I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1436 Pick up? (It’s been a little clear recently, so arrange a high rhythm as soon as possib

Of course it was not because she came, but because there were two people standing in the hall.

A man and a woman.

The man was wearing a white robe, a sapphire feather crown, and a long sword on his waist that was as clear as a snowstorm in ice. There was no extra decoration, it was simple and eye-catching.

The woman wears an elegant and noble palace attire, her hair is pulled back like a maiden in the moon, and a mysterious spirit mirror with a flying shuttle is surrounded by her side, her mysterious energy is astounding, like a flying fairy.

One cool, one dignified.

These two people seem to have divided up the splendor of this hall, and crushed the luxury of this hall.

Zhan Lan took Qin Yu and stood outside the hall to salute.

The master of Meteor Peak, Yue Zhijing, looked sideways, his brows were plain, "Come in."

Only then did Zhan Lan bring Qin Yu in.

Qin Yu noticed that the two peak masters were looking at him.

She estimated. . . Something is not right.

Because that Gu Daofeng's paralyzed face looked at him not quite right.

Seems to be lost.

The expression is not normal.

As the peak lord, even if there is a problem with the guarding Demon Suppressing Pagoda, which causes an accident to the disciples of another peak, he doesn't need to be overly responsible for it. If he is responsible, he can just mention a few words between the two peak lords.

It would not be possible for him to find Qin Yu himself, unless. . .

"Is it because your spiritual roots have been damaged?" The master of Gudao Peak had a cold demeanor and cold eyes, but there was no malice.

Qin Yu didn't know why he came, and didn't dare to show off too much, so he pretended to be ignorant and looked at the mirror of the moon first.

I am still a member of your peak, and you have the final say on what to do, big brother and beauty, please express your opinion.

Moon Mirror said: "Peak Lord Guchen, this incident is just an accident, you don't have to blame yourself, her spiritual root damage is not serious, I can repair it."

Gu Chen shook his head, "Since it was my fault, I have to make up for it."

Oh, so you came here to take the initiative to repair the spirit root?

Zhan Lan was surprised, but when she thought of Gu Chen's style of work, she was also taken aback.

Qin Yu really didn't care who repaired it, but just looked at Gu Chen, and secretly thought that the leader of the peak who was not as tall as a woman was really sincere.

Moon Mirror was very polite to Gu Chen, and since this was not a "major surgery", she agreed, and she was protecting the law.

So three minutes later, Qin Yu sat cross-legged on the ground, Gu Chen stretched out his hand, and his palm fell on Qin Yu's forehead.

Qin Yu asked Jin Bi.

"What is his cultivation? Can he see through the cover-up?"


That's fine, Qin Yu obediently let him release his spiritual power into his body. . .

Although Huang Jinbi gave the answer, Qin Yu still pays close attention to the direction of the spiritual power. After all, she will not trust anyone easily, but while paying attention to the spiritual power, she sees Gu Chen who is possessed by him at a close distance, as handsome as a distant mountain Jade-like appearance.

Her heart skipped a beat.

The beauty of the comprehension world is indeed very high. . . It's really mean to her.

"Don't be nervous, I won't hurt you." Gu Chen said coldly, "It will be fine soon."

Say it will be soon, and it will be soon.

The spiritual root was completely restored, Gu Chen released a ray of spiritual power, "You absorb it and see."

Only then did Zhan Lan speak out: "Peak Master Guchen, Yu Qing hasn't practiced yet, and she only started to cleanse her spirit three days ago."

Mirror of the Moon: "Are you a newcomer, that's about it."

She also put her hand on Qin Yu's forehead, looked at it, and said, "It has indeed been repaired. It doesn't matter if you don't need to test it. You can practice in Meteor Peak some other day. If something is wrong, you can fix it at that time."

Although it was said that two beauties were doing their hands and feet, Qin Yu still felt that he was such a guarded person. . . Just bear it.


Gu Chen withdrew his hand, put his sleeves on his back, looked at Qin Yu, and was silent for a while, Yue Zhijing noticed that he seemed a little strange to this child.

"Is your name Yu Qing?" Gu Chen asked suddenly.

Qin Yu wondered if there would be a story behind this stupid name, she didn't want to have any plot in the realm of comprehension.

She is already very low-key, why do so many people still pay attention to her?

She really just wants to be a professional pig.

"Yes, it is."

"You look a bit like my former apprentice..."

Qin Yu:? ? ?

What am I? . . . I'm only five years old! !

are you human!

You strike up a conversation at the age of five! Still so old-fashioned!

Everyone was surprised, and before Qin Yu secretly vomited blood, Gu Chen added a sentence.

"Just a lot fatter than her."

Moon Mirror and Zhanlan: "..."

Qin Yu: "..."

Straight man, it is.

Moon Mirror seemed to have another association with Gu Chen's words, and waved his sleeves to let Zhan Lan take Qin Yu out.

As soon as the two left, Moon Mirror said to Gu Chen in the store: "Little Junior Brother, it's been a long time since that incident, can't you still not get out, it's not beneficial to the Tao."

Gu Chen smiled wryly, "Senior Sister, I'm not immersed in it, I just feel a little emotional."

Moon Mirror frowned, "Really? Then why haven't you accepted disciples until now? One of the five peaks, the dignified Gudao Peak has no disciples now, only you. Although you are the youngest peak master with extraordinary talent, Yu Zongmen has made great contributions, but it is also our purpose to train younger generations, if you continue to do this, the Zongmen may take some measures."

After she finished speaking, she was a little sad, "You have to know that the current situation of my Wuque seems to be stable, but it is actually dangerous. Otherwise, you think why the outside world has repeatedly provoked me these years, and you just saw through the hidden dangers of my sect."

Gu Chen also understood the meaning of Moon Mirror, he was silent, and finally sighed.

"Sister, I'll think about it..."

"You can think about it now. If you want to recruit apprentices, you can..."

Moon Mirror's words stunned Gu Chen, and he fell into deep thought.


After Qin Yu was brought back to the residence by Zhanlan, he said this to Jiaojiao and Huang Jinbi.

"I might be out of luck."

Jiaojiao: "I think what you usually encounter is dog shit, and you are eaten by dogs on the way to carry words."


Fuck! With a dark face, Qin Yu muttered, "You'll know when the time comes, I guessed something... just not sure."


There is no need to talk about uncertain things. Two days later, the True Biography Disciple Challenge will end, and the inner sect disciples will gather at the main peak to participate in the closing ceremony. The main peak will also announce the new batch of True Biography disciples.

This is a matter of the inner sect, and it is also a high-level change of Wuque. The outer sect is actually quite concerned about it, but they can't enter it and just wait for news.

Of course, a rookie like Qin Yu doesn't need to care, even though she is already famous.

"Hey, you are the little junior sister."

"Wow, it's you, has your spirit root been repaired?"

"Naturally restored, the peak master has returned."

"so cute."

"Is this your cat?"

Qin Yu was brought by Zhan Lan's side, and a group of Meteor Peak disciples came forward. When they greeted Zhan Lan, a new true disciple, they also paid attention to Qin Yu.

The character design can't be reversed, children have very distinct temperaments, either introverted or extroverted, Qin Yu's character design is introverted, so he is still timid, and Zhanlan can't help but maintain a little more, in the eyes of others, it means that Zhanlan treats this little junior sister too much There is care. . . . Most people didn't dare to keep making trouble with Qin Yu.

Of course, Qin Yu, who was "covered" by the quasi-true disciple, was much more relaxed until~~

"Hey, fat man!"

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