I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1413 Yu Qing

Qin Yu spent the past two days in the town, and also sneaked into the county government office to read some county annals and national books, and basically memorized some basic common sense of the country, but the county government has no authority or vision to record the information of the fairy gate. Qin Yu has no idea how strong Zong is and what kind of existence it is. Even she has no idea what position the Great Qin State is in this world, but from the ordinary state of mind of the people at the bottom of this country, Yomo - is not weak.

Because a weak country has no diplomacy, the county annals will not frequently record that some agricultural and sideline products are concentrated in the export business of the county.

The country is strong and the people are prosperous, and the first sect in the Great Qin Kingdom is probably very naive—at least Qin Yu feels that the strength of these ten disciples is at the level of the foundation period, and they are all under thirty.

Jiaojiao: "Why do I feel that compared to you, I'm still so inferior."

There is no comparison with Qin Yu.

Is she walking the normal way?

Before Huang Jinbi could explain, Qin Yu said, "These ten people are just outer disciples."

"Ah, how do you know?"

"They have a lot of small magic weapons and accessories, but none of them are high-quality, and the emblem on their school clothes is slightly different from the emblem on the Jianyin Mirror. The Jianyin Mirror has a nine-petal lotus sword pattern, and their emblem But there are only three petals, if the nine petals can represent the product of the sect, it is a great emblem, but they have no right to wear it, it can only show that they are non-main departments, such as the outer sect."

Then, in turn, one can get a glimpse of the greatness of the Wuque Sect.

However, Qin Yu was just guessing at this superficial information. It was too arbitrary to say that through these few disciples he could get a glimpse of Wuque Sect's power structure.

Anyway, she will know what she should know very soon—if Wuquezong can keep her.

"No. 1001, come forward."

Huang Jue called for someone, and the Zhihe, which Jiaojiao was holding in Qin Yu's hand, fluttered its wings, as if it wanted to fly. Jiaojiao loosened its claws, and the Zhihe flew up, carrying Qin Yu over.

In fact, judging from the standard of apprentices, these children are naturally the ones with the most gold content, and they have already seen a girl like Qin Yu long ago.



"Little sister, stand still, it will be fine after a while."

There is no special process, Qin Yu is now suppressed into a natural body, and when he takes a look in the mirror, there is light naturally.

Didn't even have to wait, it went very smoothly.

"Passed." Huang Jue was quite happy, after all, this girl is really cute, after seeing it, her heart softened.

"Little sister, you have passed, now register information... what's your name?"

Jiaojiao and Jinbi both pricked up their ears.

Although they talked about it before, Qin Yu didn't say the new name, so they were very curious.

"Master Xian, my name is Yu Qing."

She is timid, a little afraid of people.

But the name is very common, very common people, Jiaojiao and Huang Jinbi were surprised and disappointed for no reason at the same time.

Hey, this one is not high-end at all, nor is it very smart, funny and attractive.

It's too ordinary, the only bright spot is that it's called Qin Yu instead.

Huang Jue saw that she was alone and her clothes were a little tattered, but she was not as yellow and thin as those little beggars. He guessed that there was some story behind her, but he didn't have time to ask more, so he just registered her name first and asked her to wait by the side.

Huang Jue and others continued to guide and quote, and the speed was very stable. After an hour, there were only about a hundred people left.

Those without spiritual roots are naturally hopeless. There are only 19 people with spiritual roots, and by the way, only 19 including her.

"Hey, the last one, I got 20 together."

A tender-faced fair-skinned disciple smiled happily, and his whole person changed from the rigid posture of a fairy disciple just now. . .

Huang Jue coughed, and he quickly put away his laugh and returned to his demeanor.

Oh, it's not easy being an outer disciple, I'm afraid the teacher is very strict, and this kid is a little obsessive-compulsive.

However, the person who made up 20 in the end caused some restlessness, because it was a little beggar with a foul smell.

The little boy was skinny and his nails were full of black mud, which aroused the disgust of many children, and only the group of beggars cheered for him.

Each has its joys and each has its sorrows.

Those who were not selected were not in a hurry to leave, most of them looked at Huang Jue and others reluctantly.

"This year's review is over, thank you for your participation."

Afterwards, Huang Jue thanked the hundreds of yamen servants who were in charge of order and order politely, maintaining the courteous and elegant demeanor of the immortal family, and made those yamen servants, who were five or three rough, fall into a state of blushing and agitation and couldn't help themselves.

"Okay, everyone, don't pass, see you in five years..."

Some old men and old ladies who have been sending themselves, their children, and grandchildren here for five consecutive years rolled their eyes.

Damn, I will be buried in the ground for another five years.

"Hey, this fairy gate is really fate."

The old man sighed in disappointment while living on crutches, but in the end the people in this town happily bid farewell, and it was not for Huang Jue and others, but for twenty selected people with spiritual roots.

Huang Jue also took the initiative to give them time to say goodbye.

The mayor was not young, with gray hair, kind and majestic. He came forward and glanced at him. Among the twenty people, there were five childish children, Qin Yu, a fake child, and young people who were too old. There are also selected martial arts people of different ages.

"Everyone, in the future, you will all be immortal elders, and we will be on different sides of the sky, but the love of the hometown, the place of origin, please take care of it in the future, and it will not waste our fate of being born in the same place."

"Also, no matter if we are mortals who go through the world of mortals, or you all enter the immortal world for nine days, it will not be easy, so please take care of yourself."

"The way of immortality is difficult, and it is difficult to get together. Please be solemn."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand proactively, the loose hem of his clothes fell down, and his white hair slid down his shoulders.

This is parting, but also a gift.

A bow once, a farewell ceremony.

The adults were all moved, and bowed back, and the children followed suit. . .

When Qin Yu was also doing this, he said to Huang Jinbi: "Huang Jue actually agrees? So the cultivation civilization here is not completely cut off from the immortal way and the human world?"

——Some people are good at the minor level of cultivation, but the major level of cultivation is deeply related to the human world. On the contrary, the big sect supports disciples to have spiritual sustenance for their hometown, and those who know how to protect their hometown are generally not bad.

——And if he even abandoned his family in his hometown at the beginning, it would be no problem to abandon his sect in the future.

Qin Yu understood immediately, but thoughtfully: "Aren't you afraid that worrying will hinder Taoism?"

——It is hindering, but the sect is more afraid that the disciples will forget their feelings and practice and forget that the way of the great way is also the way of morality.

——Disciples who are not involved in morality and affection are actually not easy to manage, because they are too self-centered.

——This is also a lesson learned from the past.

Jiaojiao also said: "Yes, there have been a lot of big troubles in the realm of comprehension before, and the great supernatural beings deduced the end of the cosmic avenue, and found that the possibility of falling into evil in the ruthless way is extremely high, even in our heaven. "

This is a surprise.

Qin Yu smiled, "Then if there is a daughter of a great emperor in your heavenly world who falls in love with a mortal Dong Yong, it may not be considered a violation, because the immortal family can be emotional."

Jiaojiao: "It's okay, the problem is that these emperors are unlikely to fall in love with mortals, even if they fall in love with Dong Yong, who is only kind and has nothing but kindness, they won't be in the eye."

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