I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1382 Sacrifice to Heaven

At that time, at the transfer station of the Golden House, the sky was shaking, and the Golden House seemed to have activated a crisis level because of this accident.

Direct red level.

The dangerous level of the god-level enemy attack!

Dangerous enough to mobilize the entire Chosen faction.

It is also enough to mobilize the god level!

As a result, the chosen ones saw the stars rolling in the sky, the natural disasters that seemed to be in the wild, and there was a flying shuttle with divine light, and even the gods were awed by the divine power of the gods.

God's power is like a prison.

Overwhelmed by fear, frightened and small.

The universe is infinite, the star vault interface is like a realm, the nebula is densely covered, the space is imaged, and the galaxy is formed into a surface.

Or the reshaping of meteorites, or the condensing of supernatural powers that descended directly.

God statue, god face.

All the gods knelt down.

But the gods did not look at them.

They were looking at that inconspicuous plane.

Two planes, one large and one small, have appeared and swallowed and merged with each other. The living beings are trapped in it, and the material space is distorted in it.

But they are covered by great horrors and supernatural powers, and they cannot be approached by gods.

Maybe it is. . .


"With such a breath and such supernatural powers, he is the only one."

"Get out of Abi Hell, destroy my first hell, kill Yan Jun with millions of soldiers, devour the Eighteen Palaces, and fall into the evil spirits of the Eighteen Hells. When he comes, he will definitely make a big move."

"One branding, concealing the dark soul, avoiding the detection of the golden house, for so many years, I am afraid that I will wait for this mortal to become a god and merge two faces."

"More than that, this mortal is entangled with the son of the evil Buddha. He can even use this entanglement to devour the son of the evil Buddha and break the layout of the two rules of the evil Buddha."

"At that time, with a complete face in hand, I can beat my Buddhist and Taoist rules by points, and then counterattack the Golden House's analysis rules. The triple advantage will be superimposed, and it will be enough to win a big part of my Heavenly Chosen camp."

"Evil ancestor Yuanya!"

"His heart is vicious!"

When they mentioned Qin Yu, they could only substitute "a mortal". It's not their fault, it's just that the universe is too big, the mortal world is too small, and mortals are like dust.

That's not the case with the gods on the side of the evil election, but their emotions seem to be dominated by joy, because the big boss who branded Qin Yu is the evil side.

Evil ancestor Yuanya, this name is well-known in the god level.

"It's time for the Chosen to be afraid."

"Natural fear, I feel the anxiety of those gods."

"Haha, happy! The evil ancestor has appeared, and the layout has been decided. My evil choice should surpass the heavenly choice again!"

"What are the rules!"

Now that I know, what should I do?

There is no way to think about it, because the golden house is one step ahead of the divine power of the gods.

hum! The vast command, under the Chosen camp, up to the gods, down to the ordinary Chosen, all existences have been prompted by the system - the Golden House has raised the standard of Zhushajie.

Upgraded from the slaying robbery to the world-killing robbery like killing the gods.

This level of punishment tribulation thunder can destroy the entire plane.


"This is the Golden House."

"Every crisis will be destroyed, regardless of the cost."

"Even if we waited for the gods to be branded by the evil ancestor, I am afraid that we will also be killed."

The gods were shocked for a moment, and understood in an instant.

Because their pattern is in the universe, it is most in line with the judgment of the Golden House.

The rules are cold and ruthless, it only needs to analyze the pros and cons and the overall situation.

And the golden house. . . It is the largest and most powerful collection of rules in the world.

So the annihilation of the world is coming.


So the people on the earth, how lucky they are, not only have they descended to the alien plane, the army of evil elections has come again and again, and they have seen the battle of the gods outside the sky, and even more. . . Giant faces of gods appeared out of thin air.

There are those chosen by nature and those chosen by evil.

The gods of the two camps.

They don't know who is who at all, they only know that their homeland and their world may be destroyed.

Even at this time the sky is brilliant and majestic.

Among the few, some high-end elites on Earth who study philosophy, care about the universe and know some secrets can probably judge the current situation. They may all be thinking-they may really be wiped out.

The wind blows, the face is cold.

The only Qin Yu who is in mid-air, she is like between the sky and the earth, facing the gods and Buddhas in the sky above, and the creatures on the earth below.

She ignored the huge movement.

She just looked up at the sky and said nothing.

Xie Zu Yuanya: "Do you feel it? It will bring down the catastrophe and destroy this plane. Compared with the big picture of three thousand small planes in the universe, the life and death of a world may not be insignificant, but it is enough to give up. At that time, how about you?" Everything that was easy to guard will disappear."

"Qin Yu, you can't kill me."

"If you can't destroy it, you can only perish with me."

"Enter my evil ways."

"I can still promise you the promise I made ten thousand years ago."

"This time, don't look back."

He is too gentle, too bewitching.

It's like a male version of Qin Yu, who is best at scheming, even witty words, without any evil ancestor style that makes even the gods dread.

But Qin Yu was silent for a while.

Was she bewitched?

Still thinking hard?

Of course, she gave a quick response—she said to him before the Golden House was upgraded and descended.

"Whether it's before or now, or in the future."

"I, Qin Yu, have always been the only ones who deceived others."

"What's more, you still don't understand that I didn't do this to get rid of you, take revenge on you, or protect someone and sacrifice myself."

what is that?

None of these, no motivation, are you perverted?

Even Huang Jinbi felt that Qin Yu was elusive at this time, with an uncontrollable tough temperament—a kind of generosity that was an enemy of heaven and earth.

Xie Zu Yuanya: "People's hearts are related to desire, and human nature is related to obsession. If you set up this game, you will never be able to escape from these two."

Qin Yu agreed with his words, "The souls of the three thousand worlds, the desire of the heart, the desire of the soul, you naturally understand."

"After all, the one who understands humanity the most is actually the one who is the least human."

This word. . . It can be called heartbreaking.

But absolutely accurate.

Xiezu Yuanya was not ashamed, because he had no emotions, so he smiled and said: "A pawn, I actually want to tell others...no one can see you as a pawn anymore."

"So, you want to sacrifice me to heaven."

Take the evil ancestor Yuanya as a sacrifice to heaven? What a boldness, it can be called against the sky!

Even the evil ancestor Yuanya felt heroic.

Even if it is just a brand mark, it is enough to shock the gods!

After he finished speaking, Qin Yu didn't answer, but she did.

To destroy the evil ancestor Yuanya, there are many plans, step by step, and unscrupulous methods, but obviously something is missing, so he is still there.

The gods are tricky and cannot be shot immediately.

The Golden House can only be upgraded to Mieshijie.

What else could she do?

She did one thing, something that was already planned—she glanced at those people below, and calmly split the swallowed will of the earth plane again.

Splitting the will of the plane that has been devoured is an extremely difficult act, no less than an ordinary person's heart and soul, unreasonable and unbearable.

But she did, without warning and simply.

Resolute and straightforward as if it was easy—it was premeditated and qualified, because she knew that she was the secret fluid of soul growth, and she was no longer the former Amon.

If you don't consider the difficulty of the behavior itself, look at the purpose - what does the split plane will do?

Divide it out, backlash!

Phew~ The will of the plane that is invisible but most closely related to the plane of the earth has become a lingering wave. It cannot be seen, but it does exist. It directly covers Qin Yu's body, together with the godhead between her eyebrows.

From the flesh and blood body to the godhead, and then into the soul.

All-round backlash!

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