I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1403 Return?

Fuying is full, but it is not a complete soul body, and one more step is needed.

She turned around and patted Wen Xi's shoulder back, "Thank you, Wen Xiaoxi."

Then he walked up the steps step by step, walked to the edge of the fairy pool, and walked into the pool step by step. When the pool was shining brightly, it happened that the group of heavenly elections and evil elections were notified.

The war is over, Tianxuan won 27 planes and won.

The results are solidified.

Because the plane is too far away, the Earth side can't feel it, but because of this news, the Evil Chosen side is angry and restless, and the Tianxuan side is happy and restless.

There was restlessness.

Qin Yu also received the news, his brows twitched slightly, and he turned to look at Xiezu Yuanya and the others, "Evil Chosen everyone, the war is over, it seems that I can't stop me, if that's the case, why don't we break up?"

She smiled slightly, in front of the gods and Buddhas all over the sky.

"This time, if I want to live, no one can stop me."


Not domineering, because her tone was very calm, at first glance it seemed——this time, if I want to eat, none of you will be able to stop me.

I can't stop it.

If a road is extremely difficult and finally gets what you want, it is nothing but glory, worthy of the name.

Her glory, so dazzling, hurts the eyes of many.

Because even many young talents of the chosen generation are envious of it but know they are invincible.

The reason why he can't be defeated is not because of his lack of strength and talent, but because of this calculation.

Calculation is a collection of IQ and EQ, as well as the design of mastering the situation.

This collection alone cannot be related to emotion, so she separates the two bureaus.

Even her relatives and friends are regarded as dead, how cruel is this?

Whether chosen by heaven or by evil, they are silent.

Xie Zu Yuanya took a deep look at her, turned around and retreated, the bosses all retreated, and the gods in the sky also retreated one after another.

The gods and gods all withdrew.

The sky is still.

There was a lot of silence.

Except for the chosen ones, only Yin You and the demon monk were left behind.

Qin Yu, who had entered the Immortal Pond with half of his body, took a good rest and smiled: "You haven't left yet?"

Yin You: "Your smile reveals a bit of complacency."

Qin Yu: "In this round, let me win you."

She is in the pool, soaked in glass, bathed in the brilliance of the dragon fairy, just like a water fairy.

She was outside the pool, still evil, still cold, like the incarnation of Sheng Yan's cold and cunning darkness.

"You calculate the gains and losses of the heavenly election, not for the advantage of the faction, but mainly for yourself. Conversely, the gains and losses of the evil chosen faction on my side are not big losses to me. How can I say that I lost?"

Yin You naturally denied it.

Qin Yu: "Really, but you tried your best to save me before."

Yin You's expression was indifferent, and he smiled: "I tried my best to save you, but I didn't succeed. Instead, you saved yourself. Are you proud of this?"

Qin Yu: "I can't say I'm proud, I just want to make sure of one thing."

Yin You narrowed his eyes.

Qin Yu: "I want to see if you are angry."

Yin You expressionless: "No."

Qin Yu: "No, you're angry."

Yin You looked at Qin Yu dangerously.

Qin Yu stroked the water in the pool with his fingers, causing ripples, "You're right to be angry, that's what I want. After all, you made me angry more than once or twice."

Yin You: "Revenge on me?"

Qin Yu: "Yes."

Because you tried your best to save me, so I am very touched. From then on, let's all be good friends together. This kind of thing that conforms to the positive energy of socialism cannot happen between Qin Yu and Yin You.

To put it bluntly, both women were too aggressive and calculating to give in.

Enemies and friends, don't talk about warmth.

The emotion of every successful calculation is-hahaha, you idiot, you still have today!

"Then you succeeded, and I really miscalculated." Yin You admitted that she hadn't seen through the trap Qin Yu set up in advance, and she didn't ask herself why she couldn't see through, because the female elf said "care leads to chaos", which is to her Not a good explanation.

but. . .

"You don't seem to know that your fattened cubs have retraced your experiences back in time."

Qin Yu: "???"

Yin You: "It seems that I don't know yet. The feeling of being seen through the dark history must be more interesting than my victory or loss."

Qin Yu's scalp was numb, but he forcibly steadied himself and said, "Things that can be experienced in time are all in the past. To be a human being, you must always look forward."

Yin You: "I have a video."

Qin Yu hesitated, but still kept steady: "You are not important, it doesn't matter."

At that time, Xiao Tingyun suddenly said, "We seem to have them here too."

Xuan Luobai suddenly jumped out, "Yes, yes, I have it! I have recorded it all! Whoever you want, I can give you a copy."

Wow, here comes the chance to please the genuine members!

Qin Yu looked at Xuan Luobai, his eyes were very straightforward - back off, fat man!

Xuan Luobai was embarrassed, "You asked me to record this..."

Everyone has video, is it even?

No, Yin You is definitely not the kind of person who is willing to fight on an equal footing with others, even if the other party is a group of people like Xiao Tingyun, she does not want to be equal to them herself.

So she sneered and said to Qin Yu, "I still have your naked photos."

Because in the last days, everything is under her control.

Xiao Tingyun and others: "..."

Jing Moxue raised her forehead.

After knocking out Qin Yu's friends and relatives, Yin You coolly added, "Also, you counted your own fate very well, but you didn't count the lives of others."

whose life?

Qin Yu froze for a moment, his eyes swept over his eyes inch by inch. . . Suddenly he leaned on the demon monk and asked, "Where's Su Wanmo?"

The demon monk had been looking at her for a long time, but didn't speak until she asked herself.

He was silent for a while, and said hoarsely: "I can't do anything about your coming and going, but I can do hers. You don't have to worry, you just need to be resurrected on time... Time waits for no one."

Yes, there is time for Qin Yu to be resurrected.

The fairy pond where the dragon and the fairy tree took root has already dissipated.

It means that its time limit is about to pass, and Qin Yu has not fully recovered his soul body, so it must be completed before the effect of the shadow is over.

Qin Yu took a deep look at him and said, "This time, I believe you."

Then she delegated the authority of the group leader to Xiao Tingyun.

In a word, the demon monk's expression moved slightly. Then, Qin Yu looked at the crowd and didn't say much because he ran out of time.

She lied to everyone because of the rules, secrets cannot be revealed, and even the golden wall has to be carefully avoided.

But no matter how much you have to do and what you have to worry about, if you cheat, you are cheated, and the apology remains the same.

so. . . She glanced at everyone and smiled again.

"Although it is a resurrection, it will take some time to go through the door of death."

"Apologizing is meaningless, and losing money is impossible, not in a lifetime."


She raised her hand, paired both hands, pinned it to her head, and made a gesture that modern young people on earth and even old men and women could understand.

A big heart.

"Love you guys."

Then it broke up, and it broke up again, but this time there was nothing tragic about it.

The light melts into the pool, shimmering, silver and white with gold, gold with green, scattered and gathered.

The scattered soul has returned!

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