I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1629 Morning address

What does this mean? Is there any victim who took the initiative to give such a friendly step?

Does Wuque want to make peace with Yaoyang the most important thing?

It is hard to see that such a diplomatic strategy existed before.

Since ancient times, Wuque has never taken such a route. Even though it seems that everyone is holding a posture, calm and elegant, in fact, they are very aggressive in their bones.

This is the fixed impression of Wuque in the kingdoms.

And now. . . .

"So, fellow Taoist Lin Suo, do you want to compete with me?"

When Xie Shuling and the others who had just come out heard this, they suddenly understood what Qin Yu's foreshadowing was for.

But. . . She wants to compete with Lin Suo? !

The people in Min Hualou were all shocked.

How dare this Qingqiu fight Lin Suo? Is she seeking death or humiliating herself?

Wanqu was afraid of hidden dangers, but Lin Suo couldn't hold back, feeling that Qin Yu was humiliating himself.

She thought she didn't dare?

"Since Fellow Daoist Qingqiu is willing to compete, and is about to coincide with this subordinate, let's fight."

Lin Suo couldn't wait to respond, thinking that he could just clean up his reputation of murdering the other party, even if he defeated the other party, there was nothing to praise.

Wanqu frowned, but Lin Suo had already complied. As a member of the same kingdom, he couldn't break his promise in public, so he could only give Lin Suo a cold look.

With this look, Lin Suo understands - he can't lose, if he loses, the whole Yaoyang will not be able to lift his head up, and it will also cause the group of monks in the Huayuan Kingdom to lose face.

Lose, how is it possible!

Qin Yu smiled.

Putting down Jiaojiao in her arms, she raised her sword and went down the stairs, walking towards the street step by step.

Lin Suo also came out.

The wind is blowing, the air is cool, and the vegetation is clear.

Qiu Yu and others were at a nearby inn, and they also learned about the movement early, and climbed over the wall to watch from a high place.

One street, two people.

blink of an eye.

It seems to see Huaguang for a moment, and the fireworks are brilliant for a moment.

Burning, clear, faint, clear and agile, like flowers blooming and fading.

The most beautiful bloom, the most touching wither.

it's over.

The monks watching on Thirteenth Street in half the city were all there at that time. . . Senseless.

At that time, or after a period of time, even Qin Yu and the others left after breakfast, many people still remembered the beauty of that sword at that time.

"The famous sword Chaoci, the most beautiful spiritual sword in the legend since the founding of the Great Qin Kingdom."

"It has been two thousand years since it disappeared."


The streamer radiates, one by one, flying across the sky.

Everyone in Wuque had left Yaoyang City for a long time, and they endured it for a long time. Encouraged by the eyes of some true disciples in the small group they got acquainted with recently, Yan Zhaocai sent Feijian to Qin Yu's side, and asked cautiously: "Senior Sister Qingqiu , in the morning, you defeated Lin Suo with one move, and that move was Gu Daofeng's unique kendo technique "Single Sword"?"

Qin Yu: "Yes."

Knew it! Yan Zhao was stunned, and asked again: "Then... which move is it? Uh, it's really powerful, we haven't seen it used in "Single Sword", after all, Peak Master Guchen rarely uses it, even if he uses it, it's not in the world. We're coming, so..."

The main thing is that it is too awesome.

The demeanor of that sword, at that time, Wu Que's own people were stupefied, let alone outsiders.

Wuque's solitary way and the unique knowledge of solitary way are like high-end and atmospheric items not for sale, rare and limited editions, which make people feel dizzy.

"The first trick." After Qin Yu finished speaking, seeing everyone's bewildered looks, even the three of Fei Xi were very curious, and fell silent for a while. She seemed a little embarrassed, "I will also know this trick."

Will one move?

People don't believe it.

Even Xie Shuling felt that her senior sister Qingqiu was following the "stupid bird flies first" route again.

