I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1410 Is it you? (Monthly ticket, is that you? Is it you? My monthly ticket! The fourth updat

Qin Yu looked over the railing of the pigsty, and he saw that the pregnant sow seemed to be about to give birth, neighing softly.

"Yes, inhale, exhale, Mummy Pig, you can do it!"

"Come on! Work hard!"

"Don't kick the pig's trotters randomly, it takes so much effort, soon, I see a pig's head!"

When the first piglet was born, Qin Yu was so excited that he grabbed the railing and shouted excitedly.

"Jiaojiao, is that you? Look at this little pig's trotter! It's so fat and powerful, it must be you! It's me, Yuyu!"

The little pig responded with a poop-stained ass.

When the second piglet was born, Qin Yu was excited again.

"Fat Jiaojiao, this ass looks like you, is it you?!"

When the third head. . .

"Fat Jiaojiao! Is it me, is it you?!"

When the fourth head. . .

"Pangjiao, is that you?"

"Jiao, my Jiao, which one is you?"

N only in the future. . . .

"Qin Jiaojiao! Is that you?"

"Qin Fat Jiao!"

"Damn Fat Jiao!"

"Fatty MD! Don't let my old lady find you!"

This is the car accident scene of an eagerly waiting old mother who ran out of gas and rolled over.

The place was in the pigsty, and the parties involved in the accident were N little pigs and the little chubby fox demon who was peeping and giving birth outside the pigsty.

Just after Qin Yu was angry and the old sow finally gave birth to a first-rate piglet by her repeated "calls". . .

The last little pig came out.

Just happened to meet Qin Yu's eyes, big eyes to small eyes.

The little pig wagged its tail.

It seemed to be responding to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu's eyes were slightly red, and he was very moved: "Jiaojiao? Is that you? In order to avoid admitting mistakes, let's match the slogan."

She thought for a while and asked, "How much did you lose when you were the fattest?"

The little pig didn't answer, but also farted.

Qin Yu: "..."

At this moment, there was movement behind her, accompanied by a voice.

"Huh? Who are you? What are you doing? Stealing pigs? Could it be that you have nothing to eat and steal pig food?"

When Qin Yu turned around, he saw Jiaojiao who was stunned with her waist thrust up.

Just at this time, the sow in the pigsty finally screamed because she had given birth to the last piglet——Master, help me, there is a pervert here who has been peeping at my delivery, and is still talking about it like a snake spirit, but Scared my wife to death!

The villagers in the house not far away were alarmed. . . When I came out, I didn't see anyone.


On a remote path in the village, a dwarf was running fast with a fat cat in his arms, like a little fox stealing eggs. . . .

After running deep in the forest, the dwarf stopped and looked at the big fat cat in his arms, "Damn it, I was the one running, why are you panting!"

Jiaojiao covered her mouth with her two fat paws, her big eyes were bent into two crescent moons, under Qin Yu's scorching gaze, he put down his hands, and said cutely: "Your hard work is my hard work, I am breathing for you. "

What the hell are you still taking the hypocritical route of stream of consciousness?

Qin Yu stared at him for three seconds, Jiaojiao jumped off Qin Yu's arms, hugged a tree, wagged her tail, shook the small tree, and laughed wildly.


"What a fat little fat girl!"

"Haha, my God, Yuyu, you have today too!"

"Bighead fish!"

"Fathead fish!"

"Little whale!"

"Am I going too far? I can't laugh at you like that, sorry, I was wrong."

After holding back for three seconds, Jiaojiao hid behind a tree.


Qin Yu put his hands on his hips and looked on expressionlessly.

Under Qin Yu's deathly gaze, the tree seemed to feel stiff. Jiaojiao had no choice but to poke out her fat and furry head from behind the tree, and face her little paws with her round body trembling.

"The one just now, it wasn't me."

"I'm possessed, do you believe it?"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, I will express my love and loyalty to you with practical actions."

Then he ran over like a bird flying into the forest. . . With a click, he hugged Qin Yu, who was not much taller than him.

"Nice to meet you, my fish."

"Your little ancestor found you."

Qin Yu was surprised, "Are you looking for me too? Am I still looking for you?"

Jiaojiao suddenly came to her senses, staring, showing displeasure: "Are you looking for me in the pigsty?"

Qin Yu: "Huang Jinbi said that we will meet in the pigsty."

Jiaojiao was taken aback, and blurted out: "It told me that too!"

The golden wall suddenly went online, and it was a stroke of genius.

——So, both of you believe that the other will be reincarnated as a pig?

Fuck! The official description is the deadliest.

The essence is hammered.

Admit it, you are plastic grandparents! !

Are you still my little ancestor?

No, you are my little piggy!

Jiaojiao and Qin Yu looked at each other.

Jiaojiao exploded.

"Pig? You are a pig! You little pig!"

Qin Yu sneered, folded his arms around his chest, and squinted at Jiaojiao with a cold attitude.

"You tell my wife one more time."

Jiaojiao was timid at first, but when she saw Qin Yu's round face. . . He couldn't help but rub Qin Yu again.

Wow wow wow, so cute.

Qin Yu: "..."

Parental authority seems to be gone forever.

Obviously she has been intentionally controlling her diet for the past few days, just because she is afraid of being backlashed by Jiaojiao, why can't she lose a catty?

Why is it purple!


It was a joy to meet each other. Recently, when Qin Yu ran to the pigsty to call for Jiaojiao, he also used wiretapping and other means to learn about the world.

In terms of geographical location, it can be recorded as Daqin Kingdom, Sword Tooth Road, Huayang County, Lingdong County, and Changping Village.

Sound like the world of martial arts?

No, this is the real world of comprehension, and it is a large plane of comprehension, but the area where she is located is relatively remote. . .

"You can't just come from a better place! Isn't she not qualified now? It's too exaggerated to ask her to take the grassroots counterattack route every time!" Jiaojiao is still very good at defending Qin Yu, although Ten seconds ago, he was still frying Mao Qinyu, and he was going to the pigsty to find him.

——The child bride-in-law of a super villain from a top family?

Jiaojiao and Qin Yu: "..."

Bibi, have you been possessed by Zen Master or Yin You?

Forget it, don't fight with the official organization, it's no good.

Qin Yu accepted the reality, and used his authority to inquire about information in this world.

"The background is not small. A-9 is a large plane of comprehension, named Tianzang World. There are two continents and one star sea space. What does the star sea space mean?"

— Explore it yourself, or ask the system.

Qin Yu entered the information again. . . . The system prompts - this question needs to be paid to answer.

rely on you!

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao swear at the same time.

"I already have the authority of the gods, do I still need money?"

——Those three also gave money.

The implication is that their golden house dares to exploit even the great emperors.

Hey, the arrogant pace that the six relatives don't recognize is still not smooth, please be good~~

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao were silent for a while, and took the initiative to say: "Well, let's talk about the serious things about cultivating immortals in this world."

Cultivating immortals is indeed a serious matter. Qin Yu and Jiaojiao wandered around these counties in Lingdong County, and they also learned that they just caught up with the good opportunity for the immortal sect to recruit people.

Jiaojiao: "It's better to come early than coincidentally, Yuyu, this time you must be a blockbuster, and you will go straight to the fairy gate and become the most cowhide and most beloved No. 1!"

Qin Yu picked him up and walked on the path in the woods. Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows and asked a question with a smile.

"Do you think I'm famous now? I'm talking about being in the camp."

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