I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1654 Does this count? (I feel that I can't add more today, and the opportunity to add m

"I can't say that. It's probably because there are a lot of old players, or the time limit is very long. After accumulating, there will always be some masters who leave achievements on it, which is difficult for the younger generation to match."

Qin Yu was so reasonable, Jiaojiao was a little uncomfortable with Huang Jinbi, and his first reaction was that this guy was holding back his big move.

Sure enough, when Qin Yu saw the points next to his 35th ranking.

"Oh, 641 points."

Qin Yu pondered for a while, and said, "It's a fraction higher than mine, that's amazing."

She is 1640, and others are 641, which is amazing.

Jiaojiao and Jinbi were silent for a while.

Well, after confirming this sentence, it's still that scheming fish with a vicious tongue didn't run away.

But no matter how much he complained about Yuan Xingguang in his heart, Qin Yu still showed a surprised expression on the surface, as if he was frightened by the score.

Look at Yuan Xingguang.

"I...not as good as you."

Of course you should be inferior to me/him.

Yuan Xingguang thought so along with everyone else.

"Have your grades come out? How much? If it's too bad, my sister suggests that you'd better not fight with him. Anyway, you're young, so it's okay if you don't fight." Zhao Jin was sincerely curious about the situation in recent days. What kind of achievements can Gudao Qingqiu, who has a great reputation and seems to surpass his brothers and sisters, achieve.

First of all, there is no doubt about this woman's talent in surgery, and there are several accurate and true rumors that prove that this woman's surgery skills are very high-end, not weaker than them, the true disciples of the Baili Kingdom's sect.

Most importantly, she was young, quite young.

Much younger than Yuan Xingguang.

"It's out." Qin Yu responded very politely, "But I didn't reveal it before, so let me do it now."

So she went to the NPC.

"In order to ensure concealment, you can choose to conceal or reveal the ranking on the points, right?"


"Then if you want to reveal it, you can also operate on the points, right? I mean, there is an upper limit, but no lower limit."


"Then you remove the first place of the points for me, leaving 640 on it."


The NPC was probably taken aback by her words, but still responded, "Yes."

Jiaojiao was a little curious, "Why 640, you can operate 642, one point higher than him, so mad at him."

Qin Yu: "Don't be like this, it's not good to be too high-profile..."

Jiaojiao: "Tell the truth, what do you want to do? Are you trying to trick him?"

Qin Yu: "Don't slander me, I'm not that kind of person."

At that time, the NPC had already displayed Qin Yu's points.

After a while, he squeezed out the name of the person under Yuan Xingguang, and got up, with 640 points, neither high-profile nor low-key.

After all, ranking 35, how high can it be?

but. . . The audience was shocked!

Zhao Jin almost spit out the wine from his mouth.

He Dan burst the wine glass.

Zhao Jin: "You reacted so strongly?"

He Dan was expressionless: "What she squeezed out was my name."

Zhao Jin saw it, it really is!


No Que people. . . Is this person from the Great Qin who came from afar, this Nascent Soul little female cultivator, so fierce?

Zhao Jin suddenly understood why Wei Rui, an invincible woman who was rumored to be angry that day, would have been so angry if it had been different. . . So powerful, and also. . .

"No! I'm still ranking below you! If she squeezes you out, doesn't that mean..."

He Dan sneered: "Of course it's on top of you!"

By the way, how old is she this year and how long has she been practicing?

Thirty years haven't arrived, it seems.

Zhao Jin felt nauseous - this huge embarrassing feeling.


Compared to Zhao Jin and Zhao Jin who felt like they were lying on the ground and were seriously injured by a gun, the others were even more shocked, while Yuan Xingguang was. . .

Humiliation, great humiliation.

And unbelievable.

How can it be!

In this Nascent Soul stage, he has only practiced for such a young age, but he has such a high attainment in the way of magic?

Doesn't that prove that her magic talent far surpasses her own?

This can't be done!

Not allowed!

Yuan Xingguang's heart was full of storms, but the deeper thought was - kill her! This woman should not be alive.

Why didn't the Zongmen send more experts on the road before, and let this woman come to Wushuang City alive!

Yuan Xingguang thought deeply, but on the surface he said calmly: "It is indeed extraordinary. With such achievements, I don't have to be afraid of anything in a fight."

He noticed that this Qingqiu was very good at using words to trick people, so he took the initiative to speak clearly and did not give the other party room to evade.

And if it is a fight, he must suppress the opponent severely, and must not only be one point higher than the opponent.

"Thank you for your comfort, but I'm still scared, but no matter how scared you are, you have to participate."

Qin Yu put down his teacup, rubbed Jiaojiao's head, and smiled calmly, "Cultivators, you can be afraid, but you can't retreat."

Yuan Xingguang took a deep look at her, "We'll wait and see."

Then he whispered to the female companion next to him: "I have to deal with trivial matters, and I have to climb it all over again. I can't accompany you to watch the snow and see the sea."

The female companion smiled, "It's okay, I'll just wait for you over there, I think you won't keep me waiting for long."

After all, he was blessed elegantly, and when he left, he glanced at Qin Yu sideways, with deep meaning, but not kindness.

Qin Yu glanced at the other party and muttered to himself: Another bitch, is there someone behind?

Can anyone tell me later, anyway, after Yuan Xingguang left, that Zhao Jin and He Dan looked at each other, the former deliberately came over, sat next to Qin Yu, and said kindly: "It's really amazing, no wonder Wuque can stand in Wuque Que has been around for so many years, but this Yuan Xingguang is also extremely powerful, although your points are so high, it can be seen that your true understanding is powerful, but the other party should not be underestimated, I wonder what your plan is?"

Intend? What plan?

I want to ask how I got such a high score.

I still don't believe it in my bones, I think I have some tower brushing skills. . .

"Yes, I have."

Zhao Jin's eyes lit up, he became more kind and gentle, and asked with a smile, "Is there anything we can do for you?"

"Yes, that Yuan Daoist left just now, but he didn't say how he would compare with me... Could it be that he wants to do it again? Or continue to go up?"

"Continue? He can't climb up to the fifth floor. At best, he's on the first and second steps." Zhao Jin smiled mockingly, but turned his eyes and asked Qin Yu with a smile.

"Have you climbed the first floor of the fifth floor? How about your grades? Could it be very good, otherwise how would you get such a high score?"

Qin Yu intentionally showed a contemplative look. Under Zhao Jin's expectant eyes, she finally hesitated and said, "Every time I climb the tower, I buy a lot of expensive and delicious things and eat them. ?"

Zhao Jin: "???"

What kind of nonsense answer is this? are you kidding me

Jiaojiao was also dumbfounded, and stared at Qin Yu dumbfounded: My fish, are you so dark-hearted?

Zhao Jin thought Qin Yu was teasing him for the first time, but seeing the gentle, elegant and serious look of the other party, he thought of the wise and heroic words of the other party confronting Yuan Xingguang.

This should be a serious and connotative nun.

He won't do that meng lang thing.

so. . .

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