I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1470 Valley (first change, ask for a monthly pass and genuine subscription, you must be a li


Originally, Qin Yu was not very interested in the battle between Xie Shuling and the third son of Nangong, because no matter whether he wins or loses, it has nothing to do with the overall situation.

Even Xie Shuling's self-interest will not be too much harm, because behind her is not only the royal family of the Great Qin Kingdom, but also the Wuque Sect.

Her existence is a combination of the kingdom's ruling system and the Xian family, which is one of the reasons why Wuque values ​​her.

So, what about the marriage that the third son of Nangong mentioned? . . Xie Shuling's attitude is not important, nor is his attitude, what matters is the opinions of the royal family, Wuque and Fulong Dadu.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if you fight or not.

Since it didn't matter, of course Qin Yu didn't pay attention, so when there was such a commotion outside, she was also taken aback, and looked at Jiaojiao, Qin Yu got up and opened the door, and looked on the balcony.

Uh, Xie Shuling and Nangong Zhiyan are both leaders in the early Yuanying period, one is a famous family, the other is a cultivation family, their level is naturally extremely high, fighting with swords in the sky, the movements are very impressive, but among many monks It seems that there is no difference between top and bottom.

Just this movement. . . It's really not what these two did.

When Qin Yu heard the loud noise, he listened to the sound to argue, knowing that it wasn't the two people who were making trouble, but it was. . . As soon as she got to the balcony, she didn't look at the two of them at all, her gaze went straight to the valley in the southwest.

There's a loud bang over there, but what about the screams?

Others were not as sharp as Qin Yu, and they subconsciously thought it was the commotion on their side. Some even wondered if the two above had accidentally injured others by fighting.

On the other hand, Hua Zong Yunqin had two brushes that day. This person swept his gaze, pinched the imprint of his fingertips, and immediately recognized the direction of the sound. After seeing the valley, he seemed to think of something, his eyes flashed, and he was a little bit like Tianhua. The sect disciples winked silently, and were about to retreat quietly to the valley.

There was a sudden noise from the upstairs balcony.

"Fellow Taoists of the Tianhua Sect, are you going to go to that valley if you leave in such a hurry?"

As soon as Tianhua Zong Yunqin turned his head, he saw Fellow Daoist Qingqiu who was leaning on the balcony, stroking the fat cat's beautiful blue and white fluff with one hand, looking down at them with a rippling smile in his eyes.

It is often the enemy who knows the opponent best.

Yun Qin, who was "punctured" again, vomited to death in his heart, and he couldn't pretend anymore. After all, Xie Shuling and Yan Zhao just made the scene so ugly, and they Tianhuazong were full of blood.

So Yunqin put on a magnanimous attitude and reacted unbearably humiliated.

"Fellow Daoist Qingqiu, the noble family of your sect is noble, and the true disciples are all noble. Just a few words make my Tianhua sect feel ashamed, it's really..."

His anger is real, but his grievance is not necessarily.

But Fellow Daoist Qingqiu took it seriously, so he said kindly: "My two juniors and sisters are upright, and they always say what they want, and the elders of my master are helpless. If there is any misunderstanding, please also ask Haihan."

This is the euphemistic version of "Persuading people to be generous", it will be struck by lightning!

But aren't you wronged? Are you not magnanimous?

I'm giving you a chance to explain the misunderstanding.

Come, come, tell me why you sneaked away just now?

Yun Qinyi really felt disgusted to be counted on by others, but the rhythm of the other party was stuck-many people here looked at him with suspicious eyes.

Yes, where are you going secretly?

"The valley... Could it be?" Some sensitive monks had already thought about it, and their expressions became tense, and they also had the mentality to leave. But they wanted to do this, but they looked down on Tianhuazong who seemed to be planning to do it.

