I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1373 Resentment


Earth, the center of NY, among the ruins, Qin Yu looked at the demon monk who appeared.

Both greetings, back and forth.

Face to face, separated by a distance of four or five meters, the two of them fell silent at the same time.

After a while, Qin Yu glanced at him, lightly and thoughtfully.

"I never thought you would become bald."

This demon monk is obviously the ruler of the small plane of the earth, looking as if the demon is soaring into the sky, Qin Yu's beam of light is actually that bald head.

Xuan Luobai murmured in his heart, thinking that the head of the regiment was really arrogant.

Of course, as soon as she talked about the bald head. . . Xuan Luobai also quietly observed the head of the monk.

This man is more than popular.

The face value is high enough, even if the head is shaved, it looks crazy.

He wondered if he shaved his head. . .

Xuan Luobai's Jinbi went online without hesitation to say something to him.

--spiced corned egg.

Xuan Luobai: "..."

Can't afford to be offended, now the second generation of immortals has no human rights or dignity.

He'd better take the video obediently, he couldn't move anyway.

"Three thousand threads of trouble, it's fine if you drop them." The demon monk said slowly, moving the beads in his hand slowly, and looked at Qin Yu, "You have also changed a lot."

Qin Yu: "Time wears people down the most. Even a stubborn stone can damage its edges and corners, not to mention that I'm just a mere mortal."

Demon Monk: "Do you still think you are a mortal?"

Qin Yu: "Every chess piece is a mortal."

The conversation between the two was not salty or dull, but the surroundings were still, everyone could hear it, but couldn't react, only to see Qin Yu paused, and added: "It doesn't matter to you whether I am a mortal or not, the important thing is. You don't think I'm just the original Qin Yu."

On the battlefield, the open space is flattened, and there is a wind.

The cassock fluttered, and the hem of Qin Yu's black robe fluttered with the wind.

"I remember you once liked a word."

"One cannot go through the same river twice."

This sentence was indeed mentioned by Qin Yu, and Huang Jinbi remembered it, but this demon monk knew Qin Yu very well.

As if to the bone.

"Time is passing, people are not the same people, and the river is not the same river."

The demon monk raised his hand and looked at the round and jade beads in his hand. His slender and pale fingers slowly twisted the beads one by one.

"The plum ember forest is dead, and the plum ember forest is no longer the plum ember forest."

became dust.

He seemed to be telling Qin Yu something. Qin Yu glanced at him and replied.

"Qin Yu is no longer Qin Yu, because Qin Yu is dead."

Qin Yu mentioned that "Qin Yu is dead", and the demon monk's clear pupils seemed to be filled with a demonic aura, and he looked at her deeply.

"I know."

Seeing him understatement, Qin Yu suddenly smiled. The smile was very pure, but extremely beautiful, so restrained.

But this restraint seems to be released inch by inch.

"I know! These three words are really annoying." Qin Yu smiled, and the spirit between his brows was nine out of ten, and the movement was much bigger than that of Jaeger who had successfully become a god.

The dust seemed to be crushed, rolling silently because of the crushing.

The air becomes very clean. . .

Because the excess is crushed, crushed to the lowest point on the ground, who cares about their rolling and struggling?

Qin Yu cared.

She is looking at the dust.

"Because some people are born without knowing it."

She raised her eyes and looked at the demon monk.

At this moment, the demon monk saw himself.

He asked, "What don't you know?"

When he asked, he also walked over.

"I don't know what it means to be weak, what it means to be miserable, what it means to be unable to die, and what it means to be unable to survive."

The demon monk walked up to her, and when he took two steps, Qin Yu stretched out his hand, nine out of ten of his eyebrows were concentrated! Almost complete.

The palm is delicate, and the dust on the ground is condensed, forming an ordinary and simple sword.

The tip of the sword touched the demon monk's chest.

Right in the middle of the heart.

But through the cassock, the fabric of the cassock was slightly dented.

Her words just now were so profound, but she was a little careless, and added: "The words just now were too hypocritical, just a joke. You and I are not good at this kind of person, after all, when you are the most innocent, you are When I was most deceitful."

The demon monk lowered his eyes: "When some people are joking, they are actually telling the truth, and when they are telling the truth, they are actually joking."

Qin Yu: "It's all just acting."

Nice idle chat.

This scene also fell into the eyes of the gods in the sky.

It's so weird, I didn't expect these two people to talk calmly without fighting.

I didn't expect them to be so close during the conversation.

What's more, at close range, Qin Yu drew his sword and stabbed him in the chest suddenly, but failed.

Like it's just for him to stop there.

"You took advantage of your relationship with this big plane, Mei Jinlin, to enter this plane. You influenced him, bewitched him, replaced him occasionally, and did a lot of things. Why?"

Qin Yu was naturally chatting, and the demon monk also cooperated with her, because they probably understood that after the chat, there must be one of them who will have only a few lives.

"To see you."

"See if I am the original Qin Yu, or another Qin Yu?"

Demon Monk: "Yes."

Qin Yu took a deep look at him, and slightly turned the blade of the long sword in his hand, "Look, this is another place I hate so much, do I live in this world to let you judge what it is?"

Her words were sharp and sharp, but her temperament was as smooth as a breeze and drizzle.

"Your hostility is so heavy." The demon monk's evil spirit was prosperous, but his tone was gentle.

Both of them are conflicted.

The contradiction is like a sword, lying between them.

"There is only sharpness in hostility, and heaviness in resentment."

"Then do you resent it?"

The demon monk clasped his hands, held the Buddhist beads, and asked in a soft voice.

With downcast eyes and a smile on the corner of his mouth, Qin Yu pierced the sword an inch, the cassock was torn, the sword penetrated the skin, but there was no blood.

He is no longer a mortal.


Maybe it doesn't hurt, so his face is calm, but his eyes are very dark.

Until he heard what Qin Yu said.

"Resent, blame yourself for being a mortal."

"Hate, I am a mortal but I refuse to accept my fate."

"Being bored because of resentment, hating myself for refusing to accept fate but not being able to stick to the beginning."

"That's why hate comes from hatred, and hate comes from hate."

Qin Yu is not an absolutely upright person. The Chosen One sees her as an outlier, while the Evil Chosen sees her as a heretic.

She is not righteous, but no one has seen her evil.

But if you don't see it, it doesn't mean you don't have it.

At least one person in this world knows.


She raised her eyes, and slowly traced the demon monk's eyes.

"My evil is plotted against you."

"Knowing that you are pitiful, because of your sister's tragic death, you felt evil, and turned into a demon to take revenge, but you remember the bottom line in the end, and you would rather call yourself wise and become an idiot than take the last step."

"However, I only remember my own pity. I would rather use myself as a pawn to seduce you."

She said the word seduce very lightly, but she didn't focus on the description.

That's a result, the process doesn't matter, that's probably all she thinks.

But she turned into a very strange person, who confessed actively, seemed to repent, but also seemed to be heartless and ruthless, and only described in a casual way.

No one knows what her purpose is.

I didn't break the chapter, I cut it according to the number of words, innocent. jpg, sincerely, I really did not break the chapter. . . It is naturally written here~~Why do you always think I am so vicious. . . Crying~By the way, there are only 23 votes left to reach the 22nd place, but it seems that I will be beaten by the back, so I hope everyone will work harder, and the third update will encourage you~~Please be spicy~

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