I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1312 Brothel

Qin Yu smiled: "Eleventh Regiment Lianzhan, I have posted posts to the circle of gods, everyone is a god, they don't know who I am, but many gods are interested in elite candidates, after Lianzhan, I posted The betting agreement, some gods thought it was fun and took part in it, the content of the betting was a battle on the Chishui River, we won, and we got points."

She understated it, but everyone felt terrified.

Because there are two difficulties in this matter.

1. The gods do not recognize her.

2. This matter is within the limits of the rules.

"So...while she played the dealer's game, she also gambled against the gods? And she won both, and she won't be punished?"

Xuan Luobai felt that his liking for a certain beautiful captain was disappearing at a frightening speed.


In the public area, Zhang Tiantian and the others were also stunned.

What is a pattern, what the hell is a pattern! !

Shangguan Su only put down his cup, looked at Xue Yi Fuxuan: "It seems that we will have another terrible opponent in the future."

Xueyi Fuxuan: "Why can't you be an ally?"

Shangguan Suzhi: "You know why."

Then she turned and walked away.

Zhang Tiantian hurriedly followed.

Xueyi Fuxuan stood on the spot and pondered for a moment, then left.

Xuan Luobai asked the housekeeper, "What did they mean by that just now?"

The butler glanced at him sideways and said something.

"The strong are unwilling to be inferior."

Xuan Luobai was solemn, and then fell into deep thought.

"But, why is it called brothel?"


How the hell did I know!

Pervert it!


In the square, the six people understood, and Arsenaudius rarely said a word, "You are very good at setting up situations."

As in the A-444, the layout is designed to make the best of it for its own use.

Qin Yu: "No, I'm just good at survival."

Then she smiled, turned her face away, and looked into the distance.

Everyone felt that Qin Yu in front was too eye-catching.

The ring of glory is in hand, and the ring of honor is in arm.

Glory is my life, she is glory.

Brilliantly beautiful.

But in such splendor.

Someone still couldn't hold back, yes, it was the big Qiuran again.

He asked, "Why is the name of the Legion Brothel?"

Hu Siyu: "Since you took the initiative to jump out to be stabbed, I also want to ask, why does it have to be a brothel?"

Feiyuan: "Our oriental writing system is extensive and profound, why do we have to use these two characters?"

Prophet: "Although I belong to the Western system...but I also want to ask, can the name be changed?"

Qin Yu smiled presumptuously and dissolutely, "No, because I don't know why it made its C debut directly under the name of my golden house."

Qiu Ran was puzzled: "So why is your golden house called this name?"

You're looking for death, big man!

Qin Yu: "Because Jiaojiao named it with her butt."

Oh, since it's an extremely cute fat cat, forget it, Qiuran is infinitely tolerant.

Qin Yu: "..."

Can this matter be over?

No, because Arthenodis asked, "What does brothel mean? Does it have any meaning?"

Meaning. . .

The expressions of the four are subtle.

The queen's cultural background is foreign to this, how to explain it?

Is it rough, or tactful?

She won't quit the group.


Only Xiao Tingyun explained calmly: "When the green hills remain the same, the green waters meet, and the flowers and birds are fragrant, people from all corners of the world, even if they don't know each other, can have a good time with each other... Well, I can't make it up, let Qin Yu tell it by himself You."

Qin Yu was embarrassed, and faced Arthenodis' queenly gaze.

She smiled: "I like to grow flowers and plants, and a green house can be used to live in it, so it is called a brothel. Do you like this interpretation full of natural atmosphere?"

Arthenodis: "Your expression is a bit hypocritical."

Qin Yu: "Anyway, you will all be members of the brothel in the future, and you are not allowed to refuse."

Hu Siyu: "Can I leave the group?"

Qin Yu: "The corpse can be carried out."

Hu Siyu: "Okay, anyway, Qiuran and I are men, and we are not the ones who suffer."

Four women: "..."

Qin Yu: "There are ducks and tortoises in the brothel, which one do you like?"

Ha ha ha ha!

Qiu Ran was a few steps away from Hu Siyu.


Before parting, Qin Yu each sent something.

"Take it, buy things with points, one for each person, as the only reward for this competition."

Everyone looked at the ring of great splendor in their hands.

"This, you don't have to meet the conditions to..."

Qin Yu: "The gods can buy them directly, but they can't give them directly to the chosen ones, unless they are distributed as legion rewards. Otherwise, why do you think I want to pull you into the group now?"

So, this is the membership reward?

Each of the six original members has a ring of great splendor.

Not only that, there are still 20,000 points left, plus everyone's original points, because both of the bearded prophets have a brilliant kiss, and they only need to buy five more, so a complete set is complete.

A team of seven is equipped with the Kiss of Brilliance and the Ring of Great Brilliance.

"I will be very busy for a while, you can choose to go to the arena, or you can complete the task."

Qin Yu was originally the busiest person among the group of people, so he left after finishing these things. After the six people stayed, except for Arthenodis, who was the newly promoted candidate, he needed to do a few missions first to increase his level and improve his freedom. The speed, the rest of the people have leisure, they can get together to earn points in the arena.

"Take your time, there is something to do next."


In reality, Qin Yu's business scale is very large. Although he only masters the big picture, there are many CEOs and managers to help manage it, and even a huge management team controls the group and many branches, but there are still many overall affairs, but Qin Yu With enough brain power, I usually return to reality to deal with a bunch of accumulated things after the golden house is done.

But only for a few hours.

Generally, these things will not take her more than half a day.

Then she was free.

Wen Xi really found out that Qin Yu was idle.

Inexplicably, it was difficult to find traces some time ago, but after Yu Sheng's accident, Qin Yu became very idle (PS: She didn't know that Qin Yu spent a lot of time in the golden house.)

How idle is it? When Yu Sheng was free enough to persuade her husband to continue working in the flower shop at the new location, Qin Yu would accompany her.

Is Qin Yu an ordinary person?

she is not.

The florist staff were petrified on the first day.

This is really domineering president.

Well, it is the president of many presidents.

But soon they got entangled again - Qin Ba is always so soft in front of the boss.

In fact, the Qin family has two bosses, but they are both very soft in front of the same woman.

When Yu Sheng was receiving customers, Qin Yu was on the sidelines helping to pack the flowers, and when the customers couldn't help but look at her, he also seemed to have a very good temper.

But beauty is really beautiful.

It took half a day for both mother and daughter to rank first in the hot search based on their looks.

In the afternoon, Wen Xi came.

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