I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1642 The most important thing! (Second update, Hina Meng sama and Choi, ask for a monthly pa

Had to ditch down.

As soon as Qin Yu landed, Wei Wei sneered, and the moon ring flew around, following her down and bombarding her.


Expert single attackers often choose the attack method of stacking, the attacks are superimposed, the frequency is high, and the hit rate is also abnormal.

But it is difficult to control, after all, in order to have a strong output of spiritual power, one needs to be equipped with coherent attack skills.

The sword array is one of the combo systems, and the stacking of two moon rings is also one of them.

It's amazing, a master of the distraction stage who can dry up the stage of transformation, for a Nascent Soul stage. . . At the peak, you have to use the Lord's magic weapon to strike.

In fact, she beat Qin Yu mainly because she couldn't hit Qin Yu. If she could hit Qin Yu, theoretically, she could even get an A.

However, Wei Rui was too murderous towards Qin Yu, and he didn't care about saving his spiritual power, wishing to smash him into dust with a full blow.

From top to bottom, the gravity is reduced a lot, and the spirit absorption effect is also much worse. Naturally, her attack is also stronger. Not to mention a Nascent Soul, ten distractions can explode to death!

But at that moment, Qin Yu, who had just landed for a second, looked up, and when she looked up, Wei Rui seemed to have a bit of sarcasm when he saw this ordinary-looking woman.

Yes, she read that right.

It's ridicule.

She was despised by a Nascent Soul.

Wei Rui froze for a moment, expressionless, and increased his output of spiritual power.

This is not killing.

This is to destroy the ashes!


The moon ring came down, and so did Wei Rui.

"What a terrifying speed!"

"Twice as fast as her normal speed!"

"It's amazing, I'm afraid this Wei Rui has hidden his strength before!"

"This woman is really scary."

Everyone couldn't wait to express all kinds of emotions, but in the next second, they found out. . . This decline does not seem normal.

Wei Rui, who was hiding his speed, suddenly changed his face, Ling Kong turned around and shot sideways, but that shot was also quite awkward, as if he was wobbly, and he didn't even care about attacking.

Before everyone could understand why, they saw the Wuque little nun at her feet. . . The light pulses and patterns form bursts of light.

The third formation.

Moreover, the range of this formation is so wide that it brazenly reaches a diameter of 300 meters, and it immediately includes Fang Yourong's Fifth Dao Ling and even Jing Qianchen who are fighting fiercely not far away.

What kind of formation is the formation, only the people in it can understand in seconds - this. . . Gravity array.

Another gravity array?

But another gravity array.

The direction of the gravitational array above is opposite to the gravitational array on the ground, as if the magnetic forces repel each other, and the middle zone instantly becomes a pressure space, crushed by fluctuations.

Wei Rui was aware of its changes, and was greatly affected before she escaped in embarrassment, but she couldn't escape easily, because the conflict force field was unstable, and it was difficult for her to find an easy escape route for a while.

In such a short period of time, she devoted herself to finding the trajectory, and did not pay attention to Qin Yu below—because she believed that Qin Yu would die, and the reason why she wanted to get out of this terrible force field was because she was worried that Fang Yourong and the other two would take the opportunity to sneak attack, and That fellow Jing Qianchen.

Her reaction was correct, very decisive, but the problem was that. . . .

As soon as the gravitational field came, the moon ring was affected, and the trajectory deviated. Qin Yu avoided it and took a step sideways to avoid it perfectly.

And that sideways step, the hand clasped around the waist moved, clang!

She drew her sword lightly.

There is Huaguang and the sound of swords underneath.

When the sword blew, the brilliance could be seen scorching, and the edge came out of Xuanji.

It's just stunning.

Such a beautiful sword.

Such a beautiful sword energy.

It was like an inch of silver reflected in the vast rivers and rivers under the blue sky and white sun, was scooped out together with water, green hills and greenery.

It is so beautiful that people forget that it is a sword energy.

Until Wei Rui was hit.

There was a crisp sound.

Wei Rui flew back and bumped her back against the mountain wall. It wasn't pain or internal injury, because her cultivation base was too high and her foundation was too deep, so she didn't suffer much damage, but. . .

The soul probably suffered a critical blow.

She was a little confused.

she. . . Was blown away by a Nascent Soul Stage.

After this stupefaction, she suddenly woke up, turned sideways, and a long sword ruthlessly wiped her neck and throat.

This flying sword came from one person.

Xuan Linchuan.

This person was injured by Wei Rui before, and others were attracted by Wu Que, Wei Rui and Jing Qianchen, but they forgot about him.

But, this is also a super genius, at least above He Wuliu and others.

Second only to Wei Rui.

Such a genius, after being defeated by Wei Rui, his embarrassing body was branded on the wall of Wangchuan, such a shame and humiliation, he couldn't bear it for a while, so he endured hibernation, quietly regained his strength, and waited for the right time. . .


This flying sword wiping the throat was quite ruthless and precise.

It was almost necessary to cut off Wei Rui's beautiful, glamorous and domineering head.

but. . . Wei Rui disappeared.

She touched the trajectory of the force field, dodged it, and moved to the diagonally behind Xuan Linchuan, with her fingertips together.

Moon ring shuttle bombardment!


Xuan Linchuan let out a muffled groan, his body was hit, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

Wei Rui was ruthless, and with another swipe of his fingertips, the moon ring was split, as if he wanted to tear Xuan Linchuan into five horses.

but. . . There was a loud bang from above.

After the loud noise, three beams of light descended from above!

They were Fang Yourong, the Fifth Daoling and Jing Qianchen.

Loud noise, because they attack each other.

He came down because Jing Qianchen chased him down, he couldn't let Xuan Linchuan be killed by Wei Rui—especially in front of him!

As soon as Jing Qianchen came down, Fang Yourong and the others followed, because they guessed that Jing Qianchen's attack would definitely not only save Xuan Linchuan, let alone deal with Wei Rui.

In the beginning, it was how the group attack did not avoid killing or injuring the rest of the people present - especially the ones they had no shortage of.

So now you don't have to change your original intention.

The secret that Qin Yu saw through was naturally seen through by Fang Yourong, who had been trained by the sect for many years.

That being the case, this Jing Qianchen will definitely make a move—when dealing with Wei Rui, kill Qingqiu by the way!

So they chased it down desperately.

On the ground, three people!

Qin Yu, Wei Rui and Xuan Linchuan.

There are also three people who came down from the sky.

Plus the upper and lower gravity arrays.

Xie Shuling and the others felt that the air was a little dry, the temperature was a little high, and their eyes were a little blind at that time.

After the light.

All six are among them.

No one knows the specific circumstances.

Except for the old man next to the pretty little brother, and a flying boat that was flying towards the wall of the River of Forgetfulness.

This flying boat is very small, it doesn't look like a group of sects, but like two or three individuals coming alone.

The flying boat was outside, but everyone on board had seen the movement over there.

There were really only three of them.

A middle-aged man with a sword on his back, and a young man and woman.

If Qin Yu was here, he would probably recognize the other party as the brothers and sisters of Cang Binggu whom he had seen at the Yunyi auction in Yaoyang City.

Yu Jing and Duan Rong.

"Uncle Master, ahead..." Duan Rong was a little unclear, the middle-aged man was steady and domineering, he took a look and said.

"Young people are terrifying."

I don't know who it is.

Yu Jing's gaze was long and distant.

He thought, maybe more people who have counterattacked in a crisis and used the weak to overcome the strong should be more praised.

And the ending there. . .

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