I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1619 Good at men's tricks? (Girl from Nangong, Yuyu routine ~~)


"220,000, fellow Taoist Qingqiu please check it." Nangong Zhiyun looked dull, and gave Qin Yu the pouch of Yuejin Huaiyu.

Qin Yu thought, this woman probably ruined the design - it is impossible for her not to understand that giving up the auction to pick up a man can be followed by etiquette, but obeying a man's command to help trade things is a matter of priority.

This Nangong Zhiyun should be proud in her bones. Unless Qin Yu's previous judgment was wrong, her behavior today will all go against her own will.

Qin Yu took the pouch, glanced at the other party, and said with a smile: "Everyone is a member of Daqin, will there be a chance to drink Nangong girl's wedding wine in the future?"

This is a test.

Nangong Zhiyun's complexion changed slightly, he raised his eyes to stare at her for a while, and said in a cold tone, "The relationship between Fulong Dadu and Wuque may not be that good, even if I dare to invite, fellow Taoist Qingqiu may not dare to come."

She asked herself that her tone was bad, and most people couldn't bear it, and soon this Wuque's proud daughter of heaven -- the two senior brothers who looked at Wuque and the group of juniors and younger sisters below were doting on her.


Nangong Zhiyun was taken aback by the other party's response, but fellow Taoist Qingqiu smiled gracefully and gently.

"I have already heard that Master Qianwei of Fulong Metropolis manages well, and the monks who come and go from Daqin all praise him. I am an unmanageable person. In Wuque, I have always only eaten and drank, and have never taken responsibility. I admire such a responsible female cultivator, Miss Nangong. It is worthy of my respect, if there is an invitation, I will definitely come."

Fancy compliments also pay attention to strategy, elegant but polite, polite but enthusiastic, enthusiastic but reserved, and praise what people care about, but also have something to say, not exaggerated.

It's a technique.

Qin Yu asked himself that he played well.

However, she overturned.

Nangong Zhiyun looked at her expressionlessly, "Are you mocking me?"

Qin Yu: "I don't know why Miss Nangong speaks like that."

Nangong Zhiyun, "Although I don't have much contact with fellow Taoist Qingqiu, I have heard about you from quite a few people before, and they spoke highly of you. I already have an impression of you in my heart. At least, there is one point—— That is Fellow Daoist Qingqiu, you are definitely an extremely intelligent person."

"If you are such a person, why can't you see that I am such a thousand guards, but I have to succumb to Yue Jin's conceit. If you are willing, then you will lose yourself. If you are not willing, you will have hidden worries. But you want to point Come out, if it's not a mockery, it's a temptation."

She looked at Qin Yu coldly.

"Where did I offend fellow Taoist Qingqiu? To make you ridicule."

"Or is there something about me worthy of your attention, Fellow Daoist Qingqiu? Let you try it out."

With two indifferent questions, Jiaojiao felt that Qin Yu's car turned over too easily.

No face at all.

Qin Yu was steady, or rather. . . She guessed that Nangong Zhiyun would roll over.

"Ah, since you believe in his word of mouth, you should know that Wuque Qingqiu is not only smart, but also has a noble character. How could he mock others for no reason? Even those idiots in there, I also smile at each other. gone?"

She smiled calmly, and said again, "As for probing, it doesn't really matter what I'm probing. The important thing is that Miss Nangong is so responsive and quick. It's as if you think others care because you care about something."

so. . . . Nangong Zhiyun actually cared about her marriage with Yuejin Huaiyu itself.

More importantly, Qin Yu felt that this person seemed to be prejudiced against him.

Liu Rushi's fault, no one else.

Is it easy for me to create a high-profile and elegant persona? Minutes were ruined by Liu Bichi.

When it comes to pricking the heart, no one is better than Qin Yu.

With one stab, blood will be seen in minutes.

Nangong Zhiyun's face became even uglier. He lowered his eyes and said indifferently: "Your Excellency Qingqiu, it's time to give me the Yaotiao fruit. You have already taken the money."

"Oh, sorry, I forgot, here you are."

Qin Yu gave her the Yaotiao fruit. Just after the transaction was completed, she was certain of one thing in her heart——Nangong Zhiyun really had unavoidable difficulties and was forced to obey this marriage.

"So what does this have to do with you? You still care about her, and you are still in danger!" Jiaojiao cursed.

Qin Yu: "Wrong, talking to her so much is actually doing business."

Jiaojiao: "Huh?"

Qin Yu: "Did you delay? I'm waiting for someone from Yunyi Pavilion to come to me, and before he comes, Nangong Zhiyun is also useful to me."

for what?

When Nangong Zhiyun turned around and was about to leave, Qin Yu said slowly from behind, "There are some inferior rights that cannot be guarded by self-discipline, let alone higher rights. The only way out is to fight for plunder, obey the nature of family affection, But it is shared by both parties, unilateral, and there is always a bad end for one party.”

Nangong Zhiyun turned around and looked at her.

From a short distance away, Qin Yu smiled: "Compared to splitting up forces to destroy a Fulong Dadu, Wuque might be more willing to see a new Fulong Dadu, and I ask Lord Qianwei to follow the nature of his profession and continue to guard the city." Fulong Metropolis, choose the most favorable future for the monks who have guarded there for many years - don't doubt, in the internal and external crisis, it is impossible to fight against the outside world with a flawless style, and safety is the top priority."

Therefore, once the war broke out, Wuque's first thing to do was to wipe out all conspicuous thorns in the territory of Daqin.

Kill the door!

Including Fulong Dadu.

This is also the main reason why Nangong Zhiyun foresaw it a long time ago, so he slightly eased the foreign policy towards Wuque, isn't it?

Unfortunately, her father obviously didn't see it that way.

"Of course, if you want to get rid of Fulong Dadu, or if you really meet someone you can trust, that's fine, as long as that person meets your expectations—for example, once you go back, he will give you two slim fruits Ah, you said that you are one, but you said you don’t want it, and then he just barely said anything... But it’s also possible that you don’t say anything, just take advantage of the pill after refining the pill It’s still hot, forcing you to use it.”

Although she said it with a smile, she always seemed to understand something.

Nangong Zhiyun frowned, not understanding Qin Yu's meaning for a while, she was silent for a while, without words to answer, turned and left.

She walked over, as if Duan Rong brushed past her, she also met an old man.

The other party seemed to be someone from Yunyi Pavilion, with a mark on his clothes, he nodded slightly, the other party was very kind, and nodded with a smile.

Before Nangong Zhiyun entered the box, he turned his head and saw the back of the old man.

As for that Qingqiu, it was gone, and he probably returned to his box.

She thought for a moment and went in.

After handing the Yaotiao fruit to Yuejin Huaishang, the latter smiled, "Ajun, I only want one, and the other is for you."

If that Qingqiu hadn't said anything, Nangong Zhiyun might have been surprised and moved a little, but after being told by that person, he always felt that. . .

"No, brother Yuejin can use it himself, after all, the price is too high, so it's not suitable for me."

"You and I were going to get married, it's the same, not to mention your talent is not low, if you can break through one or two in this selection of heaven, that would be good."

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