I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1370 The Demon Monk


The will of the plane was the first to know that he was coming, but it couldn't express it, it could only express it in celestial phenomena, so thunder was dense and dark clouds covered the top.

So the vision just now was not because Qin Yu wanted to become a god on his own, but because someone more dangerous than Qin Yu had come.

From another space, another world.

In the golden house, on the top of the sky, there are high-level gods paying attention, and they are finally surprised. . . Muttering to himself: "That little plane that was completely occupied, it's here."

His coming also means that it is coming.

The small plane is coming to devour the big plane.

The will of the plane is terrified.

And in an instant, no matter whether it is in the center of NY, or as far away as City B, or in Africa, Asia, etc., any inch of land covered by this plane, all living beings can feel it—they feel the pressure, a kind of The oppressed power comes from being crushed, and it seems to appear from the other side of the essence.

On the African prairie, the wild deer that was chased by the wild lion suddenly heard the terrified cry of the wild lion behind him. When he looked back, he saw it lying on the ground trembling. There is a strange scene on the other side of the sky where the grassland border meets.

It was stunned.

It is a layer of film, which looks like a honeycomb body film. Countless regular hexagons are bordered together, covered with a layer of lavender film. It looks thin, but it has a terrifying power that makes people frightened. It comes from another world. of it?

If there is a god again, it will know what it is.

Plane barrier.

The strongest barrier of a plane.

It is the embodiment of the comprehensive power of this plane.

It is also the strongest protective umbrella against external forces.

But no one knows what kind of performance it will make when the two planes border.

Anyway, it is here, the plane barrier is the first to approach the surface of the earth, it is approaching, and the regular hexagon is far larger than what you see in front of you.

In the manor in City B, the plants here are all raised by Qin Yu. They have their own spirituality. When they sense the terrible danger, they instinctively release aura, covering the entire manor.

Wen Xi, who was helping Yu Sheng and the others in the kitchen, was stunned, and subconsciously wanted to cover up the incident, but when she was thinking about what reason she would use to prevent Qin Yuan and the two from paying attention to the sky outside, she noticed that The celestial phenomena that I see. . . Back to normal.

She was puzzled, and quietly glanced at the fragrant and lively flowers and plants outside the yard.

Is what Qin Yu planted part of her arrangement?

She completely shielded the three of them.

So. . . When will the block be removed?

What was Qin Yu doing when he blocked them.

Or rather, what does she want to do?

Wen Xi squeezed the dough in his hands, and lowered his eyes with deep eyes.


What is Qin Yu doing right now? She is waiting.

Wait for someone to show up.

But Xiao Tingyun and the others pay more attention to this other plane itself that has come.

"This is the original small plane of the earth in the three thousand small planes. Then, the world we live in is really a big plane."

Xiao Tingyun and the others understand it well, because now they can imagine from the height of the universe brought to them by the Golden House.

But most people who are still limited to the earth plane, especially the natives of the earth, it is difficult for them to understand that there is really a small plane.

Even though Qin Yu proposed the concept of the small plane and the big plane in front of everyone, most people at the time couldn't understand it, and secondly, the enemy was in front of him, and they cared more about the outcome of the war and life and death. They never thought about the plane and the universe. so what.

But now, 30,000 evil choices have become fertilizer, and thousands of immortal plants cover the sky and the sun. I thought this was already the most powerful and vast achievement of the current war, but I didn't expect it. . . Another plane is crushed.

The small plane crushes the big plane, what do you want to do?

Xuan Luobai, who has been hiding in the safest place as a war reporter, couldn't help but show off his experience: "My father said that the emergence of the big plane was due to the fall of the small plane, and the existence of the big plane eventually It will also face the result of being engulfed by the small plane, unless a god can be born on the big plane to compete with the gods who have fallen on the small plane, otherwise it will basically be swallowed up again and run away."

Damn, this is absolutely bad news.

This fat man has no good words to say, it scares me to death!

Xuan Luobai's words startled even the Chosen Ones, Qiu Ran and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, so this small plane approaching came to devour the big plane?

That doesn't mean. . . .

"We are about to face a god, a complete god who controls the entire plane."

The mountains and forests trembled, and the trees were terrifying.

The sea of ​​clouds is rolling, the tide is shaking,

The emptiness of the sky was ups and downs.

The multiplicity of the earth has become confusion.

After it came, all creatures were afraid of its horror and power.

After it comes. . . .

Everyone also finally saw the huge regular hexagonal plane barrier grid, countless regular hexagonal grids, one close together can cover several buildings.

The world in the golden house has already shaken.

Those who know this concept are waiting for the reaction of the gods - the small plane is going to attack the big plane, this is not a trivial matter.

"It's terrible to have a Yin You born in the evil election. This girl didn't give the will of the small plane a chance, and she just swallowed it all. You see, her strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Killing low-level gods is like killing a dog. I think she advanced The middle god is also close at hand, such a terrifying character, is it necessary to let the evil choice give birth to a second one?"

"You said, I don't know what to wait for, but what can you and I do now? This Qin Yu has seized the authority first, and she has not released the authority, so we can't go down."

"Even if she releases the authority, she can only descend on the chosen army below the gods, and cannot descend on the gods. What can I do if I can't wait!"

"Fortunately, she is about to become a god, I hope she can resist."

"I see...she doesn't look like she's unprepared."

After all, they have only one way—wait!

Everything is still under Qin Yu's control. The Golden House is so huge and there are countless strong people, but until now, no one has been able to intervene in it.

Maybe this was what Qin Yu wanted in the first place?


In the nearest regular hexagonal grid, viewed from a close distance, it is transparent, like amethyst glass, behind which purple air, black light, and clouds are lingering.

Can't see what's inside, but it's so quiet, as if dead.

Everyone felt uneasy, as if something terrible was hidden inside. . .

"Mo Mo, I feel very uncomfortable."

Mei Jinlin pressed her heart, her face was pale, and she had trouble breathing. Su Wanmo was startled, and just about to say something, she heard a strange voice.

The sound of reciting Buddhist scriptures.

Slow, ethereal, as if washing the soul, this is the first feeling, as if being bewitched.

But after being bewitched, demonic barriers, blood, coldness, and evil can drag people directly into the abyss.

"Rebirth Curse, I don't like this." Qin Yu said lightly, and many bewitched souls woke up.

Including Qiu Ran and the others, they were dripping with cold sweat.

What was that just now?

The Buddha's voice is still there, but the people who recite it are slowly appearing.

Behind the purple clouds and mist of the face barrier, a person walked slowly in it, barefoot, wearing a simple black and red gold-plated cassock, bald head, and a little cinnabar between his eyebrows.

He walked out of the clouds and mist, out of a world, with his hands hanging on his sides, and a string of Buddhist beads in one hand, his steps were loose, his eyes were cold, but he looked like a demon.

The skin is white, like a thousand-year-old white jade.

Red lips, like a blood-drinking demon spirit.

The pupils are deep, like heaven and abyss gathered in one place.

Such a person, all living beings from heaven and earth can only see him with one thought--monster monk.

Nun, seeing you scolding me too much, I'm afraid I'll get up tomorrow morning to collect the blades, so let's add another update.

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