Under the critical gazes of everyone, Yun Qinyi could only bite the bullet and explain, "Since Fellow Daoist Qingqiu said so, I naturally won't have any grudges against Yan Zhao and Xie Shuling's words, and we didn't want to leave just now. Instead, I wanted to prevent the two above from competing, and urged everyone to go to the valley to see what happened. After all, at this time, there are many people in Dongliulin Town, and there are also many outsiders. If there is evil, it will be a disaster. "

After he spoke so fluently, even if everyone half-believed, there was nothing to blame on the surface.

Are you evil?

The crowd didn't want to waste time, and went directly to the valley in groups to inquire. People from all sects, big and small, had left, but a man in the crowd said, "Valley? I don't think the scream just came from here."

Qin Yu has good ears, turned his head to look, and saw a young Taoist priest in plain white clothes with a long sword on his back, with a puzzled and tangled expression on his face.

"What are you waiting for, let's, let's go and have a look too." Yan Zhaosheng was afraid that he might miss something in the valley, and Xie Shuling also stopped there.

Because Xie Shuling took the initiative to stop.

She didn't even look at Nangong Zhiyan. Under the surprised gaze of the latter, she flew down to the balcony and asked Qin Yu, "Are you going? Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

Qin Yu was surprised, "You stopped fighting?"

Xie Shuling rolled her eyes and sheathed her sword. She was very handsome, but her tone was impatient, "Fighting is a private matter, and coming here is a business matter. I can understand this point. Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly."

actually. . . If Qin Yu didn't say go, wouldn't she go?

The inner disciples silently felt that this cruel little princess seemed to have changed her nature.

Qin Yu smiled, "Then go."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at the white-clothed Taoist priest, and she thought that this Taoist priest was rare, his heart was pure, and he cared more about the life and death of this other common people.

Everyone rushed out with their swords flying in unison.

Nangong Zhiyan took a step back, and the Nangong Jiakeqing behind him stepped forward to ask.

"Third Young Master, Wu Que's people came here suddenly. I don't know if they also got the news. I'm afraid it will be a little tricky."

"Wu Que's people have no shortage of enemies wherever they go, and some people can't stand it—especially on the premise that Wu Que and our Fu Long Da are likely to marry, it's not necessarily certain that someone will jump the wall in a hurry."

As for how to jump over the wall. . . Those terrifying characters inside Wuque and those top-ranked true disciples were naturally not easy to mess with, but these three in front of them were just right.

Nangong Zhiyan waved his fan with a smile on his lips.

"It's just that this combination is interesting. Does Wuque have any special intentions?"

He was lost in thought.

But he also took people away quickly, but he didn't know that after they all left, some servants in the inn also started discussing.

When he was hiding, he stood alone against the wall in the alley. After a while, he returned to a dark room. There were many charms in the room, and there was an incense table and table, which seemed to be a place for practice.

As soon as he did it, there was a mysterious atmosphere in the room.

A wisp of black and strange air condensed in mid-air, and then dissipated, drifting through the air quietly, and entered the backyard of the inn, and then entered the kitchen. . .

into a cook's ear.

Immediately afterwards, the cook shook his head and patted his face: "Hey, why do I feel a little sleepy all of a sudden, damn it, it must be that bitch from Zuixianglou who insisted on pestering me last night..."


At that time, on Wuque's Que Tower, Li Zhao reported to the Great Elder the relevant information obtained after the governor of Heluo took over, and the Great Elder had a strange expression.

"It's a coincidence, but if you encounter a dangerous situation by chance, if you have the ability to solve it, then you have to be prepared."

Are you ready? What kind of preparation.

Li Zhao understood what the Great Elder meant—the Qingqiu on Gudao Peak was an accident.

Big surprise.

"According to the investigation by Governor Heluo, it was also mentioned when Xie Shuling handed over the matter. The Yin'e Corpse Nurturing Formation is complete and there is no fault. It was demolished by Qingqiu..."

Those who are good at formations know how to break formations.

"It's only been nineteen years since I started."

The golden core period is not important, but talent in this area is rare.

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