because he knew that all attacks had two keys, one was realm and the other was energy.

Qin Yu's realm is established, but the energy is not enough!

Ayeli? Her consumption is almost exhausted, Jaeger is so smart and cautious, he controls the audience, and he refuses to lose his calculations in the end. He has already measured Ayeli's stored power, and he knows that Qin Yu's power is not enough.

Since it is not enough, then. . .

She must die!

Just when Jaeger was full of confidence, he was suddenly shocked.

Because Qin Yu had another kind of power.

This kind of power surpassed all kinds of energy, and even crushed Ayeli's stored energy body. It was the purest and most powerful.

Because it is a leyline.

The earth vein was at Qin Yu's feet, and Jiu Suihe drew it and introduced it into Qin Yu's body.

Every inch of her flesh and blood is free from the purest energy in this world.

The body is like ice crystal, clear glass, beautiful and peerless.

And the staff. . . Take charge of the judgment!


Jaeger thought about escaping, but it was too late.


A giant triangular series of magical towers appeared.

The tower is like a destructive spear, directly bombarding Jaeger's body.


The huge body was directly penetrated and cracked.

no problem.

Because this is the absolute crushing of realm and energy.

In fact, it was very straightforward and very fast. It seemed that everyone's attention was still focused on Qin Yu's comeback when the dead spirits of the elves joined the battle.

Fast as lightning.

Two-thirds of the defeated Jaeger's body was destroyed, and the remaining fragments fell all over the battlefield. The absolute power that defeated him was brilliant, and shocked the other ghouls. They were killed by Jiaojiao and others in a panic. More than half.

It was all gone in no time.

it's over?

That's it?

My God, it seems like less than five minutes since the forest of thorns fell.

There are twists and turns, stormy waves.

But it ended so suddenly.

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