I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1659 Air Explosion

Everyone looked at it together, blinked their eyes several times, and the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

In such dead silence.

Lu Qiuming looked at Yuan Xingguang expressionlessly.

"Junior Yuan Xingguang, she seems to be above you, 672, just one point away."

Of course Yuan Xingguang also saw it, at that time. . That time.

Zhao Jin recalled it many times later, and described it to the sect members many times. The most used description is-that stinky idiot surnamed Yuan is like eating shit.

And everyone's weird eyes, whispering and sarcasm, it's like a shit bowl kept on his head.

At that moment, Yuan Xingguang almost went into a state of insanity and went mad!

Air blast!


Jiaojiao: "Yuyu, that little idiot is about to go mad, his qi fluctuates so badly, it's really too miserable, too miserable."

Qin Yu: "You are too fat to take the bitch route, so please express your truest thoughts."

Jiaojiao: "Hahahahaha!!! Well done! No, you called me fat again, huh!"

Qin Yu: "Hmm."

Yuan Xingguang was just an episode. Qin Yu quickly forgot about it. After entering the treasure house of the true solution, there were many different compartments, all of which ensured privacy. Qin Yu chose one of the unoccupied ones, and when the door was closed, it was sealed with a French seal. No one to watch.

"What should I change, let me see, it's all a real secret solution."

What Qin Yu wants is the true secret strategy, the question is only what kind of true secret strategy she wants, and how many true secret strategies she can ask for.

Inside the treasure compartment is a folding space, a shelf can be converted into various shelves by turning it over at will.

"There are 99 shelves in total, and there are 10 books on each shelf, which is quite a lot."

Qin Yu sighed, and asked the NPC, "Is this shared by all the towers of the true understanding of spells? Or is it only for this tower?"

"All towers."

Qin Yu was surprised. Damn, that means very little! Is there enough people to exchange?

Qin Yu soon realized that his worries were unnecessary, because the lowest price of the book here was 100 points.

Don't look at how high Qin Yu's points are, but if you think about the geniuses like Yuan Xingguang, they only have a few hundred points, and these points are basically one-time, and they will be gone when they are used up, unless you get higher points and take the difference That's it, it's still a one-time use.

"That is to say, they can exchange up to six real problem-solving strategies in this tower."

Qin Yu has a lot of points, so she has a wide range of choices, starting with the one with 100 points, and after looking at the basics, she gave up, because she has already mastered these basics.

——You have basically mastered the medium and most of the advanced spells, and your answering speed is perfect. Your realm may not be lower than these true solution secrets, so there is no need to choose these 100 points.

Huang Jinbi agreed with Qin Yu, so Qin Yu picked it up.

"Hey, the two hundred points are really different, the gap is so big..."

But Qin Yu was only wary of these seemingly good true solutions, and had no choice. She seemed to be sifting through something.

From two hundred to three hundred, she kept looking up, and finally, she stopped on the shelf of the five hundred points of the true solution.

Based on Jiaojiao's understanding of her, it should be that this level of secret strategy got to her point.

While Qin Yu was carefully sifting through, the cats started talking to each other.

——The previous ones may be helpful to her, but at most they can be used to check doubts and make up for gaps. However, she wants to make up for her weaknesses in junior high and advanced spells. It is enough to climb repeatedly, without wasting points. Others are different.

——What she really needs is a boost that can broaden the height of her spells.

——For example, the assistance that will allow her to climb the sixth and seventh floors better, and the secret solution of five hundred points.

——The question now is only what kind of secret strategy she will choose.

Jiaojiao: "Woo, I'm sure I can't guess, anyway, Yuyu must choose the one that suits her best."

Indeed, Qin Yu finally chose nine secret strategies.

A volume of five hundred, a total of nine volumes.

--Um? These nine books are all about the nine routes in the life magic system. Do you want to pass the level perfectly?

Qin Yu: "If you don't die in the future, you have to pass the customs. Use the points you get to prepare resources in advance, right?"

That's right, this is Qin Yu.

Everything is always laid out for the future, and it is never too difficult for the present.

Otherwise, generally the most beneficial to the growth of the current strength is undoubtedly some secret strategies of super forbidden techniques. There are cheat books and related learning skills analysis at hand. As long as you are not an idiot, you will always learn it if you die in the end.

This is also the exchange method chosen by Yuan Xingguang and other incomparable geniuses.

The analysis of the principle of the technique is too profound and difficult to understand. It may be exchanged, but in the end it can't be understood, and the bamboo basket fetches water in vain.

Qin Yu was different from them.

Qin Yu intends to squander the 4,500 points directly, and analyze the principles of the nine routes.

It almost covers the current life magic system in this magic tower.

"Are you sure you want to exchange them all in one go?"

The NPC told Qin Yu that these secret strategies are generally not allowed to be brought out of the Tower of True Understanding. As long as they are comprehended in the Tower of True Understanding, the time for comprehension is not limited, but if they are taken out by force, then the secret strategies have a time limit and will disappear after seven days.

It meant that if Qin Yu exchanged nine books in one go, it would be a waste if he left without finishing his comprehension.

The NPC has two meanings. One is that the selection of Tianzang is about to come, and it believes that Qin Yu will participate in it, which means that she can only stay in the Tower of True Understanding for another seven days at most. Second, it decided that Qin Yu would not be able to comprehend such a difficult principle analysis of nine books within seven days, so he could only take it out by then, and it would only take fourteen days to survive.

"Dui." Qin Yu's choice was also decisive.

The NPC didn't say anything else, and called up a few points for Qin Yu to use. After analyzing the nine principles, Qin Yu immediately asked the Golden House to open the Golden House's enlightenment state, and his soul entered the space of the Golden House. . . .


Five days later, when Qin Yu went to the lounge, he found that the number of people in the lounge was less than one percent of the original, and there were only a few scattered people.

It stands to reason that the deadline for the selection of Tianzang is almost approaching, and there are many strong monks in Wushuang City, so it should be more prosperous.

"It may also be because the time is running out, and there is no way to delay at the Tower of Zhenjie, so as not to be unable to participate if the time is over."

Qin Yu thought about it casually.

She could have directly used the tower of true spell solution, but she still came to the lounge.

The purpose is of course. . . Buy a lot of food.

It's delicious.

Jiaojiao likes it.

While scolding, Qin Yu took out a large sum of money to buy it.

Qin Yu garnered food, and the people at the counter in the rest area probably rarely saw such a heroic monk. After recognizing Qin Yu, he smiled and said, "It turns out to be fellow Taoist Qingqiu. Fellow Taoist Yen Xingguang waited for you for many days a few days ago. It's a pity I haven't seen you out for a long time."

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows and blinked, "So it seems that I escaped a catastrophe?"

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