I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1674 You are shameless! (Second watch, end, ask for a monthly pass)

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his palm was about to touch Qin Yu's abdomen.

Before his fingers touched his clothes, his fingertips were entangled by the green woody air growing from the air, penetrating into his flesh and blood at a rapid and terrifying speed.

At that moment, Yuejin Huaiyu's complexion changed drastically, and she immediately activated the spirit armor, but it was a step too late, and it released the toxin when it entered the flesh and blood. Imprisonment.

so. . . he. . The body is tired.

When he was about to fall down, Qin Yu grabbed his collar with two fingers, lifted him easily, and looked at the horrified eyes of the other party staring at her at close range.

Qin Yu smiled, and wrote lightly: "Are you shocked that Gudao Qingqiu can use poison, and it's so powerful."

"I can't help it. I'm a good person at heart. I'm such a good person, but I look very weak and bully. I'm the easiest to be dealt with by bad people like you."

"I can only protect myself... research some poison techniques, but a person like you is only worthy of using my most common poison techniques."

"It's too high-end, you don't deserve it."

"You seem to be very scared. Do you think that I have said so much and exposed my true colors, and I will kill you?"

"you think too much."

She grabbed his collar and dragged his body on the floor, walked to the third room, and stamped her feet.

"I don't like to kill."

She threw the man down at the door, turned over her palm, and took out a row of silver needles, each of which gleamed in front of her eyes.

Yue Jin Huaishang opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth, wanting to shout, but Qin Yu stuck a silver needle in his throat, input spiritual power, and his mouth and head couldn't move immediately.

After a while, silver needles pricked his body.

"Okay, there are still twenty sticks left, hey, it's useless."

With a wave of Qin Yu's hand, all the twenty silver needles flew down and stuck between someone's legs.

Yuejin Huaishang's eye sockets were suddenly scarlet, almost dripping blood.

Because it is too painful!


The door was pushed open, Jiaojiao had already extinguished the incense, and she was playing with the incense candles, and Nangong Zhiyun was also covered with a dress, which Qin Yu usually wears, and Jiaojiao's storage space was also prepared A lot, just after entering the door, he covered Nangong Zhiyun casually.

The reason to cover. . .

Qin Yu glanced at Nangong Zhiyun's weak and surprised look, and walked over with raised eyebrows.

"Is it so miserable?"

She picked up the jacket that was draped over Nangong Zhiyun's body with her fingers, and saw that Nangong Zhiyun's shirt had been unbuttoned, revealing the thin lining inside, and even the bellyband could be seen, but Yuejin Huaishu didn't succeed.

It was interrupted by Qin Yu.

Qin Yu knew, because there were ants she controlled in the room.

"Every one of them looks like a decent family, and they are not good things."

Qin Yu put the coat back on, but after detoxifying Nangong Zhiyun, he only glanced at Nangong Zhiyun's jade pendant, but did not do anything.

After Nangong Zhiyun was able to move, he was not in a hurry to recover, but said to Qin Yu in a ruthless manner, "Can you undo the wearing technique? Undo the Lingpei of the same Qi."

Qin Yu glanced at her, "Please?"

Nangong Zhiyun looked at her with a pale face, "How can I ask?"

so serious? It seems to be a big blow.

Qin Yu refrained from teasing, and took off the jade pendant directly with her fingertips. After getting it, she looked at the jade pendant.

"You jade pendant... so vicious, no wonder you don't even have the ability to transmit sound."

"This spirit pendant is made of spirit-devouring jade, and the outer shell is also covered with a layer of concealment spells."

"It's interesting."

Nangong Zhiyun's devoured spiritual power has begun to recover. After sitting up, he gathered his belt, "It's very interesting."

She looked up at Qin Yu, "Are you not curious why I wear this spirit pendant at all?"

Qin Yu: "Curious."

Nangong Zhiyun: "You are curious, but you don't ask."

