I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1631 Card skills (fourth addition, thank you for your rewards and votes, it is also an encou


Ten days later, a large number of monks gathered in the Baili Kingdom, and five or six out of ten of them were not intended to participate in the election, but came to take advantage of the grand event to find opportunities. Treasures gathered.

Also, the Baili Kingdom, as the head of the seven kingdoms in the east, will open up many cultivation places such as secret pavilions and secret realms, which is a great opportunity for many people.

Besides. . . Participate, maybe you won't be selected!

"Selected? It's not that easy!"

"How many cities and territories in the Seven Kingdoms, how many geniuses gathered, and how many people have passed the preliminary election in the past?"

"Great territory, not only geniuses, masters are also among them, because there is no age limit in the selection of Tianzang. If you can pass the test, win, and reach the end, that is the ironclad proof. As for what it tests, there are no previous trials. Similarly, there is no way to verify it.”

"But, it's obviously difficult."

"I'm talking about preselection."

Someone asked, "What about the finale?"

The person who had been chattering just now suddenly fell silent.


"In our Eastern Conference, no one has made it to the finals for many years."

"Those who passed the preliminary selection were basically defeated before the finals."

"No one came in."

"It's been three thousand years."

After these words fell, the scene was suddenly dead silent.

After a long time, an old man spoke solemnly, "The road to cultivation is either strong or weak, big waves wash the sand, pearls and gold, it's all clear at a glance, if you are inferior to a person, you are not as good as a person, you must have courage, if you don't participate, you will never know yourself Who will lose to, just like the wall of Wenchuan today, who dares and who can leave his name on it is a testimony of courage."

Everyone turned their heads and looked, only to see that where the waters and mountains are steep and bordered, there is a towering knife gorge, the mouth of which is like a wall, sitting and lying for hundreds of miles.

This is the unparalleled city moat and gorge of the capital of the Baili Kingdom.

It is also the first natural danger of Peerless City.

Only by interfering with Wenchuan can you enter Wushuang.

This has been the rule for thousands of years.


"Mountains, seas, rivers and rivers are unparalleled in a hundred miles. If you ask about Liancheng, the beauty is on the wall."

This voice came from the mouth of Fei Xi, who was quite a literati in the past. At this time, he was standing in front of the deck railing so emotionally.

The cool breeze is blowing, the sea is clear and the sky is clear, and you can already see the towering and huge Daoxia mountain wall in the distance. Feixi's robe is flying slightly, which matches the temperament of this person, but it is also very pleasing to the eye.

only. . .

"My surname is Fei, you first give me the money you lost in this game, a total of 1,000 middle-grade spirit stones, give me the money quickly!"

Yun Chuxiu unceremoniously broke the illusion of the other party's temperament.

Fei Xi has a gentle appearance and fair skin. Hearing the words, she felt a little resentful, sat down again, and took out the spirit stone.

"Junior Sister Yun, your card skills are very good."

"I'm good at other skills, do you want to learn it?"

Feixi told Jingdongmen: "..."

Of course, there are four people playing cards, and besides the two of them, there is another person.

Fang Yourong? The fifth knife feather?

No, these two people are too aloof, it is impossible to play this, so. . .

It is Ruoruo.

Ying Ruoruo, who was as cold as a fairy, was sandwiched between these three bosses, showing a tangled look on his face, biting his white teeth lightly, and an embarrassing blush stained his delicate white cheeks.

It seems that I have lost miserably and been bullied.

Xie Shuling, who was discussing Taoism with Yan Zhao and others not far away, couldn't see it.

Although I don't get along with my old clingy Senior Sister Qingqiu's problem, Ying Ruoruo, but this flirts with each other, and there is also a bit of revolutionary friendship.

Xie Shuling is the kind of person who can be overbearing and unreasonable to bully others, but can't see others doing the same.

So he strode over and slapped Ruoruo on the shoulder with one hand.

"Losing a lot? Brothers and sisters, I'm afraid it's not good for you to do this, after all, Ruoruo, senior sister..."

