I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1488 Blowing Music

She took out a palm-sized golden silk ball, injected it with spiritual energy, glowed, threw it, and exploded.

The scorching brilliance like a feast at a dance party directly blasted Qi Mei into piercing screams.

He can bear the Nascent Soul level damage of this one-time explosive magic weapon, but he is afraid of the brilliance it emits.

This ray of light is burning and eye-catching in the entire Qimei Mountain, and it also brings guidance to people in other places in the mountain.

"There they are!"

Governor Heluo and others finally know where the person they saved is.

And being able to attack is what they saw, it seems that they have escaped from the siege, and they still have the strength to resist.

Very good!

Everyone was overjoyed, and Yun Chuxiu also saw it. She raised her eyebrows slightly. She has a high level of cultivation, and she can tell at a glance that this is not an attacking brilliance from a magic technique, but rather like a magic weapon self-destructing.

Nascent Soul-level self-destruct magic weapon is not cheap.

Woo, all the younger brothers and younger sisters are so rich now?

Prodigal son.

But when Yun Chuxiu thought about it, he saw those murderous corpses roaring away—because Zhou Liang ran away!

He ran to the place where the light was shining.

Seeing this, Yang Kui's eyes flashed, and he was also agitated. He obviously knew that once Wuque's trapped group got out of trouble, they would not be able to deal with people like Yun Chuxiu. Take down the three true disciples who are bound to be very weak at this time, and threaten Yun Chuxiu and the others!


All evil fears the radiance.

In a certain sense, light is equal to killing evil.

Jiaojiao: "Damn it, this light is so bad that it's going to blind me, let alone a demon!"

Blind, Mei Mei let out a painful hissing sound, and frantically attacked the surroundings, but couldn't find the target—at least it couldn't find it now.

Taking advantage of this time, Qin Yubai looked at Liu Rushi who was lying on the ground with a weak face, she was very apologetic, "I'm really sorry Mrs. Liu, I had to save my life just now in a hurry."

My senior sister Qingqiu, do you know that you are so out of character?

Liu Rushi, who was so pure and weak to the extreme, turned paler than Qin Yu. Hearing this, she raised her eyes and said, "Immortal Qingqiu has saved me many times, and even if I want to pay you back with my life, I should Yes, if you wish."

Qin Yu: "Really, but you fell very well just now."

Everyone was avoiding the evil spirit, and wanted to run away with its blind spot, but when Qin Yu said this, they suddenly felt a little weird.

Yan Zhao was a little confused, "So..."

Liu Rushi suddenly smiled. This smile can be called a lily transformed into a mandala. Even though it is still beautiful and white, it is obviously a bit strange.

"I can't help it. Immortal Qingqiu, if you don't take pity on the fragrance and cherish the jade, you can only hurt yourself if you are a pussy willow."

Qin Yu: "If I didn't take pity on you, I should have recognized you long ago. Why do I need to test again and again to prove it?"

Liu Rushi got up gracefully, combed her dress, slowly and elegantly, her eyes were steady and gentle, and she thought about the opposite side.

"Ah, in the cave before, you mentioned your cat on purpose, for me to hear."

"Well, you listened, and you will arrange someone to intercept my fat cat."

"You know that the charm is under my control?"

"I didn't know it at the time. I just asked Maomao to lure away Meimei, but Meimei was still able to find this place accurately. That's why I'm sure you're controlling it."

"Either I don't know, or did I know in advance that there was an insider in this group of people, or did I suspect me from the beginning? After all, anyone can be an insider, so why must it be me?"

"In the small courtyard where you live in the backyard of the inn, one of the flowers and plants in the courtyard is called Danfang, which is the most unhealthy. If a weak person treats it, it will only damage the blood."

Liu Rushi's eyes flashed, "Do you suspect that I take care of those flowers and plants? But it's usually my husband who takes care of them..."

"Not necessarily. The footprints left on the soil in front of the flowerpot are mostly the size of women's shoes, not men's shoes."

Liu Rushi was startled, then squinted her beautiful eyes, and said casually: "I was negligent, but although your cultivation level is not high, you are a true disciple, but your eyes are really good."

Qin Yu smiled: "Are you praising my good eyes?"

People praise you for your good eyesight! But your eyes are really pretty.

Liu Rushi smiled again, this time it was really elegant and refined, "It's beautiful, I want to dig it out."

This remark made people startled and horrified, and then. . . boom! Dozens of evil corpses rushed out from all directions in the forest, and just blocked some people who wanted to take the opportunity to escape. There were screams, and these people were directly bitten into several pieces, and their flesh and blood were fed to the evil corpses , that scene was very scary.

Zhou Liang is here.

As soon as Zhou Liang came, the vicious corpses and evil spirits were enough to kill most of the people in ten strokes.

Qin Yu is not a child of luck, and he will no longer deal with Liu Ru when he sees this. Obviously, the latter has no such intentions. Now that the disguise has been torn apart, it is time for the king to meet the king!

Time, what they need is time, Yan Zhao and others have already sensed that Wuque's reinforcements are coming. . . on the way?

Anyway, very close!

Can you hold on? them!

Anyway, my senior sister Qingqiu couldn't hold it anymore, she broke out twice, unless there was another magic weapon of self-explosion?

Both Xie Shuling and Yan Zhao thought that Qin Yu still had a bunch of magic weapons that could be exploded, otherwise how could she have such a demeanor of strolling around in the courtyard?

But in fact, no!

She didn't have a self-explosive magic weapon, but she took out four middle-grade spirit stones and placed them in suspension around her body. The spirit stones released spirit energy, which penetrated into her body one by one, and also penetrated into another magic weapon she took out.

A medium-grade treasure, a flute.

"The night is long, I don't want to sleep, how about listening to me play a tune?"

She played it, the sound of the flute was mediocre, not melodious, and the melody was mediocre, not bitter or profound.

But it's scary.

Sound Killing Technique!

The sultry song is carried through from beginning to end, leading to the huge Mimei Mountain, the mountains and forests are vast and far away, with echoes, as if the mountains and plains are occupied and ruled by it - those who are in it, listen to the song.

There are two types of people who listen to the music, one is listening to the music normally, and the other is being killed by the fixed-point sound!

Ringing in the ears, upset, the corpses were in pain, very painful, the blood inside the corpses exploded agitatedly, and Zhou Liang's face was pale, he held on for a while, and vomited blood.

Liu Rushi's complexion changed slightly, and he shut down his hearing, but found it useless.

This is the sound vibration, ignoring the obstruction.

"You actually follow the way of killing music!" Liu Rushi was horrified, but since she had already exposed her identity, she didn't need to hide her strength. Even Zhou Liang and the murderous corpse couldn't hold back the song of Qin Yu in the golden core period, but she resisted ten times. Eighty-nine times, after enduring these two, there was blood in his eyes, and the evil spirit suddenly made a piercing broken sound, trying to break the sound, but Qin Yu seemed to have a premonition, and the tune changed, sharp as a knife.

Clash of scales!


At that moment, the mountains and fields trembled, and the creatures were terrified. The invisible sound that ignored the physical defense and penetrated into the flesh caused most of the corpses to collapse, and Zhou Liang vomited blood for the second time.

Liu Rushi controlled the charm, her eyebrows and eyes were sharp and evil, her black hair fluttered in the rolling mountain wind, and her green skirt fluttered. After the sonic boom, the charm fell down and faced Qin Yu.

Her attack rhythm is obviously very fast, not for breaking the sound, but for attacking and killing her while taking advantage of Qin Yu's fighting sound!

The charm is so powerful that no one can stop it.

Qin Yu didn't move, and just played the second piece calmly.

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