""Single Sword" has a total of six moves, but because there are fewer sword moves, it is more difficult to learn. Each move has the supporting details of the sword power. It is cumbersome and difficult, and it is difficult to learn one move, let alone many moves."

This was said by Fang Yourong, she obviously knew a lot about "Single Sword".

But she specifically said that she was actually diverting everyone's attention.

Anyway, the three of Jingdongmen knew it well - just relying on the strength of their sword moves, they couldn't send out such a fast and strong sword energy.

The explosive power of this Junior Sister Qingqiu's spiritual power is extraordinary - after all, this time, she has no excuses.

So, what kind of method allows her to erupt such a strong spiritual power?

Qin Yu glanced at Fang Yourong, and said helplessly, "So, I only know one move. This move is what my master ordered me to learn. It is said that I am a disciple of Gu Dao Peak. If I don't even know how to move a sword Yes, that would be embarrassing."

Fang Yourong glanced at her, "So you just learned a trick?"

Qin Yu: "That's right, what the master said is that you can't do a single move with a sword."

After a pause, she smiled bitterly, and asked for help: "The sword is really difficult, Senior Sister Fang, can you teach me in the future?"

If a gentle person acts like a spoiled child, it's simply irritating. . . My heart softened.

Anyway, the others looked dumbfounded.

Several juniors almost couldn't resist the flying sword.

Xie Shuling suddenly thought of that fat man who was so cute when he first saw Qingqiu a long time ago.

Ah, it's too bad, my girl's heart.

Why did he hate her and bully her back then.

It's not that she's cute!

Xie Shuling felt that she was determined not to reveal this secret!

Fang Yourong stabilized, looked at Qin Yu calmly, flew away a little calmly, and said: "Peak Master Guchen can only force you to learn one trick, what can I do to you."

"Senior sister is different from master."

"What's different?" Fang Yourong regretted after asking, because once again he saw this junior sister showing a sincere but mocking smile.

"Senior sister is pretty."


Fang Yourong was speechless.

The other disciples held back their laughter.

Yun Chuxiu looked at it, thinking that he had to reflect.

Dare to feel that she couldn't beat Fang Yourong in the past, and the latter used herself as air, because she wasn't thick-skinned enough and her acting skills weren't good enough?

Ying Ruoruo thinks, "Actually, it's because Senior Sister Qingqiu is not like you, Senior Sister Yun. Senior Sister Yun is not serious at first glance. Senior Sister Fang can give you a cold face, but Senior Sister Qingqiu is so gentle and always smiling. She is very considerate in her words and deeds, Senior Sister Fang is probably too embarrassed to hurt her."

Indeed, the biggest advantage of Qin Yu's creation of this character is that no one else would be ashamed to attack her.

Including Fang Yourong who is as dull as clear water.

If you can't be fierce, you can only be angry at yourself.

Fang Yourong turned his face away, his lips pursed slightly, feeling helpless and having a headache.

For the first time, I don't want this kind of beauty.

I'm a little angry.

But she tilted her head, got angry, and seemed to feel that it was unnecessary, so she turned her head and looked at Junior Sister Qingqiu who seemed to be a little proud with her eyebrows curved.

"You look good too."

"Ah, Senior Sister speaks like this, I..."

"Your sword."

Your sword, transliteration - your cheap.

A pun.

Qin Yu: "..."

The Chao Ci on his waist made a sensitive and crisp sound, and the fat cat in his arms wagged its fat tail.

Like agree.


Unlike Wu Que and the others who sent Fei Jian to leave, the route chosen by Min Hualou and the others was still mainly by water.

On the boat, Min Hualou still hugged a big watermelon and ate it, but his face was no longer careless. Instead, he thought seriously, and finally said: "She can win, have you thought about it?"

Middle-aged man, "No."

Min Hualou sat cross-legged, with a troubled expression on his face, "First, it must have something to do with her swordsmanship, which I know very little about the Great Qin Kingdom."

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