I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1621 Thirty-eight seconds (Second update, ask for a monthly pass! I promise today, there mus

Now that Long Ming came again, Qingqiu was also there, which could not help but make her think wrong, but she must not let it out, so she stopped Xie Shuling, and quickly transmitted the sound to the two.

The results of the two people's reaction is. . .

Fang Yourong: "Yes, I know."

Fifth Dao Ling: "Known."

Yun Chuxiu was puzzled, did you know this because I reminded you, or did you already investigate the incident and have a pre-judgment?

But she didn't get a chance to ask either.

Time is running out!

Qingqiu is not here!

Could it be that he was attacked? Fifth Dao Ling was very decisive, and the other party said bluntly: "You lead people to evacuate, and I will go find her."

Fang Yourong nodded.

These two people have always cooperated tacitly, and the choices they have made have always been the most sensible. Even if other people have other opinions, they never dare to go against them.

The crowd was about to leave the auction hall under the leadership of Fang Yourong, but they saw the wall burst open not far from the corridor, and they happened to see four or five black shadows flying out at a terrifying speed.

Burst the wall and fly out.

They couldn't even make out the shadows. . . .

Except that Fang Yourong, who had been killed twice in the transformation stage, was included in the record.

She raised her eyebrows, did so many masters come to Yunyi Pavilion? And so concentrated near this auction hall?

Although it wasn't too abrupt, she always felt that something was wrong.

While thinking, she also sensed the movement around her, trying to determine where the source of the terrifying dragon cry was just now, so she could avoid it.

She knew that these people on her side were definitely not enough for the opponent to strike easily.

Must retreat.

But when Fang Yourong felt this way, boom!

There was a loud bang and a scream.

Such a big movement allowed her to locate the source of the danger, but it also made her discover something else.

She twitched her brows slightly, her beautiful, elegant and extreme eyebrows and eyes were slightly closed, and a coldness flashed in her eyes.

just. . . She seems to have caught the real eye of surveillance that was not concealed in the accident in this huge auction house.

At least twenty or thirty were sensed.

So many real eyes of surveillance? In order to ensure the safety of your own auctioned treasures, or something else?

Yunyi Pavilion.

What are you planning?


Perhaps Fang Yourong should also ask Qin Yu this sentence.

Junior Sister Qingqiu, what are you planning?

Qin Yu might tell her: Sister Fang, who is so beautiful that people can't bear to buy anything, I'm planning for 38 seconds.

38 seconds, counting from the first second when the blood dragon erupted.

In the second, Qin Yu was exposed on that campus, and the old man reappeared.

In the third second, the blood dragon locked onto the second small courtyard, and Long Ming stunned the old man he was looking for.

In the fourth second, the blood refining spear pierced into the small courtyard, piercing the old man's body, and his mind and soul were completely wiped out.

In the fifth second, Huang Wei and other masters rushed out of the auction field, and saw that in the small courtyard, the blood dragon had stabbed to death one of his own gods, and it was only a spear, so powerful that it was unmatched.

In the sixth second, Huang Wei, as the person in charge of the search task assigned by Yunyi Pavilion in Yaoyang City this time, based on their benevolence and righteousness that they were chosen for evil but hidden in the righteous way, he was furious at the first moment, and angrily scolded the other party: "Where is the evil? How dare you openly kill me, Yunyi..."

In the eighth second, before Huang Wei finished speaking, the blood dragon pounced on the old man, crushing the bones of the old man with one paw. After finishing, he rubbed his paw, and muttered with a dark face, "What dog thing?!" He What about the bones? Isn't this old man the one he's looking for? its not right? He felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't think about it.

In the tenth second, Huang Wei and other masters exploded, believing that the opponent was their own enemy, otherwise why did they attack so fiercely, and it was even more cruel because it was a monster blood dragon! We must act first! Group attack! The seven Huashen teamed up to attack! A group of strong men in the sky transforming into gods came to attack. . . The blood dragon saw it as soon as he looked up.

Eleventh second, wow! The blood-refining gas solidified into a dark red blood armor, covering the body! Human-dragon form, holding a red blood spear, kill!

In the fifteenth second, the group attack broke, and the blood dragon rushed into the attack group, relying on its own defense MAX's blood armor and the brutal blood-refining spear. . . Kill the first Huashen!

In the eighteenth second, the second avatar exploded! The explosion range swept across the entire auction site, collapsed and burned, and thousands of monks flew out with their swords, running fast! If you can't run fast, turn around and attack, and cooperate with the people from Yunyi Pavilion to attack the blood dragon together!

In the twenty-fifth second, the bloody day, the light covered the entire Yaoyang City, under the sound of the dragon, the spear slashed! third fourth! Four Huashen are already dead! Most of the auction house was destroyed.

In the 30th second, Fang Yourong, Xie Shuling and others, who took the people to evade the attack of the strong and chose the exact escape route, flew out of the auction field with their swords to attack. At the core, the strong power fluctuations behind them made their flying swords shake and become unstable. Watching and helping each other, everyone joined forces to forcibly fly out of the danger circle, just after the shock circle of the aftermath of the attack. Fang Yourong suddenly swung his sleeves and made a gesture, and the expressions of the three people behind him changed, and they joined hands to create a defensive circle.

boom! The aftermath swept through.

Whose aftermath? It is the aftermath of being defended by Fang Yourong, and it is also the aftermath of an ambush and murder during the transformation stage!

Who did this god-forming stage belong to, where did it come from, whether it was accidental or premeditated, no one knows, anyway, he made a move.

Fang Yourong resisted.

Alone, his figure was covered by the terrifying attack brilliance, and the defensive shield that was forcibly sacrificed by one person reduced five or six of the aftermath. The fate of Shu Ling and others.

but. . . With the Fifth Dao Ling absent, Fang Yourong could resist alone?

When everyone was horrified, when Fang Yourong was attacked and killed by the outbreak of the god transformation stage.

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao. . where?


No, at this moment, Qin Yu appeared in a certain place, or in other words, she appeared in a certain place twenty seconds ago.

Food mall, she is shopping.

Jiaojiao likes to eat, so she just bought it, and it was in the middle of a deal, when an accident broke out.

The clerk and all the customers were alarmed, and she was naturally alarmed too. Like many people, she ran away out of self-preservation.

Where did you go? I don't know, so many people, such a mess, who knows!

Anyway, the surveillance real eyes have records.

In the 32nd second, when four Avatars died, and the remaining four strongest Avatars joined forces and were beaten into dogs, Huang Wei, the person in charge, ran away. To be honest, in the righteous way, there are very few people who can persevere to the end knowing that they are invincible and will die. Profit and death are always the most test of human nature, not to mention that these people are evil choices, do you still think they are not afraid of life and death and sacrifice generously? impossible! What's more, Huang Wei and the four of them were basically seriously injured. Damn, this blood dragon is too crazy, terrifying! They are not opponents at all! Most of the demon clan are perverted, let alone the dragon clan!

In the 33rd second, Huang Wei ran away, and the other three Yunyi Pavilion's spirit transformation stages also disappeared, fleeing in all directions, who should be chased first? Is it important? The blood dragon looks gloomy, but in fact he has a violent temper. He is very angry because he killed the wrong person. It’s okay to kill the wrong person. But he couldn't find the person he was looking for! Damn, where is she! Under the madness, the blood dragon refused to let go of any one, so he narrowed his eyes, and the blood-refining aura surged, forming a huge blood-red aura, covering the entire auction house, and even with a huge suction force, within it of. . . Everyone can't escape!

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