Qin Yu: "Because I don't ask, you want to tell me?"

Nangong Zhiyun lowered her eyes, "It's not that I want to tell you, but I want to tell myself."

"It hurts to be stabbed by the only friend you trust."

Jiaojiao was stunned when she heard the words, ran to her, looked at the jade pendant, and muttered: "Your friend gave it to you? Let's just say you are short-hearted. There is such a hypocritical fiancé who lives in the same room with him, why don't you live with him?" Have a friend who is such a chicken, are you blind?"

Jiaojiao is not very good at comforting people, well, Qin Yu had a deep feeling when they first met.

Now Nangong Zhiyun was undoubtedly "comforted" by Jiaojiao.

The effect is eye-catching.

Nangong Zhiyun's expression. . . It's hard to say.

Qin Yu covered Jiaojiao's mouth, hugged her in his arms, and changed the subject: "How are you?"

Nangong Zhiyun: "It doesn't get in the way..."

Qin Yu: "You have to get in the way."

Nangong Zhiyun was taken aback: "You mean..."

Qin Yu got up, "This matter has to be finished, and someone will die. There must be an explanation for how and why he died."

Nangong Zhiyun: "Yue Jin Huai Mo died? Are your brothers and sisters outside?"

She herself suddenly felt that this question was a bit stupid, Qin Yu could come in safely to save her, it must be that Yuejin Huaiyu had been subdued.

Qin Yu glanced at her, "I should be stronger than you imagined, and he is much weaker than you imagined, can he stand up?"

Qin Yu helped Nangong Zhiyun get up and went to the door to have a look.

Nangong Zhiyun: "..."

Qin Yu: "Is it very similar to a hedgehog? Does it relieve your anger?"

Nangong Zhiyun: "Thank you."

Qin Yu: "Thank you, I didn't do it for you... To be honest, after I came in, he still wanted to molested me."

Nangong Zhiyun frowned, lowered his eyes and sneered, "He probably practiced sorcery, harvesting yin to replenish yang..."

"Probably so."

Qin Yu looked down at Yuejin Huaiyu who had been tortured by acupuncture to the point of foaming at the mouth.

"It's an honor to be seen by you."

"I'll let you go later..."

No need to wait, Qin Yu let go of the person directly, even though Yue Jin was suspicious of why the other party let him escape, he didn't dare to stay, so he quickly turned into a streamer to rush out of the front yard of the hall, and escape from Xue Jianhai , Liu Guang was just about to fly out of the front hall.

Standing in the corridor of the room, Qin Yu formed a seal with both hands, hum, a round of emerald green light was formed in her hands, and then, with one finger, she swung it out in mid-air.

Hum, the light wheel flew out and directly hit Yuejin Huaishang's back.

When it hits the human body, it expands, explodes, and cuts repeatedly.

With a loud bang, even people and most of the front hall were blasted out by this green and sturdy explosion light wheel, blasted out of the front yard, and also blasted on the restriction on the boundary of the front yard railing.

The movement was so loud that many nearby monks reacted.


"what happened?"

"It seems to be the Yuejin Huaiyu of Daqin..."

"have a look?"

"That Qingqiu seems to have gone to him, could it be..."

Don't worry, because they all heard a voice coming from the area over there.

"Yuejin is pregnant, you are shameless!"

The female voice, soft and gentle, was the voice of the Gudao Qingqiu they were familiar with.

It's just that Daoyou Qingqiu seems quite weak and angry at the moment.

After shouting this sentence. . .

After a while, dozens of afterimages flew to the platform in the area where Yuejin Huaiyu and others were located, and saw the miserable Yuejin Huaiyu who was shot to death, bloody and bloody, already dead.

Also saw the bombed front yard.

In the front yard, Yun of Nangong is there, and Qingqiu of Gudao is also there.

But both women are not in good shape.

This kind of state makes people think of many things at a glance, and a big drama can be depicted in series.


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