I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1595 Abnormal


It took Qin Yu a month.

"Phew, that's fine."

Of course, it doesn't mean that the level of comprehension is enough, but that these exercise books have been thoroughly understood by him repeatedly.

She has no upper limit, but the environment has an upper limit.

"It's still not enough authority." Qin Yu knew that Wuque's background must be more than that, after all, it has a "history".

The history is unpredictable, and the background is naturally unpredictable.

It's a pity that the maximum she can earn now is limited to the first true disciple of Gu Dao Peak.

Just like the golden house.

Limited permissions.

If you want to have higher privileges and a better environment and platform, then you have to. . .

Qin Yu put away the books, picked up the teapot and poured a glass of water, drank half of it, and looked around the huge reading room.


It's been a month, and the number of people has not decreased but increased!

Twice as many as before.

No way, the average skill level of Wuque members is pretty good. Although there are quite a few people who have failed courses in the past, they have not reached the current level. As far as she can see, the level of many individuals is actually not low. Being so "positive" seems to be afraid that I will fail the exam or fail.

Qin Yu couldn't laugh or cry, thought for a while, and figured out a possibility.

"This time the difficulty of the spell solution must be increased."

Qin Yu's idea was so bold that it scared everyone to death.

Jiaojiao gloated, and before she could laugh a few times, Qin Yu's meaningful eyes swept over her.

Jiaojiao was stunned for a moment, and when she realized it, she turned around in embarrassment, facing Qin Yu with her chubby back, very melancholy.

"Okay, okay, I'll start reviewing tomorrow too."

"You sorted it out for me, I will definitely read it."


Qin Yu went to register, wanted to return all the books, and left, but a reminder suddenly popped up during the permission registration.

Privilege elevated?

"Ah, can I visit the secret vault that only senior elders can go to?"

"Sure enough... Wuque has a secret storehouse where advanced secret skills are located."

Qin Yu's appearance made Huang Jinbi see something.

—You don't seem to be surprised either.

——So, before you took the initiative to expose the formation and alchemy ability to Fang Yourong and the others, you must have some foresight.

——For example, I have a premonition that the Zongmen will definitely be aware of the pills and formations used by these true disciples, especially the formations.

——As a disciple, Yun Chuxiu had the foresight to win over you who was pretending to be an old man of formation at that time, not to mention that you are a true disciple of Wuque, so Wuque will definitely spend a lot of money to train you.

--then. . .

Privilege escalation is here!

Qin Yu smiled lightly, without denying it.

Oh, she was not a good person in the traditional sense.

Maximize the benefits.

Isn't it good to win three times?


As soon as the authority was raised, Qin Yu went upstairs to the secret vault.

As soon as she entered the streamer barrier, the next second, she saw a wide room, almost empty of people.

But there are hundreds of glowing suspended photospheres.

Each ball of light is the size of a human head and emits different halos.

There are secret techniques in it.

Qin Yu still cherishes this opportunity very much, because she is not a real senior elder after all, and she is not qualified in terms of actual contribution.

three days.

She only has three days.

Zongmen's intention must be to allow her to use these three days to obtain the approval of a formation secret technique, so that it can be opened to enlightenment.

This is what Zongmen means.

Qin Yu never followed others' wishes.

Her preparation route is--approve first, comprehend the record, change to the next one, continue to recognize, continue to comprehend!

As for the direction of finding secret skills, the soul sound attack is for sure, and there are also formations. Qin Yu has never been able to find a knowledge system in this area, and this time is just right.

It is actually not easy to get the secret technique recognized, because the secret technique has a spirit, and it will find someone who is recognized by itself.

People like Guo Jing cannot live here.


The Great Elder was dealing with government affairs, and he was very pleased to be informed by his subordinates about the current atmosphere of "crazy learning" between disciples and some elders in the sect.

"It seems that the academic atmosphere in our sect is still very good."

The subordinates can only laugh dryly, while slandering in their hearts - if we don't have to take the exam, we will definitely agree with you.

After the subordinates left, the Great Elder used a secret technique to contact someone—it was the old woman from the Quelou Gongfa Pavilion.

"How about Gudao Qingqiu?"

"It's already in."

"What secret technique did she learn?"

The old woman smiled and remained silent.

The Great Elder came to his senses and slapped his forehead, "Okay, I was the one who made the mistake. Forget that I Wuque has protection orders for true disciples, especially true disciples who have the right to inherit the peak master. Okay, I don't ask, and you are not allowed to treat others. explain."

The old woman rolled her eyes, gnawed at the melon seeds and said, "You think I'm you? You're the head of the sect and the elders, and I belong to Wuque Siguoya, so the people inside will meddle in such nosy matters? No Seeing that they talked to Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling."

That's true.

The Great Elder nodded, ended the call, and looked at the mountains of files in front of him, all of which were messages from various places recently.

Internal and external crises, ambushes from all directions.

Intelligence is busy.

He is also very busy.

But as long as he thinks about the signs of prosperity of these disciples in the sect, he will feel in his heart. . .

Get up, go to the window, look at the sect surrounded by white clouds.

I'm settled.


On the third day, Qin Yu tried her best to recognize the secret technique in the secret library space, racing against the clock. Just the last hour before, she finally broke away from the last secret technique comprehension.


Finally remembered.

The formation system is really troublesome, there are too many knowledge points, and the quantity is huge, even with Qin Yu's brain and soul, it will take a lot of time-remember, this is just a copy.

"There's still half an hour left. I guess it's too late. The worst secret technique will take an hour or two."

Qin Yu felt it was a pity, but it didn't stop her from spending the half hour wandering around, looking around at the circles of these secret techniques. Some of the secret techniques simply ignored her, which meant that she had no talent or not enough talent in this area.

But it's always good to know more.

Qin Yu's mentality is to act more X in the future. . . Fuck!

What is this thing?

Qin Yuben browsed the past, and only took a few steps when he suddenly stopped at least at the most inconspicuous secret technique, the light ball.

In fact, she skimmed through the more than 300 secret skill light spheres for the first time, and then selected a wave of the ones she felt the most to try and approve, and she didn't know much about the rest at all.

It was screened four times in total.

Now it is the fifth time to browse, she has become more careful, and this time she has discovered a secret technique that she has missed.

"Nine Apertures!"

"What's this?"

The name is not important, what is important is that Qin Yu found out after browsing it a second time that this is the only secret skill that she has no sense of at all.

Yes, there is no feeling at all.

Because she didn't feel it, she passed the screening four times before.

Now that I think about it, I feel a little strange.

Is there any cultivation category that she doesn't have the slightest talent for?

It's not that she's arrogant, it's that it's not normal in itself.

Qin Yu's competitiveness and interest are all excited, trying to make the other party feel him. . .

Once, twice, three times.

The other party still had no sense at all.

This is not normal.

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