I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1477 A dream (the first update is coming, ask for a monthly ticket and subscription)


The boss's wife seemed a little surprised, but she was weak, and she couldn't break free after struggling, so Qin Yu could only test her physique.

After a while, Qin Yu let go of his hand and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I just heard that my wife has been ill in bed for a long time, and I happen to have a little medical skills, so I lost my position when we met. Please don't blame me."

It is obvious that she is aggressively probing whether the other party is practicing sorcery, and she insists on speaking so elegantly and politely, Jiaojiao despises it very much, but the ascetics in this world are so hypocritical, even the boss's wife didn't mind, she just said helplessly: " Lao Xianchang is worried, but my illness...it doesn't matter. I want to know what happened to Ah Liang? Just now he suddenly brought me here, but he didn't know where he went. I...want to know where he is where."

Qin Yu didn't say anything, but got up and pushed open another compartment, which turned out to be a pharmacy.

Some monks have already seen it, and they are quite surprised.

"The owner of the inn is not only an evil cultivator, but also an alchemist. Hey, what is this?"

It is not unusual for everyone to see bottles and jars inside, but they saw some blood-colored soil in a crystal groove, and some strange purple spiritual plants were cultivated on the soil, exuding compelling vitality, but It also has a bit of blood and evil.

"This is spiritual soil, the most basic kind of spiritual soil, used to cultivate spiritual plants, but I really don't know what this purple flower spiritual plant is."

"It's the spiritual flower, the purple weed, which is usually used to renew life." When Bai Su said this, his expression was slightly subtle.

Everyone suddenly realized, is the innkeeper using this purple scorpion to renew his wife's life?

It has to be said that such conjectures made them feel a little less disgusted with that boss.

But it's not right.

"I heard that this purple weed is very rare, and it also has very strong requirements for the area where it grows. He was able to successfully cultivate it..."

"How hard is it to guess, you look at the blood in the soil, does it look like what we lost..."

After saying this, the monks present were quite angry, and their dislike for the boss was added again—it is the instinct of ordinary people to feel the affection and generosity of others. It is difficult to control the elegant heart.

Qin Yu looked at these things for a while, and his expression was neither salty nor dull. After a while, Yan Zhao and the others came back quite dejected.

"He ran away."

"This tunnel leads in all directions. I don't know which way he went. We chased it separately, but we still lost it."

"Could this person have been transformed by a pangolin spirit? He actually dug out such a tunnel..."

"Now the road to Xie Senior Sister has not yet seen results, maybe she has caught up..."

Everyone was angry, but Qin Yu said: "This is the end of the matter, there is nothing to tangle with. Let's replenish energy and blood first, and don't let Yang Kuina and others make a comeback to take advantage of the loopholes. As for Zhou Liang..."

The shop owner's name is Zhou Liang.

"Wait for you to get the news from Senior Sister."

Supplementing Qi and blood is indeed very important, because no one knows where Yang Kui is hiding and when he will counterattack.

Now it is the middle of the night, and after an hour of meditating and digesting the elixir to replenish qi and blood, the sky has already seen white.

Everyone has already returned to the ground, those cooks and servants are innocent, so they can only let them go, the latter specially made a hearty breakfast to express their gratitude, but thinking that this shop is poisoned and made of human skin, everyone They have no appetite, and only the freshest and most elegant Senior Sister Qingqiu and Bai Su can eat it. . .

By the way, there is also that cat of Senior Sister Qingqiu.

"I inquired about it last night. This shop has never been discovered in the past. In fact, there is a reason for it, because basically there are no casualties."

"It's just a dream, and I'm a little weak. Most people don't think about it seriously."

Bai Su's words were succinct, and when he mentioned what happened last night, some people froze for a moment, as if they remembered something, their expressions were a little evasive.

Qin Yu leaned against the side of his cheek, and glanced thoughtfully at Yan Zhao and the others.

"It's probably not the only reason. Most of the monks who walk outside are alert. If they have a dream for no reason, they will be very weak. How can they keep silent? Even if they dream through others, they should be alert and suspicious, unless everyone has never Mention—but why don’t you mention that you had a dream, that’s only one reason.”

"Unless most of the dreams I have had are unspeakable."

Qin Yu said, looking at Yan Zhao, "What do you think, Junior Brother Ah Zhao?"

Yan Zhao's expression changed, and the steamed buns in his hand fell into the bowl. He reacted, picked it up immediately, and said seriously: "What dream! I didn't have a dream!"

"That's right, we haven't done that either."

"Not at all."

"I probably practiced too seriously last night and was too tired."

"That's right."

A group of people all kinds of "I don't have it, I'm not you, don't talk nonsense". . .

Qin Yu pursed his lips and smiled lightly, biting the steamed bun and not saying a word.

Jiaojiao is curious: "Yuyu, what kind of dream did they have?"

Qin Yu: "What kind of dream can it be? You are young and full of vigor, and there is no difference between those who cultivate immortality and those who take the college entrance examination."

Jiaojiao: "!!! Oh, I get it, bah! A bunch of little bastards! Hey, they are watching you secretly, it can't be..."

Qin Yu was noncommittal.

"By the way, what about Zhou Liang's wife? She is an ordinary person, but I can't be sure whether she is involved in it. I asked the shop assistants, and they said that this lady has a very good heart, and she will open a warehouse every year to give out food. the poor."

A female disciple still had some sympathy for the lady, but she didn't dare to assert herself in front of the three true disciples, so she and another person strictly guarded her.

But it has to be dealt with.

Qin Yu didn't speak, just took a sip of water, just in time to get a voice transmission from Xie Shuling.

"The man has been found. Go northwest. This man is bound to be chased by you, Senior Sister Xie. There must be someone who can help him where he is fleeing. We'd better follow."

After Qin Yu finished speaking, everyone put down their bowls and chopsticks and prepared to leave, but Mrs. Zhou Liang was a little difficult to deal with.

"It's nothing difficult."

Qin Yu found Mrs. Zhou Liang who was imprisoned in the room.

"I don't know your wife's name yet?"

"Liu Rushi."

"Mrs. Liu, your husband has made a mistake, and now we are hunting him down. In my opinion, there are still people spying on the evil behind him. It is too dangerous to leave you here alone, so I want to bring you along."

After this night, Qin Yu also inquired about the background of this woman from the servant. It seemed that she was a lady from a poor family. She lived here with her widowed mother, and her marriage was difficult due to physical factors. Later, she met Zhou Liang. . . .

But I have to say, if it weren't for this physique, with Liu Rushi's appearance and temperament, it would be enough to match a wealthy family.

She seemed to be a reasonable person, and she also figured out what her husband had done, her eyes were tired and sad.

"I am willing to follow. Husband and wife are of the same body. No matter what the ending is, we must be together. It's just that my body... I'm afraid it will be very inconvenient to you elders."

"No." Qin Yu took out a pill.

"Madam Liu's physique is nothing more than congenital weakness, lack of organs, plus the accumulation of medicine stones in the later stage, mutations and exhaustion, even if it does not restore your health, it is still possible to stabilize for a few days."

Liu Rushi looked at Qin Yu, thanked him, took the pill, and ate it.

Not at all suspicious.

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