I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1597 Mistake? (Good morning, where are the tickets? If you blow it up, I will blow it up)


"What the hell is this "Nine Apertures"?"

Qin Yu returned to his practice room and immersed himself in soul enlightenment.

After a long time, Qin Yu sighed.

"Why am I so white?"

This turned out to be the method of cultivating acupoints during the out-of-body period.

During the out-of-body period, opening the orifice point, and the existence of the orifice point is actually another means related to energy and spiritual power.

Jindan, Nascent Soul, and out-of-body are all energy carriers and utilization aggregates with the same essence but different forms.

It's getting more and more advanced, and it's more and more able to bear stronger and more energy and spiritual power.

When breaking through, the golden elixir is what it is, and the nascent soul is what it is.

In the later stage, they need to grow and become stronger, and their operability is limited.

The strongest operation range is only when Du Jie is generated, which is why Qin Yu tossed Jindan to death before and then engaged in Nascent Soul.

Because once she enters the Nascent Soul stage, all she can do to the Nascent Soul is probably to replenish her spiritual power.

In the same way, the out-of-body period must be done during the time of crossing the catastrophe.

Qin Yu has a plan for it, but the existence of "Nine Apertures" tells Qin Yu that the plan can be changed.

"I do know that there are some secret methods in this world that can do something to Jindan Nascent Soul, and Wuque also has them, but they have little effect on me, so-so."

For others, it is naturally a great treasure, and several true disciples must have practiced hard.

But what to do with the acupoints is not visible.

The more advanced it is, the more difficult it is to operate, especially at the beginning of the out-of-body period, the acupuncture point has begun to focus on the use of spiritual power skills, and it has begun to pave the way for the cultivation of the law of distraction, and it is even more difficult to operate.

But "Nine Apertures" is this kind of exercise, and it's not low-end.

Qin Yu felt the profundity and obscurity of it only after a cursory observation for the first time.

"Is this another secret created by a big boss?"

Qin Yu was surprised, but she was overjoyed when she got it. She carefully studied it and prepared to use it after the catastrophe when she came out of her body.

The higher the difficulty, the more challenging and engaging it is.

But because it was too difficult, Qin Yu also stumbled through comprehension. Occasionally, it was difficult to break through the bottleneck period. She didn't want to force it, so she spared this time to buy a large amount of materials for alchemy, medicine and formation, and started to work hard. The scale is high-intensity refined.

In fact, the three kinds of exercises required a lot of spiritual power and energy, and she was exhausted every day, and then she was in this state to meticulously carve the jade "Carved Soul", which continued day and night, non-stop.

Time is like flowing water, gurgling by, almost untraceable.

And when Qin Yu was alone in Gu Dao Peak, obsessed with cultivation and other things and couldn't extricate himself, Ying Ruoruo also came to a place.

A bamboo forest and a wooden house.

Ying Ruoruo knocked on the door and it opened.

Fang Yourong opened the door and glanced at her, "What's the matter?"

Ying Ruoruo saw that her face was pale, but not weak, so she knew that she had recovered a lot from her injuries.

Ordinary people only know the feats of their group, but they don't know the hardships they have paid for it. The reason why many people don't show up is because they have suffered a lot of damage.

But this damage is beneficial.

This battle is their milestone progress.

The other party You Rong guessed it was the same, Ying Ruoruo vaguely sensed that there was something different about the other party.

"Senior sister, thank you."

Fang Yourong was taken aback, frowned slightly, and swept across Ying Ruoruo's beautiful face lightly.

"I'm afraid you have identified the wrong person."

Fang Yourong said.

Ying Ruoruo was stunned, and thought for a while, "Aren't you the senior sister who helped me solve the problem at Xueling Pavilion just now?"

Fang Yourong walked to the table, poured a cup of tea, took a sip, and asked, "What's the question?"

Ying Ruoruo revealed the problem of the technique solution, and also explained the changed position and his way of thinking about getting along after being reminded.

Fang Yourong listened quietly for a while, then put down the cup, moved his fingers, and flipped the light word twice, "If I want to help you with this question, I will remind you like this, not her way of thinking."

Ying Ruoruo was surprised, "Then my way of thinking..."

"One problem, two solutions, different routes lead to the same goal."

"The person who wrote the question will not think you are wrong."

Fang Yourong was calm, and Ying Ruoruo's heart was stabilized with a few words. She was silent for a while, and then said, "Then Senior Sister Yourong, your solution...can I learn it too?"

That's how it is.

It wasn't the first day Fang Yourong knew her, so he nodded.

Ying Ruoruo couldn't help but smile on his face.

Anyone who sees such a pure and unadulterated smile will feel happy. Fang Yourong still has a good impression of this talented little junior sister.

but. . . Junior sister?

It seems that there are several others below.

The youngest one~~

Fang Yourong suddenly asked: "Is it just these few positions that that person moved?"

Ying Ruoruo nodded, noticing Fang Yourong's expression of thinking. . .

"Could it be that senior sister guessed who it is? Fifth senior brother?"

"That's not right, if it's the fifth senior brother, he probably won't help me."

Not probably, definitely not.

Fang Yourong was somewhat sure of that person's character, and when she had a judgment, she flicked the words back and forth with her fingers, and after a while, her brows stretched a little, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

This is laughing.


Anyway, she is very beautiful.

The little fairy also knows what a big fairy is.

When I saw the beautiful one, I also laughed.

"Senior Sister, have you thought about it?"

"Yes, but since that person didn't show up, I won't tell you."

With Fang Yourong's words, Ying Ruoruo didn't force him, knowing that the other party was cold-tempered and didn't like to make friends with others, so he left quickly.

As soon as Ying Ruoruo left, Fang Yourong looked in the direction of Gu Daofeng.

Deep eyes.


After the three refinements, half of Qin Yu's net worth went away, and the remaining half, she also simply searched for a large amount of resources in the Wuque Helix Mountain trading area. Just when she changed her identity, she changed hundreds of them. The stone is consumed.

And what he got was several vital treasure resources piled up like a mountain.


All fed to the golden cube.

The matter of plugging resources alone lasted for three days.

After stuffing, the next step is for the golden cube to digest itself.

But Qin Yu could already feel its joy and the revival of many immortal plants inside.

Huang Jinbi helped Qin Yu calculate it.

——This wave is doing well.

——The process of recovery has reached one-fifth at once.

Although it is only one-fifth, compared to the "existence" hidden in the golden cube.

This progress is really gratifying.

Qin Yu felt joyful, and looked inside at the Longqi Immortal Tree rooted in the Linghai in the golden cube, feeling warm in his heart.

Be merciful to her fairy tree, and she will let it stand again in this world, and share this radiant light throughout her life!


Two days after Qin Yu left the customs, the New Year was approaching, and the spell examination began.

Refer to the college entrance examination for the specific atmosphere.

The process is also like the college entrance examination.

The result is the same. . . .

After the exam, all of Wuque's disciples and elders felt as if they were taking the exam, and those who didn't have enough self-restraint even cursed loudly.

"Damn! What kind of topic is this? Oh, it's hard to kill me. Why is it so difficult? I can't do any of them!"

"What kind of question is this? Why is it several times more difficult than the previous one! I just made three!"

"I just went to ask the elder how to do those questions, but I was scolded."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because he also did very badly in the exam!"


The teacher and the students share the same sorrow and joy, perfect!

Xie Shuling and Yan Zhao naturally belonged to the same sad group, one with a black face and the other with a bitter face, and complained when they saw Qin Yu.

In the end, before he could say a few words, the sect summoned him.

All true disciples will go.

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