I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1479 Suspense (third update, ask for a monthly ticket)

Qin Yu was not surprised that someone was hanging behind him, but he was just trying to figure out who the other party was and how many people there were.

If the opponent attacks from behind, how will their wave of people respond, or in other words. . . What kind of scale should she use to deal with it.

Jiaojiao was also discussing with Qin Yu how to kill the people behind.

But what Yan Zhao and the others discussed was much fresher.

"This tunnel is very long. I'm afraid it connects to the original cave entrance and leads directly to a certain place."

"I don't know what's down there."

"What else can it be, it must be a charm!"

Speaking of ghosts and ghosts, everyone's heart trembled a little. They are the world-renowned ferocious ghosts. They live on the souls of the living and dead. They have amazing fighting power and soaring ghostly aura. With mountains and forests as their bodies, ghosts and ghosts are boundless. They are really not something they can deal with. of.

If Xie Shuling hadn't been caught in danger, the wisest choice for them was to wait outside for the arrival of the masters of the sect, but now, even out of the morality of the same sect, they had to enter.

but. . . There is a person with open insight, this road is very deep, and soon everyone feels that the air pressure is thick, carrying the bloody and evil air that evil people are most happy with.

With a bang, someone suddenly stepped on something, everyone's senses were sharp, and they all looked at that person immediately.

Embarrassed, the man raised his sword-holding hand, "I didn't do anything."

He did nothing but stepped on something.

"Grapes?" Someone murmured, but when the person raised his foot, everyone took a look.

Qin Yu: "It's the eyeballs."

Yan Zhao: "There are still clothes under the mud at the bottom, let's use water to wash them..."

After washing, it is amazingly white with gold streaks.

Everyone suffocated instantly.


Xie Shuling died?

Inner Disciple Stepping on "Grapes": How the hell did I step on the eyeballs that detoxified tumors?

Everyone panicked, Qin Yu said suddenly: "The size of this dress is a bit big."

After a pause, Qin Yu said slowly, "The waistline is thinner than your Xieshi's."

Everyone: uh. . . Is that so?

Qin Yu took the clothes and rubbed them with his fingertips, "The silt and stains have soaked in. It's been a few days. It may be that a true disciple of our Wuque died here, but the sect didn't know about it. This place is quite strange. Unfathomable."

I thought it was just a small remote place, but it turned out. . .

Everyone quickly chased down.

It was found that the deeper the passage, the more tree roots seemed to emerge from the soil.

It's like reaching the place where the roots of flowers and trees are low.

But it's not just these roots.

"They seem to have stuck something..."

"It's skeletons and human heads!"


If this channel is a vein opened in a square of soil, then in the corpse wall of this vein, there are countless flowers and grass roots, and these roots penetrate countless corpses melted in the soil.

Over the years, the corpse rotted and shriveled, turning into a skeleton.

"No, it's not all bones!"

"There's blood!"

Someone with sharp eyes peeled away a layer of soil with the tip of a sword, and suddenly saw a hand that was shriveled but still had flesh and blood.

This is not a bone.

"Just died."

As soon as the body was removed, everyone immediately recognized the person. . .

"Heavenly Blossom Sect!"

While everyone was in shock, Dou heard a shrill scream.

"not good!"

Everyone went out quickly, Qin Yu was a step slower because he had to take care of Liu Rushi.

"I'm the one who caused the fairy head to suffer."

"No, I shouldn't have brought you here, it's so dangerous and offended."

Qin Yutan grabbed Liu Rushi's arm, and with an enclave technique, the two of them turned into afterimages and ran away at high speed.

but. . . Jiaojiao who fell on the spot: "Damn it! You left me behind!"

Qin Yu: "I won't chase after you?"

Jiaojiao pouted, looking at the eerie and terrifying passages around her, she could only catch up.

As soon as Qin Yu and Liu Rushi landed in the hollow space ahead, they smelled a strong smell of earth and blood. There were already more than a dozen fresh corpses piled up at the exit of the passage. On a rock, and then I saw Zhou Liang and Zhou Liang in front of me. . . Jie Shuling and the others who fought and killed more than a dozen murderous corpses, besides her, there are also people from Tianhuazong and other sects, most of them are some monks who have met in Yuelaiju before, and some may have died , and someone always survived.

But even with so many people, they were crushed and beaten by those dozens of murderous corpses, and even Yan Zhao and others who rushed to join were killed as soon as they met each other.

"Yin Evil Corpse?"

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows, and everyone was shocked!

Yan Zhao thought of the place under the barren mountains and rivers. . . Thinking about East Liulin Town again, I immediately understood that what they ran into was not unrelated to their mission.

In fact, it is still related.

"Zhou Liang, you and Yang Kui and the Blood Sect have colluded for a long time. You used the inn to find a man with a prosperous yang energy, and submitted the record of the other party to the Blood Sect. Let the other party do it secretly. It is a good deal."

Zhou Liang looked at Qin Yu, "Wuque Gudao Peak Qingqiu, I didn't expect you to see through it one day, but no matter how smart you are, there will always be times when you can't see through."

"My strength is mediocre, and I'll be an assistant. It doesn't bother me. If it doesn't bother me, then I'll chat with you for a while."

Qin Yu assisted with surgery, and said, "You praised me for being smart, saying that I saw through, but that's not necessarily the case. I think this kind of seeing through is what you did on purpose?"

Zhou Liang narrowed his eyes, his gaze was gloomy.

"Since you are related to the Xuehu Sect, and Qi Yunye of our sect is dead, since he is dead, we Wuque will naturally send people out. If we send people out, it is likely that the true disciples will lead the team. It's a matter of course, according to the general situation, you should restrain your traces, let us find nothing, but it just happened to be such a coincidence, we just bumped into the big evil formation under the river - it is worth noting that it was not we who took the initiative to see through, but Yang Kui and others from the Xuehu Zongmen took the initiative to attack, and this allowed us to discover the Yin'e Corpse Nursing Formation. Normally, we will still report to the Zongmen, because the specifications exceed our strength, and the Zongmen will send another master. This team participates. After all, our team of three true disciples is really too weak, so nine out of ten will still follow the sect's will and continue to investigate in Dongliulin Town... This in turn can be speculated, you know We will go to Dongliulin Town. Before, Yang Kui and others deliberately poisoned us to divert our attention, and then activated the human skin spell to let me wait for a dream. Isn’t this contradictory? Unless you did it on purpose, the two Calling the initiative to attack will definitely make me not give up on you and will investigate to the end, so you escaped, escaped here, and successfully lured all of us."

Qin Yu glanced at it, and his eyes were meaningful, "It's not only our Wuque sect, but also other sects. I think you also took the initiative to release the news about the spirit pill. If it weren't for such a huge treasure, how could it attract so many people?"

After she analyzed it in such detail, even a pig suddenly realized it.

This game is not shallow!

"Damn the villain! How dare you plan on me like this! Everyone, please join hands to fight against the enemy, and don't let this villain succeed in his tricks!"

Obviously it was Qin Yu who broke everything, but Tianhuazong Yunqin showed a righteous and awe-inspiring leader demeanor. The disciples of Tianhuazong were immersed in it, but the others. . . Especially Wuque's disciples are very disgusted.

Yan Zhao was even more blunt, "You fool, what do you need to say?!"

What they say is not important, what Zhou Liang says is important, "Yes, you are right, but so what if you see through it?"

That's right, what's the matter, they are still no match for this Yin Evil Corpse?

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