I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1259 One Sword

Xiao Tingyun has just finished a mission. After returning to help Qin Yu manage the store, she is filling the vacant space for spirit flowers and grasses in the store. Halfway through, Hu Siyu and others are here to buy medicinal materials and prepare for the next mission , Because they have known each other for a while, they always have something to say, and they mentioned Qin Yu at the A-444 transfer station, and as a result, they got a full-screen advertisement. As soon as they saw the name of the plane, everyone knew that the situation was bad.

Before he could comfort himself, Qin Yu lost a month's income when he was struggling with too much money, but the reversal came.

The evil chooser who became a god was fucked.

What kind of fairy reversal is this!

Is this person who became a god and evil choice bought one get one free on Pinduoduo?

At that time, no one thought that he would be killed by Qin Yu, because it was unlikely, even Xiao Tingyun didn't have such a big brain, but was worried that Qin Yu would suffer from it.

But obviously better than before.

At least the evil chosen to become a god was killed, should the enemy's enemy be a friend?

"Not necessarily, Qin Yu's luck in your family, the enemy and his enemy may join forces for her."

Hu Siyu didn't have the slightest sense of morality as a profiteer and fellow Taoist, so he sold Qin Yu directly.

Xiao Tingyun was silent for a while, but did not refute after all.

The opponent's argument is too hardcore, and the resistance is weak.

"There is such a big movement on our side, I am afraid that the gods have also paid attention to it, after all, it is first about the plane of the Evil Chosen becoming a god."

The wind chime on the door made a quiet sound, and Fei Yuan opened the curtain and entered with her sword in hand, saying to everyone, "There is a lot of movement outside."

Of course, we all feel it.

Feiyuan: "No, it's different this time. There are a lot of high-level chosen ones who have returned, and almost all the strongest A-levels have been recruited. I just contacted Brother Qiuran, and he said that he was also notified to return."

Qiu Ran is the highest group of beings among the A-level talents, even if they are not top-level, they at least belong to that circle, so they know more than them.

Um? This is not a news release, but rather. . .

Xiao Tingyun frowned: "Conscript! Maybe the chosen camp has decided to go to war?"

war? !

Hu Siyu looked like an elegant sword fairy, got up when he heard the words, but paused for a moment, and then recovered his composure, "I can't, if we want to start a war, it means that A-444 is a newly occupied plane, not to mention evil choices." The barrier of the rules of the Tao, even the defense of the local plane itself is enough for Tianxuan to drink a pot, unless enough gods are drawn out to attack at the same time, but the defenses of the two camps have already matured, and if one side is drawn, the other side will be empty , The evil choice already has an advantage in A-444, and it belongs to the defensive side. They only need to stay in one part, and then gather the other part to attack another empty position after our transfer.

The management on both sides are all veterans who have practiced for an unknown number of years, how can they not understand, in fact, the default way for both sides is to develop independently and participate in wars outside the territory, and the war against the plane itself is the most labor-intensive , unless it is absolutely necessary or has a great grasp of victory and surprises, otherwise it will not come to the army in person.

Hu Siyu calculated clearly, the other two women didn't know, but the movement outside was also true,

Could it be?

"Unless there is a possibility."

Xiao Tingyun's expression was delicate, "It is our Chosen side that currently has the upper hand in A-444. The gods decided to recruit troops, not for war, but for protection - to protect A-444's Chosen to consolidate their advantage and prevent evil elections. destroyed."

Hey, it makes more sense to think this way.

Originally, the evil election was a sure win, and almost everyone could celebrate with champagne, but in the blink of an eye, the person was fucked, and the good results were taken away by the other party, how can you not be angry!

It’s not like one goes up and down the other, what’s more, it’s about being stepped on the face. Even if the evil choosers don’t care about the gains and losses, they still have to consider the face issue, so it’s not surprising that they are preparing to start a war against A-444 in private.

So. . .

Everyone was in awe.

Then it's really time to fight!



too quiet.

Even the wind seemed quiet.

Qin Yu, who became a god, was also so quiet, as if not only the gods began to recruit soldiers, but also did not know that the evil chosen heaven would choose to kill.

She stood there with a faint light between her brows, both merging and destroying.

Like a war of her own.

But there is always a time when the quiet is shattered.

She opened her eyes, and the light in her eyes was shallow, as if the dragonfly did not fly away after touching the water, but was absorbed into the depths by the water ripples.

And the ripples that this fusion falls into are beautiful.

Trapped in the beauty of life.

In the next second, she drew out her sword, and the tip of the sword streamed light, piercing the void in a leisurely manner.

This sword is gentle and stunning.

This sword is calm and fatal.

As if she was already ready.

And this sword, after stabbing, the void roared, and a special magic technique that was extremely perfect was torn apart, revealing certain substances or existences.

It finally hit a person's chest.

He showed up.

Appears in the void.

The body looks like a person.

Humans here. . . Gunn was stunned, and was about to shout something when the prophet pinned his shoulder.

He is ignorant.

The Prophet said only one thing.

"This person hides deeper than Jaeger."

Gunn and the others were shocked!

On the other side, it was still a battlefield for two people.

Oh, just one more cat.

"Jiaojiao, go pick her up."

Jiaojiao glanced at the man opposite, pursed her mouth, and muttered: "I think you are trying to distract me on purpose."

What is the background of this dog man?

Xiaoyu has always paid attention to him.

Qin Yu stroked his head and said softly, "Good boy."

ok ok ok.

Jiaojiao jumped from Qin Yu's arms, her figure changed during her run, and she flew into the air. . . Going up, I received the body of Arthenodis who fell from the triangular series of magic towers.

At this time, Arthenodis's body was almost completely burned, leaving only a bloody robe.

The robe fell on its back, light and fluffy, but soaked, with an unspeakable heaviness.

It flew to the crowd with her.

That's a regression.

What about here?

Here, Qin Yu held the sword in his right hand and stabbed the opponent's chest. The wind on the battlefield had already calmed down, and the dark clouds in the sky had all dispersed.

The dark power is at a loss and can only be crushed at one end.

This end happened to be opposite to Qin Yu.

Opposite Qin Yu was a man.

"I seem to remember you saying your name is Lin."

"I always forgot to ask you."

"Which forest is it?"

"As for Shuangmu, it's still the one at the beginning of the word Lv."

she said slowly.

At this time, the sound is isolated.

No one heard their conversation, and naturally they couldn't hear Qin Yu's question.

But those who heard it, he knew it in his heart.

Lin smiled slightly: "You still haven't changed, you are doing the most bohemian things with the most serious and elegant demeanor."

Qin Yu calmly asked back, "Did I show you how slutty I was?"

It was like meeting an old friend whom she hadn't seen for a long time, and she exchanged pleasantries indifferently.

Fuck it all, isn't that slutty enough?

Huang Jinbi slandered silently.

But is this person?

Jinbi was silently shocked.

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