"It's not very good." Yun Chuxiu glanced at her coldly, and swept the one thousand middle-grade spirit stones he won back to Ying Ruoruo.

"I still lose her one thousand!"

Feixi and Jingdongmen each moved a thousand middle-grade spirit stones over.

Xie Shuling: "???"

Ying Ruoruo lowered her head and said embarrassedly: "Senior Brother, Senior Sister...I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

All three of them were holding back, unable to speak.

This girl is super skilled, but in the final analysis, she has a good brain and can count.

But who would have thought that such a rookie like her would learn to count cards in less than half an hour from the start of card skills, and she could master all 1303 corresponding algorithms and changes within an hour.

Damn. . . Let's change!

Just came a rich fat sheep.

Kill and replenish blood.

"Since Junior Sister Xie is here, why not sit down and play together, I think Junior Sister Ruoruo is also tired."

Yun Chuxiu said with a smile.

Ying Ruoruo was taken aback, "Ah, I'm not tired, senior sister."

Yun Chuxiu covered her mouth, "No, you're tired, be good, go down and rest, okay?"

What can Ying Ruoruo do? He can only get up and ask Xie Shuling, "Junior Sister Xie?"

superior. . . Last hammer!

Xie Shuling, who had lost countless cards since childhood and was crushed by members of the royal family, turned black.

But she didn't want to run away even though she had a good face since she was a child, so she bit the bullet and sat down, and then. . .

Crazy bleeding.

Attracted Yan Zhao and the others.

When I asked, I lost 5,000 middle grades, my God!

Seeing this, Yan Zhao rolled his eyes, and quickly ran back to the cabin

When Yun Chuxiu saw it, his eyes flickered slightly, and the three of them exchanged glances, and the corners of their mouths twitched into a smile.

Ah, here comes the real rich fat sheep.

After a while, Fat Sheep paced out.

"what happened?"

"It's almost here, you guys are still playing cards."

"The sky is bright and the sun is bright, and the universe is bright. How can we, as disciples of the famous sect, be able to..."

"Don't call me."

Qin Yu is here.

Xie Shuling stood up as if she had been pardoned, "Qingqiu Qingqiu, come and kill them all!"

Qin Yu also couldn't see his professional corpse-finding and cremation fans losing too much blood and hanging on the gambling table, so he sat down, lifted his sleeves elegantly, and asked with a smile, "Three brothers and sisters, how are you playing?"

The three of them suddenly shivered.

just. . . It seems that Ying Ruoruo also asked about this round?

Yun Chuxiu thought to himself, people with great magic skills are all good at this kind of brain? But my skills are not bad, and Fei Xi is not weak, so I can't.


Half an hour later, Fifth Daoling suddenly came out with a cold face.

"The sect has an order that gambling with cards is strictly prohibited..."

As soon as Fifth Daoling finished speaking, Qin Yu smiled and said, "Fifth Senior Brother, what we are playing is not playing cards, but exchanging feelings between fellow brothers and sisters."

The killing spree won us 20,000 yuan, and we still have feelings? Pooh!

Yun Chuxiu suddenly smiled, "Junior Sister Qingqiu is right, we are indeed exchanging feelings, Fifth Senior Brother, would you like to sit down and communicate with Junior Sister Qingqiu?"

"By the way, there is also Senior Sister Fang."

Fang Yourong, who came out from behind, showed a delicate expression, and glanced at Yun Chuxiu, "Did I come here if the sound transmission insisted, is it fatal?"

Her gaze swept across the table, cool.

Yun Chuxiu showed no signs of fear, and smiled: "If you and Fifth Senior Brother don't come again, the three of us might lose our pants."

Qin Yu felt that he had been wronged, "Senior Sister Yun, don't talk nonsense, I don't want your underpants."

Yun Chuxiu suddenly asked in his soul, "Then who do you want?"

Everyone was silent for a moment.

Qin Yu: "..."

My old lady doesn't even want the bath towels of the Goddess in the sky, but she still needs such underpants?

You mortals, step back.

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