I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1438 True Biography (Monthly Pass, Monthly Pass, Genuine Subscription)

"That big boat is right there, and he's not blind, but when they were fighting fiercely, he always lured Xie Shuling, pulled them closer, and intentionally approached us. In the end, when the two of them attacked by force, the range of attack would naturally be larger." If it affects us, if someone dies, and because it is Xie Shuling who took the initiative to provoke, Xie Shuling must be the one who takes more responsibility in the end, and he will be punished severely. This is his strategy, but he didn't expect Huang Jue to be reminded by me, I avoided it in time, and no one died, so he changed his strategy, took the initiative to express his closeness, and apologized to me."

Jiaojiao was amazed, "Let me just say it, this man is not a good guy! Why didn't you say it then!"

Qin Yu: "What is there to say, the road to the strong, each has its own means."

She doesn't dislike Qi Yunye's scheming, she just doesn't like it.

Small tricks, fly camp dog dog.

"The most important thing is, do you see if he asked about me later? He didn't even deliver the gift."

Qin Xiaoyu was unhappy.

It doesn't matter what kind of person you are, as long as you get a gift.

If you don't give it away, it's chicken!

Jiaojiao became angry when she thought about it, "Baked chicken!"

You don’t have to send the expensive ones, but what about the food? Food can be delivered!

This is not free, stingy chicken!

Qi Yunye didn't know that he was being madly complained about by the two fat guys, but he got his wish to see Xie Shuling blowing his hair, and was about to clash again. . . A strange light flashed in his eyes, and he was about to be secretly proud.

The Peak Lords are here.

Having seen the prosperous beauty of the two peak masters of Gu Dao Peak and Meteor Peak, Qin Yu still had expectations for other peak masters, but she was quickly disappointed.

The peak master of Chaoyang Peak is an indifferent middle-aged man with a dead face. He doesn't have a sunrise at all, but exudes the twilight atmosphere of death everywhere.

The leader of the Breaking Armor Peak is a giant man with a height of two meters. A long knife on his back can be used as a boat for Qin Yu to paddle.

As for the main peak of the Wuque Sect, the peak master is also the second only to the head of the Wuque Sect. This is an old man.

Hunched over with an ugly walking stick, coughing and coughing without saying a word, as if suffering from tuberculosis.

Qin Yu was disappointed, and Jiaojiao was also disappointed.

"I think it's Meteor Peak, otherwise I'm in a hurry with you." Jiaojiao refused to admit that she was actually a face control, but she also refused to admit that he was greedy, so she often gave him candy the next day. He didn't say anything about the enthusiastic face-slapping behavior of Zhanlan of snacks.

But he insists on the principle of not wanting to be with dead faces, rough men, and old men with tuberculosis.

"I don't plan to change it either, it just depends on when I get a true disciple position."

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao were talking nonsense below, while Zhanlan, Liang Yushan, Xie Shuling and the other five who successfully challenged the true disciples were all called up.

A total of seven groups challenged, and three groups succeeded, which is the highest ratio in history.

So the atmosphere in the group of True Inheritance disciples today is a bit weird.

Are you a true disciple? . . Very eye-catching.

Their clothes are different from inner disciples.

In principle, the clothes of the inner disciples and the outer disciples are almost the same, with blue stripes on a white background, which is a common color for school uniforms for primary and middle school students. The style is Shibajie, and their chest emblems are different, three petals and six petals.

But the clothes of the true disciples are gold patterns on a white background, not elegant, but very noble. Zhanlan and Xie Shuling have not yet been awarded the relevant true disciple clothes. Today they are still white with blue patterns, but once they take that position, change The clothes moment is just around the corner.

Jiaojiao: "Changing clothes in public? Wow!"

Qin Yu: "You are a junior high school student, keep your mind healthy, little fat man!"

Jiaojiao: "So you haven't thought about it?"

One person and one cat looked at each other, and the small eyes were tacit understanding.

Zhanlan and Xie Shuling were sensitive, and felt that some eyes were not right, so they subconsciously turned their heads to look, and suddenly saw the sincere and simple eyes of a person and a cat.

Zhanlan smiled back slightly.

Xie Shuling snorted coldly, and said to Zhanlan: "I used to be the last in the inner school list, and in principle respected you as the elders, but it's different today, you have to call me senior sister."

Zhan Lan thinks that this person's brain nerves are different from others, and he is a true disciple, so you still care about this?

And isn't it a good thing to be young?

"It seems that I won the position of true disciple earlier than you." Zhan Lan said lightly.

Xie Shuling smiled: "But the true disciple I won ranks ahead of you in the Zongmen true disciple."

Zhanlan looked at Xie Shuling's proud face and fell silent.

Is there anything to be happy about?

have! Since childhood, Xie Shuling has always been the youngest. Even though she is the most favored, she is obsessed with titles such as "Little Highness", "Little Princess", "Little Junior Sister" and so on.

She really wants to be a senior sister.

It was a success today.

Ha ha ha ha!

Xie Shuling's eyebrows were beaming, and she was not as cold and arrogant as in the past. Just when she was feeling happy, the old peak master with tuberculosis trembled and opened his mouth.

"Today is the day when our true disciples of the Wuque Sect will be replaced. The loser must work hard to advance and strive for glory. The winner may maintain his aggressiveness, and others must take warning. Now, I announce today A total of six people have joined the position of True Inheritance Disciple, first of all..."

Wait, six people? Isn't it five people?

The five of Xie Shuling were stunned, and so were the inner disciples.

He Chu, who had just entered the outer door, stood at the end of the crowd, looked up at the front, and felt a strange feeling under the surprise - it was inevitable that only five entered in the challenge. recall? Although it violated the regulations, if the peak master insisted, it would be possible.

He Chu is not the only one who thinks so.

The three true disciples who were eliminated all had hope, and secretly felt in their hearts——I am the most shining cub in the world. I failed this time because I was careless. Master really still values ​​me!

On the other hand, some people who failed the challenge. . . For example, Qi Yunye, he is full of expectations, he is so outstanding, if it wasn't for Xie Shuling who relied on the royal resources to cultivate faster than himself, how could he have lost! The peak masters must have seen my potential and wanted to be specially selected. . .

They are full of expectations and confidence, as if they can counterattack and come back in the next second.

But the real situation in the next second is.

"Meteor Peak, because of love, will transfer to Gu Dao Peak from today. He will be under the master's sect of Gu Dao Peak, and will be a true disciple."

"This matter has been approved by the Shuangfeng Peak Master, and I have reviewed it with the Wuque Inner Sect Elder's Court, and it has passed!"

After the old man said this, he didn't give everyone time to react, and immediately announced that the five members of Zhanlan would be selected as true disciples. . .

In order, they are Liang Yushan, Zhanlan, Chen Tuo, Minghua, and Xie Shuling.

Xie Shuling looked bewildered, but after being bewildered, she realized that she might have just encountered two major bad news.

One, she was the last of the five!

Two, the five-year-old fat man ranked first among the six!


Even the four of Liang Yushan wanted to vomit blood every minute.

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