I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1677 Stealth

"Well, I can be sure, because there are some things in it that I have been thinking about before, but what I'm thinking about is only superficial, but the other party is already very advanced."

"For example, there is a terrible incense technique in it, which can help the soul voiceless after being ignited, and achieve the terrifying state of harmony between man and nature."

"Who is this Xie Ting, the boss who came down from the sky?"

Huang Jinbi and Jiaojiao couldn't figure out why.

"Don't think too highly of the heavens. The master said that the soul is the rarest, because it is the most difficult. People who dare to study the way of the soul will eventually die of soul backlash, just like most drowned people will be able to swim. There is a reason."

"If you are a master of the soul path in the heavens, there are only two possibilities when you go to the three thousand planes. One is to go down to the mortal world for business, but this kind of person is too powerful, and the will of the plane rejects it, which is tantamount to courting death. The second, reincarnation, the same , this kind of people will be killed in all likelihood when they pass the way of reincarnation. Even if they succeed in reincarnation, they will be targeted by the will of the plane. Ordinary people dare not leave such heaven-defying things to expose themselves easily, unless It is a creature that grows naturally in the native land, and the will of the plane does not reject it—by the way, I remember that when I was dragging your coffin, that big bald donkey told me specifically, the plane of great cultivation, especially the oldest plane of great cultivation , Its plane will is definitely not weaker than a great emperor, and he is guarding a great cultivation plane that is full of gods and Buddhas who dare not touch, and the rules of the golden house cannot penetrate it. , so you must not hit the muzzle of the gun."

It is estimated that Jialuo Jizang is still a bit psychologically shadowed by Qin Yu's repeated challenges to the will of the various small planes, and even the will to challenge the rules of the Golden House.

Jiaojiao only remembered this at this time, and when Qin Yu was taken aback, he added something.

"Also, there is another sentence behind him."

Qin Yu: "Say it, I can hold on."

Jiaojiao: "Even if you hit him, you will surely die, so don't confess him."

Qin Yu: "I'm... paralyzed."

That big bald donkey.


Qin Yu carefully put away "Red Sleeves Adding Fragrance" and put it together with "Nine Apertures". This is the foundation for her next stage of progress. She needs to tidy it up carefully, and her plan can also be revised.

"With Hai Ling and the Blood Refining Orb, find a suitable location and you will be able to leave your body."

"I don't know how many sea spirits there are... so many!"

Jiaojiao was also dumbfounded.


"Oh My God!"

After Jiaojiao exclaimed in surprise, she immediately stared at Qin Yu, which made Qin Yu's goosebumps rise.

"What are you doing?"

"Did the two of them have plans for you? It's 500 in total, and 200 is given to you alone. This is completely pampering you! I didn't even consider whether you need it or not."

Qin Yu herself wondered, that's all she could think.

"First, either the two of them realize that I am super talented and can bear a lot of sea spirits, and want to focus on training me. Second, they simply want to share so much with me."

Jiaojiao pouted, "No matter which one it is, I'm sure they treat you well."

Qin Yu smiled, "That's right, who made me so worthy of love."

Neither Jiaojiao nor Jinbi said a word.

Cold and violent treatment.

Qin Yu was about to put away the bag when he suddenly looked at Jiaojiao.

Someone actually sneaked in.

"Yuyu, this person is very powerful."

"Well, in the stage of transforming gods, and very good at lurking."

"It's impossible to be so fast, why did it appear on your side all of a sudden, isn't there a restriction blocking it? Could it be that he can also teleport?"

Qin Yu's spiritual consciousness has already gone out, her spiritual consciousness is powerful, she once penetrated the entire area in Yaoyang City, and no one can see through her.

"Yuyu, there is a venerable in this mountain, be careful." Jiaojiao reminded Qin Yu.

"He's not here." Qin Yu was also afraid of a venerable in this huge snowy meeting.

Since he wasn't in this area, she didn't have to worry. She swept out her spiritual sense and directly locked on the person who suddenly appeared in the living room and lurked close to her room.

Qin Yu took a closer look and knew why the other party was able to get in over the restriction.

"I'm afraid that Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling left here when my accident happened. He took advantage of this opportunity and came in here before setting up a small invisible teleportation array."

"This person is very powerful, and this small formation is also very secretive. Fifth Dao Ling and the others are not good at it, so it's normal if they didn't notice it."

Jiaojiao was stunned, "So, didn't this person kill everyone easily before? Xie Shuling and the others couldn't handle it."

Qin Yu: "It is possible, but his goal is obviously not to solve Shuling and the others, but to me. If he kills other people while they are not around, then he will have no chance to attack me."

There are many people in this mountain who want to attack Qin Yu.

"However, the person who can accurately grasp what happened to me, and Fang Yourong and Wu Daoling will leave with him, obviously has been prepared for a long time. Since he is prepared, it means that he has expected why something happened to me, so-this person must also I knew Yuejin Huaiyu's plan earlier."

"Nine times out of ten, these people are just hanging out."

"Even if they didn't expect me to find out about Nangong Zhiyun's accident and rush to the rescue, but I took you across the street to Yuejin Huaisun, they knew it, and this was an opportunity for them.

"So, the person behind this person took advantage of Yuejin Huaiyu to facilitate this opportunity."

Jiaojiao opened her eyes wide, "Ah, you mean that Yuejin Huaisang is with them."

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows and sneered, "It's not just them, I guess Sui Yu's is also involved, it's a good game of chess, either Yue Jin Huai Mo wins, or this person wins."

Jiaojiao's teeth were itchy, "This group of villains! Yuyu, how do we deal with this person, he must be very strong, we must take action."

Qin Yu collected everything and glanced forward.

"No, let him come."

"If I'm not wrong, the people behind him will let him catch him alive."

"You first set the teleportation brand here, and then hide in my body."

Jiaojiao complied, finished the job quickly, and then turned into a streamer and entered Qin Yu's body.

Qin Yu took a deep look at the door, and lay down again, his expression and breath quickly returned to his original weak appearance, as if he was in a coma.

The visitor used the wall penetration technique to come in directly. After entering, he looked around the room to make sure there was no ambush before looking at Qin Yu.

He is a very cautious person, even in the stage of becoming a god.

He lay dormant in front of the wall for a while, and after confirming again and again that Qin Yu's breath and state were truly in a coma, he narrowed his eyes, and then approached, invisible and light, and floated in front of Qin Yu. This time he didn't delay, and his movements were very fast.

With a flick of the sleeve, Qiankun Pocket Technique?

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