I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1635 Under the wall

"Sui Yu lost a young sect a few days ago. He thought that the younger generation would be unable to continue, but he didn't expect Zhou Jinshuang to appear suddenly. It seems that he was prepared for it."

The old man said so, and the weak Baiyu young man said softly: "If you are not prepared, why do you have no intentions? However, the Great Qin and the Three Kingdoms are old enemies, and the Broken Feather Mountains are a result of having too much money and wanting to seek territory. It's not surprising that Tianzang is so big, it's just a drop in the ocean."

After a pause, he smiled wryly.

"Some of them are precipitated, some of them are annihilated like fireworks, and only a very small number of them can bloom with brilliance."

The old man's lips twitched, and he said: "If you are in good health, my lord, I am afraid that this day is the best choice..."

The young master suddenly smiled, and patted the old man's head with a simple and elegant folding fan, his movements were very casual and intimate, "Time cannot go back, if I insist on asking for a yes, this life will be very miserable."

"Come here, just to relax."

"Since it's just to relax, don't think too much, how about having fun with me?"

The old man was helpless, and then deliberately showed relief and smiled.

The white jade boy also smiled, but his smile was much prettier than the old man's wrinkled smile.

A smile is more than just a city, it can be a country.

He glanced at the fierce battle between the two of He Wuliu over there, looked forward, passed many people, and saw many people fighting openly and secretly.

Maybe it's weird, maybe it's clear, but it's the vigor and vitality of the younger generation.

But after this vitality, his eyes fell on the wall of the River of Forgetfulness.

The genus of gravity, the curse of absorbing spirits, has attracted countless people to fight for it and leave a name for thousands of years.

Generation after generation, year after year.

Many stayed, and many failed.

But there are others. . . Passed by in obscurity.

He suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of desolation.

In the desolation, he said softly: "Uncle, can you protect me later? I want to leave a name on it."

The old man was startled, then lowered his head, covered the scarlet eyes, and raised his hands in a bow.

"Slave, take good care of yourself."


When passing by a pavilion, Qin Yu himself was surprised because several people walked into the pavilion. . . However, such a small pavilion abruptly accommodated everyone.

Dozens, hundreds, all accommodated in one go.

After accommodating, people disappeared.

"Independent space?"

Fang Yourong led them past the pavilion, and said calmly after hearing the words: "Teleportation array."

Teleportation array? Everyone was surprised.

It is said that the teleportation array is not a low-quality thing, it is a fixed teleportation array.

"The rules of stopping at the pavilion, if you can leave your name on the wall of Wangchuan, you can go directly to Wushuang City through the teleportation array at the stop at the pavilion."

"It's a symbol."

"Those who can reach the Peerless City by one pavilion are basically masters."

Fang Yourong turned his head to glance at everyone, and said lightly, "It's not limited to so-called geniuses."

Qin Yu knows that in the eyes of some real geniuses, they disdain the title of genius, because they have received too much recognition from childhood to adulthood, and what they want is higher-level recognition-such as masters, strong men.

It's like a boy in his twenties who hates being told that he is young.

Fang Yourong probably disdains this kind of fame, but she knows that a certain degree of gimmick is very effective for these children.

Um. . . . Except for a certain Junior Sister.

Qin Yu noticed Fang Yourong's eyes, raised his eyebrows, and smiled lightly.

There were too many people around, and the disciples saw some seniors walking towards the pavilion, and they were even noncommittal about the competition between the two geniuses in the sky.

Cultivation determines vision, and vision determines pattern.

They were also once magnificent geniuses, and after that age, they don't take it seriously.

However, there are always five or six out of ten people paying attention.

Therefore, not many people paid attention to Qin Yu and the others.

Even those who don't pay attention to others, pay more attention to themselves - the front is close to the wall of Wangchuan, and the influence of gravity is coming.

"Hey, it's actually okay, I just feel a little heavier... ah!" Yan Zhao just said, and the person disappeared because he was kneeling.

Xie Shuling at the side saw him kneeling and walked away.

Because Fang Yourong said: "The focus of its gravity is uneven, sometimes it is strong, sometimes it is weak, and its direction is also uncertain. It may kneel or lie down..."

Qin Yu: "Would you lie there too?"

When she said the word lie, that tone, that tone.


Drip drip.

Fang Yourong thought for a moment that he had heard it wrong, so when he glanced at Qin Yu, he found that this woman had an elegant face and pure eyes.

Simply push.

She could only turn her face away from Qin Yu.

In fact, Qin Yu didn't mean that at all: "???"

Whatever happened to her, what did she say?


Gravity has a great influence, and it is the double pressure on the vertical and the plane.

They were originally a group, but now they are separated in twos and threes very quickly. The differences in physique and perseverance are very obvious.

Fang Yourong naturally had no pressure, and she was not surprised that Qin Yu followed her without pressure.

Just said to her: "Close to the name, at the bottom, enough."

"But the masters... are all on top."

She pointed up.

Qin Yu's eyes stayed from the bottom, and saw many densely packed names, and when he looked up, he could see fewer and fewer names, with varying degrees of depth.

"High and low, deep and shallow, you can see the strength and weakness." Fang Yourong said.

Qin Yu nodded, and suddenly seemed to have discovered something, with a serious face, lowered his voice, and said quietly: "Senior Sister, have you noticed something?"

Fang Yourong was taken aback, she always knew that this little junior sister was extremely smart, she could see details and looked around, did the little junior sister discover something secret?

"What is it?"

She didn't see it, so she didn't feel ashamed to ask.

Then the gentle and virtuous junior sister said: "Senior sister, you usually don't like to talk, but you are very patient with me."

Fang Yourong was stunned, his expression was indescribable.

Want to say something, but can't start.

After a long while, he said a word.

"You...how can you be so shameless."

It's hard to say, it's hard to say.

She felt that this sentence was difficult to say, how could this little junior sister in front of her say such a thing.

What an image of an elegant, gentle and considerate little senior sister. . . .

Fang Yourong felt that he might be a little blind.

"Senior Sister, how can you say that about me!" Junior Sister Qingqiu looked heartbroken, with a pale face and downcast eyes.

"I'm just expressing my thoughts."

"After all, in front of Senior Sister, you should be honest and trustworthy."

She has a bright and upright look.

Fang Yourong looked at her, remained silent for a long time, chose another way of speaking, and said, "No cover? Then why are you still wearing clothes?"

This time Qin Yu was taken aback, and only realized three seconds later that he was being driven by Senior Sister Fang.

It was also at that moment that she faintly noticed Fang Yourong's subtlety hidden under her elegance and indifference. . . The rest of the internal character.

Qin Yu's eyes flashed, thoughtful.

After driving the car, the driver abandoned the car and left. He walked in front of the Wall of Wangchuan, paused, as if he had studied the name on it for a long time, then turned his head and looked at Qin Yu, with a pale expression and a cold tone. Thin.

"come over."

Whoops, big sister Fan Er.

Qin Yu smiled and passed by.

Then. . . She looked at Fang Yourong, and Fang Yourong looked at her.

Another three seconds.

Qin Yu: "Why don't you climb up?"

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