I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1638 Anger (it's over, go to sleep)


Wei Rui probably didn't expect that Xuan Linchuan had such a hole card, which was comparable to her own. Her face was condensed, and she sneered, unwilling to admit it, and raised her hand to mobilize three magic weapons. The three magic weapons swirled around her body, and they were connected. Spiritual power.

"Small array of magic weapons?"


"This girl is really crazy!"

The magic weapon small array, that is, a small array formed by combining several matching magic weapons, this force is too high, not only must there be a formation method, but also a matching magic weapon, these magic weapons are actually formed when refining Already matched.

This is quite a powerful piece of equipment.

Basically, it can be used to instantly kill the same level without limit, and there is no pressure to leapfrog the level.

This attack frightened several veteran monks. They had heard for a long time that there was a Fairy Weirui in Baili who was very vicious.

I didn't expect to see you today, and the rumors don't lie to me! This is a crazy woman!

Qin Yu has never been in touch with the power of the magic weapon array. She has seen it in Wuque's classics, but Wuque has no knowledge system in this area, and she can't help it if she is greedy. Besides, she was poor at the beginning and didn't do it so big.

But people did it.

This woman is ruthless!

The people below will not die but will also be injured!

Fang Yourong and Fifth Dao Ling exchanged glances, and Qi Qi glanced down. When he saw a person flashing past, his complexion softened a little, and they joined hands to sacrifice a Five Elements Shield above.

The five-element shield is a general-purpose defensive shield. It is generally used in large-scale team battles. It is said that the five-element shield sacrificed by the average level of five five-element single-line spiritual roots is the most powerful, and it can basically perfectly defend against the strongest blow of a higher-level monk.

But here, Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling managed it.

Five elements shield up.

The magic weapon small array's attack also came down.

A large meteorite fell from the sky!

Xuan Linchuan's face changed drastically, and he wanted to retreat, but found that he was locked.

Damn it! This woman also has a fourth magic weapon!

When Xuan Linchuan found the crystal-clear chain bells wrapped around his feet, he was terrified, and immediately covered his body with armor.

Covered with cyan color, the spirit armor appears, and cooperates with the spell to form the armor body.


Meteorites descended one after another, chain bombardment!

This Xuan Linchuan is also powerful, such a powerful chain bombardment, he was stunned by his body's green armor, but his resistance was not perfect, but rather embarrassing. This embarrassment caused these broken meteorites to sputter quickly, Like a volcanic eruption, it splashed down in an irregular area in this area.

Among them, Xie Shuling and others will suffer the same as other people who tried their best to climb the wall of Wangchuan.

It's a bullshit, it's over!

They knew at a glance that they, rookies, would never be able to withstand such an attack, even if Ying Ruoruo was in the out-of-body stage.

Her face was pale, her lips and teeth turned pale, and her first reaction was to push Xie Shuling out.

It didn't work out.

"Crazy, what are you pushing me for! Run!"

The little princess had a dark face and said angrily, while trying to drag her away.

Win Ruoruo: "..."

run? Can't run away, here they come!


The first wave of attacks against Shattering Meteor hit the Five Elements Shield.

The Five Elements Shield vibrated brazenly and made loud noises, almost resonating crisply and dullly.

Three waves, it resisted three waves.

The five-element shield was shattered, and it resisted eight or nine out of ten, and there were still one or two out of ten.

Fang Yourong and the two separated, each launched an attack to hit the remaining fragments, and the three of Jingdongmen tried their best to attack these fragments together.

but. . . I'm exhausted.

One or two are staggered, and one of them is just facing them. . .

I can't bear it anymore, Yan Zhao and the others were terrified - not because they were going to die, but because the meteorite was moving forward to win Ruoruo and the two girls.

but. . .

"Senior Sister Qingqiu!"

They saw it, an afterimage.

After a flash, the two women were stopped by a person whose back was so familiar.

Can she bear this meteorite?

Qin Yu didn't need to resist, she closed her hands and started the operation!

Flowering branches were born out of thin air, and the flowering branches hooked the net, entangled the meteorite on it.

Once entangled, once collapsed, the net of flowers and branches broke, but entangled it for three seconds, and paused in mid-air.

In these three seconds, Fang Yourong's sword formation pierced through three times from top to bottom.

Bang bang bang, three sword strikes stacked, the sword shattered the meteorite.

Fit perfectly!

Perfection MAX!

Qin Yu smiled, and intentionally sent a voice transmission up.

"Senior sister, we have a tacit understanding..."

Fang Yourong lowered her eyes and moved her fingertips slightly.

After such a perfect coordination, the flying swords stacked into one sword, still passing through the air, directly. . .

"Senior Sister!" Xie Shuling and Ying Ruoruo yelled at the same time, and they didn't know whether it was the senior sister in front or the senior sister above. Anyway, at that moment, Qin Yu saw the sword approaching him, pointing at it. Between her brows.

After a pause, Qin Yu looked at Fang Yourong in the sky above. The opponent was already beautiful, with overlapping sword arrays, stable but not chaotic, with a condescending demeanor looking down at people, those eyebrows. . . Touching.

That is the scene that fell into the hearts of many people.

This is what Qin Yu thought in his heart - damn, he has such a small mind, didn't he just keep teasing her for the past two days, did she just scare me like that?

Fang Yourong quickly turned his eyes away, put his fingertips together, and with a swipe, the sword split and turned into three swords that flew up to her side.

He didn't even look at Qin Yu.

Xie Shuling: "It's so handsome."

Ying Ruoruo: "Yeah."

Qin Yu: "..."

Does anyone care if I'm scared? A fellowship made of plastic.

But anyway, is this level over?

No one has.


Xuan Linchuan was hit on the wall of Wangchuan, because of gravity and spirit absorption, he suffered a stronger blow, and he vomited blood directly on the wall.

However, the horror of the Wall of the River of Forgetfulness emerged—there was only a not-so-heavy human blood mark on it, and not even a few fragments fell off.

Because it is at a high place, and the high place is the most difficult to measure, not to mention that if people fall on it, they may be relieved.

Even so, Xuan Linchuan was miserable, very miserable.

The witch Wei Rui smiled coldly, "Xuan Linchuan, it seems that you are the first monk on the Wall of Forgotten River to leave a name with a human body, congratulations."

Xuan Linchuan was seriously injured, but the monk had a good face and a ferocious face, staring at Wei Rui, "Witch, don't be crazy, you will soon know what regret is!"

regret what?

Qin Yu frowned, flicked his left hand, and moved Ying Ruoruo and the two of them to the outer circle, but he grabbed the sword with his right hand.

At the same time as the sword was buckled, the far southwest side. . . Like a cold wave coming.

It was flying snow all over the sky, and more than a dozen Frost Flying Swords were sacrificed in the flying snow.

The target was directed at Wei Rui.

However, Qin Yu was lying in his heart.

"Nervous, PK is PK, revenge is revenge, can it be done alone? Why do you use group attacks?"


A scheming Bichi like Qin Yu immediately thought of others in the dark.

"I want to take the opportunity to kill some foreign monks and fight for places for the monks in our country."

Qin Yu told Huang Jinbi and Jiaojiao like this.

If so, that's great.

Qin Yu smiled, she smiled.

The anger came up.

fuck them!

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