I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1431 Full Grid

This is created by the spirituality of a single spiritual root. Since it is a single spiritual root, it has extraordinary talents, and its purity is generally not too low, except for a very few unlucky ghosts, or those whose spiritual roots have been damaged the day after tomorrow. . .

The six people in Guancanghai didn't intervene in the recording, they just watched from the sidelines.

"Seven seven eight eight, all are not bad, hey, there is a nine inch here!"

"What attribute?"

"Gold type, haha, this one is good."

"It is estimated that it will be snatched by the armor-breaking peak."

"Jie Jie, the armor-piercing technique of piercing the armor is mainly metal, and it is also a nine-inch spiritual root, it is inevitable."

"Not necessarily, Chaoyang Peak may also..."

This is gossip, they still have restraint in front of the dolls, now that the dolls have turned into corpses, the elders have no scruples, and they arrange various gossip and anecdotes between the peaks.

Of course, they are not those top people, but belong to a department similar to the Ministry of Personnel, which is responsible for assigning disciples and recording files, and also cooperates with law enforcement departments such as the Discipline Hall to investigate inside and outside when necessary.

The six people in Guan Canghai listened quietly to the gossip. Suddenly, an elder from the outer sect froze for a moment, rubbed his eyes, and tugged Guan Canghai's sleeve again.

"What is it?"

Watch the sea and follow the place pointed by the elder. . . First saw a cat.

This fat cat is secretly poking its paw in the face of its little master, having a great time.

Qin Yu, who was pretending to be dead, was about to explode.

But the shimmering light from her body also made the elders a little restless.

"Hey! Ten inches full?"


"Haha, good good good good."

"It didn't show up last time, but it's out this year. It's great!"

Guan Canghai stroked his moustache, and thought to himself: What a wonderful thing, a single spiritual root, excellent sense of mystery, and ten inches full of grids, such all-around excellent top talents usually come out once a year, but occasionally there will be one. There is a shortage.

For example, the best talent in the previous session was the single Lingen Nine Inch talent.

Arguably the most disappointing one.

It's just that the overall number of elites in this session is small. If there is no emotion in the comparison between the two sessions, I am afraid that this session will be the worst.

The experienced people in the Central Pavilion quickly judged who can stay in the inner sect based on the purity information and the comprehensive conditions of all aspects.

119 In the end, only 50 people remained, and the rest all withdrew.

This ratio is not low, but the average level of each other is already very high.

Guancanghai was also quick, and immediately took the rest of the people out.

Melaleuca clouds flew up, carrying a bunch of doll corpses, an elder was very interested, and asked with a smile: "I didn't expect to have a love this year, this little girl has a great fortune, but I don't know if she can be accepted by the peak master." Look at..."

Guan Canghai raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and shook his head: "That's not possible, the disciple of the peak master is not an ordinary disciple."

The elder reacted, "Oh, that's true... I forgot."

If it is a true disciple, it will be very difficult.

Didn't you see that Xie Shuling didn't meet the standard back then, only now the inner sect practiced Dao Yuanying level to have the confidence to challenge the position of true biography.

"It's a pity, but even a single spiritual root can't enter the eyes of the peak masters. Could it be that those true disciples practiced from the inner sect to challenge the superior?"

They are the elders of the outer sect, and they have never entered the inner sect in their life, so they naturally don't understand and are curious.

Guan Canghai knew a lot more, and his expression was deep and pointed: "You think our five-year recruitment is the first round of screening?"

Everyone was taken aback.

Guancanghai looked into the distance, and said indifferently: "The master of the peak always chooses his disciples in person, not only in the Great Qin Kingdom, but also in the seven kingdoms in the east of our country, and even in many dangerous places... the entire Lielu Dajing State has been trampled. And, perhaps by means, or by chance, these peak masters have always been cautious about the true disciples, especially the first true disciples, who are basically found by them on their own initiative, with extraordinary talents, secret aptitudes, and unknown to outsiders, It is listed as one of the sect's secrets. Moreover, there may have been outstanding inner disciples who successfully challenged the true disciples in the past, but have you heard of anyone who successfully challenged the first true disciple?"

Five people were surprised!

No! Since Wuque Zong was established ten thousand years ago, the first true disciple has almost never been defeated—at least not in the challenge competition, at most lost by other true disciples.

This is the iron law!

As time passed, no one dared to challenge the position of the first true disciple, because it was impossible to win!

Hey, the water in the inner door is really deep.

"It's also very good. The Yuqing girl came out of a small country and can directly enter the inner sect. It is estimated that the status in the inner sect peaks is not bad. After all, the talent is there. Such a comprehensive talent can be cultivated. After a while, he will definitely be able to hit the position of True Inheritance in the future."

"Yes, this is God rewarding me with a bite of food."

"Maybe decades later, when we meet again, her cultivation level will be higher than ours."

"But I don't know which peak she will enter..."

Everyone talked and laughed, and met Xie Shuling who rushed over on the road. This girl was in a hurry, and she still had the smell of blood after being punished, and she didn't care.

Guan Canghai called her to stop, saying that the test was over and the results came out, and the Central Hub Pavilion was preparing to assign whereabouts. This is the personnel secret of the Central Hub Pavilion, and she should not go in, so as not to interfere.

Xie Shuling also knew the rules, so she stopped and asked if the three dolls were left behind.

"Mmm...all of them are left on my Melaleuca cloud." Guan Canghai said.

That is, none remained.

so bad? ! !

Xie Shuling frowned, her face was not very good-looking, she also saw three of the corpses in the pile on Yunduo, she pursed her mouth, and muttered: "That's terrible!"

The elders were speechless, and secretly slandered: Do you think that everyone is born with the talent to enter the inner sect and call the wind and rain like you!

The standard for entering the inner sect is too high, and it is not embarrassing to be brushed down. After all, they are the most likely to enter the inner sect in the future, just like that He Chu.

"Okay, the outer door is the outer door, I won't go to see them."

Xie Shuling's mouth was cold and arrogant, but he threw out three Qiankun bags casually.

"Master Guan, please also hand over these two bags to them and tell them to let them tighten my skin so that I can practice better."

"If I don't enter the inner sect for a long time within twenty years, I will go to them."

Why are you looking for them? Comfort and encouragement?


Xie Shuling has no humanity.

Guancanghai: "..."

For the first time, I feel that being a child of the royal family is not a good thing.

It's just too miserable for the cruel young lady from the royal family who is crushing her with her identity and talent.

Xie Shuling was in a bad mood, and was about to leave when she glanced away, as if thinking of something.

"The little fat man stayed?"

Oops, he is so cute, he provokes you, isn't he a little baby fat.

Guan Canghai didn't really want to offend this little princess who was almost likely to succeed in challenging the position of true disciple, so he could only tell: "I stayed."

She can't hide it, she might as well take the initiative to find Yuqing, so it's better to take the initiative to tell her.

Xie Shuling snorted softly, "It's not bad."

Then she flew away with a swish of the flying sword.

The elder sighed: "I don't understand why this little highness is so uncomfortable with such a cute and well-behaved child."

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