I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1349 Cannon fodder

boom! A thick wall of art suddenly collapsed because a person with supernatural abilities was sent flying and hit it.

"Hey, it's too weak!" The tall and burly man laughed, grabbed a car next to him and threw it directly at the dozen or so policemen who came.

These police officers watched the car crash before they could shoot twice.

Just at this moment. . .

There was light in the sky, and the girl who spread her wings left a person behind.

The man landed and waved his arms in the air.

A ray of light was as sharp as a knife, and the light knife cut the car directly, and flew out to tear it in half.

Viscount William, who landed perfectly from a height of three or four hundred meters, was unparalleled in beauty, and his hair became pure blond because of the ability to guide bloodlines.

The appearance is very cool.

These rescued police officers almost cried.

Fuck, is he so handsome and powerful to break us?

And the two-winged girl in the sky also waved her wings, firing sharp and swift feather thorns to assassinate.

This fight is okay.

But even if William came, it was useless, because Lorther and the others were also there.

Lother's strength is very strong, and William knew that she was no match after a few moves, but under the dark clouds of the economic forum, her strength is still normal, but if she can't beat her, she can't beat her.

William could only hold on until his companions came out of the airport.

Facing Lother's aggressive attack, William noticed that the other party wanted to surround him, and there were people behind him.

hum! A huge white light flashed, and William called out, and the girl quickly flew over to catch him, and took him to the sky. Under the sky, the group that surrounded the blockade broke through the sky.

Lorother looked up, sneered, and saw a transparent person suddenly appearing in the sky behind the girl with William. . .

not good! William was a high-ranking person, so he sensed the energy fluctuations. He pulled the girl away and threw her out, while he condensed the shield with one hand!


William was thrown out, and the girl who was flying back in the sky was shocked and flew down, trying to catch him, but a transparent man appeared, with a scream, the air vibrated, and the sound attack turned into a blade, stabbing William.

The face of William, who was out of balance in the sky, changed slightly. At this moment, the water surged up, forming a spiral water curtain in midair, which reversed the direction of the Sound Blade.

William also formed a light shield in time.

Blocked, he fell down again, was dragged by the water, relieved his strength, and fell lightly again.

After landing, I saw Amy and others.

finally come.

"Damn it, it's here so soon? Those people who go to the airport are fucking trash!"

"It was originally a cannon fodder for delaying time, but it will come as soon as it comes. In fact, it will come soon."

Lother glanced at the sky in the city center and narrowed his eyes slightly. In fact, they are just procrastinating in the city center, just to interfere with the chosen combat power of this plane and prevent their destruction from coming.

But the other party doesn't seem to know the main reason for the energy accumulation.

Lorother's eyes flashed, and she glanced at Amy and the others who came, but she didn't seem to see anyone.

What about Su Wanmo?


Su Wanmo was still at the airport, and after the bodies on the ground were burned to ashes by her, she returned to the cabin and looked at the person sitting alone inside.

"Little uncle, the outside is already clean, I will take you to a place now."

Mei Jinlin looked up at her.

"Momo, where are you taking me?"

Su Wanmo: "I don't know."

She sat down and poured two glasses of water, one for Mei Jinlin and one for herself.

"It turns out that Qin Yu asked me to watch you. This job looks dangerous but is actually safe, and it looks safe but is actually dangerous. If it is the first type, she is undoubtedly avoiding risks and deliberately preventing me from going there, trying to save me. If it is The second is to leave the dangerous job to me, so the job she left to herself must be more dangerous."

Su Wanmo took a sip of water, swallowed it, lightened the anger from the killing just now, and calmly looked at Mei Jinlin.

Seeing the worry on his face just now because of her words, especially the last sentence.

There is no cover, just like his heart.

Su Wanmo: "Uncle, are you worried about her?"

Mei Jinlin was a little uneasy, "I am very worried about you two, what are you going to do? Can't you not do it?"

Su Wanmo lowered her eyes, "It seems impossible, because even if it's Qin Yu, I saw with my own eyes last night that she couldn't keep the person she wanted to keep, even if she had made up her mind to let him go."

Those who want to stay must give up, and if they can't let go, they can't keep, what kind of pain is that?

Her eyes were slightly sad, and she said to Mei Jinlin: "Little uncle, I said before that I would always protect you, and I will always fulfill this promise, but I also have other people who I want to keep and have to fulfill the responsibility, so I put You bring it with you, take it with you, no matter what you encounter today, please believe that...you are always protected."

After finishing speaking, she got up and picked up Mei Jinlin's coat, "Come with me, little uncle, let's go and see what will happen today."

She vaguely knew that Qin Yu was going to do a big event, a very dangerous event.

Mei Jinlin also got up, "Okay, Momo, you take me there, no matter how dangerous it is, I'm not afraid, I want to protect you, I can do it too."

Su Wanmo smiled, "Okay."

She is different from Qin Yu, she is willing to make a gamble.

Anyway, the situation couldn't be worse than Qin Yu's independent support.

The worst outcome is death.


There are basically no people on the streets in the city center, and everyone has to hide in the house. The attacks of William and others are controlled on the street outside, and they dare not lead them into the nearby buildings, especially some evil people who are trying to attack high-level buildings. Buildings, but are blocked.

Although due to the strength of the defense, the pressure on Tianxuan's side was relatively high, and part of its strength was reduced, but in the end they were well prepared, and everyone was able to stop it firmly.

Many people in the building wanted to shoot videos with their mobile phones and send them out, but they found that the wireless network had been turned off.

what's the situation?

But after all, it is a place where elites are densely populated. Some people have already noticed that this may be related to the core secrets of the world-you can see the fights below, which are almost like science fiction movies. How can governments dare to let ordinary people know.

"I think we're completely locked down here now because it's too dangerous."

How dangerous is it?

The energy is too strong, all technological means are insidious, electromagnetic, electric current, signal, etc. are all interfered, and the wireless is indeed what the government wants to take the initiative to cut off, but in fact their own modern means have also been affected.

Now, it is impossible to even launch missiles from a long distance, because the energy in the center of the city is too strong.

In the energy monitoring room, a group of little brothers and sisters were about to cry when they saw the scarlet data that exploded on the full screen.

Why is it so red.

Red red red ah.

The screen is about to explode.

And the most frightening thing is that the screen seems to be a bit spent.

what happened?

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